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Everything posted by Wolfboy1

  1. Just wondering, what could I replace flurry with if I really dont think it fits for theme? Or Just keep it for the Hecatomb mule? Is there another power and enh. set that could replace Heca?
  2. I take it that Flurry was just a mule for a set? Did you test it yet?
  3. Sorry for the thread Necro, I was wondering how this build ended up fairing? I am kinda interested in it for my own scrapper along with trying out that Combat Teleport trick, it sounds fun! Just looking though at the build and I notice something about the Defensive...I guess /EA is mostly type defense and not positional? What is the Def softcap for Scrappers? Do you find the Rad animations to be slow?
  4. I hate to necro this topic but does anyone have a build for this? Surely someone who is more mids savvy has something for this powerset combo?
  5. Hmm, i noticed that he did slot things differently then you did in some of those powers (example: Soul Extraction) did you find that your slotting produced better results? Or did you have to guess on some things?
  6. Ahh yes, I was aware that one has to get a bit into the alpha slot to get some of the other goodies. Looks like the Radial side is the one to go for as well in that regard.
  7. Really!? Oh now I have to look at that!
  8. Appreciated. Your absolutely right in the fact I only have one Resistance power going and 20% on that feels like peanuts. I think in this case a good offense is the better defense.
  9. So I just dinged 50 on this Dark/SR Sent and now im trying to figure out what sort of Alpha I should unlock. More damage is always nice but im wondering if it may not be the right choice on this char. Here is my build for critique as well. I believe I am soft capped def wise but my resistances could be better maybe? Any insight would be very appreciated. Sentinel (Dark Blast - Super Reflexes).mbd
  10. Hopefully, these fine people above gave you what you were looking for (and actually gave me some ideas too!). 😄
  11. Really sorry that you have not gotten any help with this build of yours. 😞 Over 100 views and nothing to show for it. I wish I could help you though, I'm not the best at Mids or even build planning myself but the powers look solid enough.
  12. Wow, that just sounds like...bad design or sloppy coding. How long has it been that way?!
  13. I was playing on my Ice/Regen Sentinel and came across a few times when using chilling ray. This is not a constant bug but happens intermittently. Most of the time it will do it's damage as normal but every so often, no damage is applied at all.
  14. Much appreciated! 😄
  15. Yeah the issue is getting to 50 AND getting IO'ed out. The market never seems to like me. I was wondering with the build you gave me (thanks again for that!) would there be any way to get teleport in there? Mostly just as a travel power, not so much in combat though. I know the reasoning behind the powers you chose for LotG slots, I am trying to work in teleport though and I am not seeing any opening sadly. Should I abandon this idea? I did have a idea to replace Hasten and Superspeed with TP, use the extra slot from Hasten to put an extra one in Teleport for the 20% slow protection which would lend itself to having an extra power somewhere. Hasten I feel is something that I probably live without.
  16. I have a bots/elec myself and I do "like" it but im only level 9 with it currently. I think it only has two de-buff powers. One is a ST the other is a weaker AoE. They both do the same thing however and that's de-buff the Recovery/Regen/damage of the enemy. No other de-buffs at all but on the flip side, the other powers buff your damage, to-hit, regen, recovery and maybe one or two other things. I can see why some people like it, and others don't like it at all. I keep hearing /traps is really good on bots...and that you don't need to take a lot of the powers in the set to be effective, opening up pool/ancillary powers.
  17. I love /dark I love dark except for one thing and one thing only...and to me it's so glaring that I am afraid to go back to /dark. The heal. If it wasn't a To Hit check this would be the absolute BEST secondary ever. It debuffs everything to the ground, making almost any MM laugh in the face of danger. However, if you have some bad RNG (hello me) and you want to quickly heal your pets...and you miss...well that might equate to a faceplant for you. Now I know that a lot of people will say "You can always re-summon your henchmen." and yes that is true but why should you have to? Especially bots which seem to take forever to deploy so you can get them back into the fight and upgraded again... It would be nice if you still have at least one henchman out and its fully upgraded, your re-summoned henchmen should be fully upgraded as well. Only when ALL have been destroyed/defeated should you have to go through the process again...IMO.
  18. Thanks, I figured that was how it worked out! Thanks again for all the information as well. I got some things to think about (and a lot of inf that I need to save). 🙂
  19. Speaking on that, im a tad confused on this power. You say Permanent Mez protection but do you have to click it for it to work? (i know its on a 120 sec timer) Or does it work just by you having it, but if you want to give your teammates mez protection you have to click it?
  20. Ahh much appreciated Maelwys! I was sort of worried about the lack of +Def and obviously those powers that raise people dont work on minions. The thing that initially led me to the elec secondary was the status protection, the Endurance usage and theme...but yeah I can see how this would be a bit slower then say a Bots/Time (a pairing I do have though not very high in level yet). Also, I love your Avatar! 😄
  21. I didn't mean to bring up hot issues as I am well aware that this was...very poorly received. I also agree that the MM changes were overall great and yes...I dislike the Robot changes too (well aside from the one where it seems to keep my t1 bots in ranged instead of one kamakazi drone going "Wheeeee!") I do primarily solo, only joining teams when I am having a slow day and want to sort of "jump start" my further progression. I would say I am 85% solo though.
  22. Anybody, please? Going through all the shown builds I do not see any for the post P.5 patch...and those that I do see all do not take any of the MM weapon attacks which I found odd due to the fact that the assbot does not have the -regen aspect to it anymore. Is this an issue when fighting an AV with the bots/EA powerset?
  23. My question is, as you didnt take any of the powers that apply -regen, were you not worried about that aspect or did not figure this would be an AV killer? Does it hurt the build not including any -regen?
  24. Yes, I'm kinda wondering if this turned out as well as it did, not a cheap build that's for sure.
  25. Does anyone have a build for a Robots/Elec MM? With all the changes to the game since 2019 I am unsure as to what has changed with MM's and whatnot. I DO know that Robots now tend to stay ranged instead of running off (when upgraded at least) or at least that's what it seems like but I doubt that is something needed for build advice. Is /Elec even a worthwhile secondary? I had a Bots/Dark on live which I loved until, for some reason, it became horrible. I have never tried /elec on any MM and I am really lost here. Could an Bots/Elec take down an AV? Sorry, just rambling at this point.
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