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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. There isn't, really.


    City of Heroes is not like (say) Diablo, where you have the full game and you just don't need the social aspects. City of Heroes has some assets on the PC side, and some (the servers that take care of maps, missions, the auction house, etc.) on servers.


    The closest thing you can do is download the servers from ourodev and run your own - but you won't have all the updates done to Homecoming, for instance. It takes a bit of setup to do. If you follow the instructions, it's not *difficult,* but it's not the simplest either.

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  2. Hmmmm.


    One I did from a comment here on the forums (something like "nobody would want a character named rusty muffler.")




     Rusty just liked working on cars. He had since high school. A few years getting certified, a loan or two and he had his own place - Rusty's Mufflers and Brakes. He built a great reputation for his quality and his prices.


    One day, a new customer brought in an odd car. Something had started rattling, they said, and the vehicle had lost power. What the owner didn't know was that someone had stuffed a small packet of nanotech in their muffler so it wouldn't be found on them. Unfortunately the packet opened and started converting the car. When rusty took off the 'bad' muffler, the packet spilled on him and enhanced him, as well.


    When he was rushed to the hospital, he couldn't give his name.


    Misunderstanding, they asked for his hero ID to protect his identity. All they got... "Rusty. Muffler."



    Then there's Sweet Child o'Mimes:




    Description:  Orphaned when his father found himself trapped in an invisible box, his mother unable to walk against the wind, Keyton Marchetto avoided the orphanages and made his living doing what he knew best - mime.


    He proved to be a natural talent - perhaps too much so. When a group of street thugs came to rough him up, he did the only thing he could think of to defend himself - make them believe he was a much bigger threat than he was by making himself appear to be so through his actions. Amazingly... they did, and he made his first arrests.


    Only then did he discover the Spirit of Mime was silently watching over him, protecting and guiding him. He decided to take his show on the road, using his skills to entertain *and* protect.



    Hmmm, who else...


    There's always Hellion Keller:




     She was a rarity in the Hellions - not only a woman (a human one, anyway) but a seer. She worked to warn her crew and guide them to mystic items of interest.


    One time, she looked too far. The result blinded her, physically, and yet opened her eyes to the life she was leading and where it would end. She quietly gathered some other disaffected gang members who wanted a new start and started to work against her old "friends."



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  3. The way the game's set up, probably not. The origin's baked in to the character, not the powerset, and it's apparently at such a fundamental level the only way to change it is to reroll the character. (I still suspect this is a holdover from ... like, the game's alpha phase, where origin actually affected things like how many powers you could take and how strong they could become or some such.)

  4. So, if you're worried about numbers, open up excel.


    If you want to have fun, create whatever character you want and play it. I've had no real issues with sentinels. Had quite a bit of fun with them - they're the only things that "fit" certain characters and having them there just makes the game that much better. My only complaint with them really is some are a bit end-hoggy early on... but that's true with a lot of sets.

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  5. On 2/15/2024 at 5:28 PM, Runetide said:

    I've been noticing a consistent discussion being made that the only way you're able to, uh, successfully deal damage in the late game is by utilizing procs.

    We were able to solo successfully before IOs, much more procs, were a thing.  Early, mid and late game.

    You do not need procs for anything. They could completely disappear from the game and all that would happen would be some griping on the forums and some adjustments to builds and we'd be back to being insanely overpowered within a month.


    SO, whoever's saying that has no idea what they're talking about, far as I'm concerned.

  6. Adding a "yep" to everything Kheldian.


    That said? And this will sound odd... Crey.


    In the *old* tutorial, we start out with them apparently helping the police, poking around drones (the "this is how you target" bit of the tutorial,) then... nothing, really, 'til EVIL CORPORATION TIME in the 30s. (Yes, I know, synapse.) They just drop from view and then *wham* enemy group.


    I think it's *really* a missed opportunity *not* to stick with them after the tutorial. Have them actually "helping" you, giving missions, etc, being the "good corporate citizen" their PR pushes, so that maaaybe your character would believe 'oh, that's just bad oversight that that scientist was doing XYZ' or whatnot, 'til you hit things like the Kellermans and the Revenant Hero arc (and that arc needs some map reworks so when you finally come to that end chamber... well, granted, first time I did we spent a lot of time just checking out "wait, is there someone IN there?" and such.)


    Heck, do that and have sdome of the stuff you helped with come back to bite you in the butt later. Oh, you used their medical facilities they graciously didn't charge you for since you were helping them? Look, clones from your DNA/tech/whatever. That sort of thing.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Rudra said:

    I do have a question. A couple actually. I know a few trans individuals and their ultimate goal is to be able to afford the operation to transition to their identified gender. So why not just have the character start as their identified gender and so avoid having to worry about Null altering your listed gender identity?


    *Maybe* an edge case, but I know of one character who... for whatever reason (something in the body type or costume parts, I really don't remember) has a ... I think it's male character, but uses the female body type. I don't know how common that is though, they're the only one I can think of... and I tend to stay on the RP server!

  8. Honestly, there's a lot that could be done to sort out and streamline the costume items.


    Flip side being, as I recall (especially with some items on live when they'd change) it'd break existing costumes in the tailor. Just because of how things are listed.

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  9. 9 hours ago, Oklahoman said:


    And, you know, here in the very forums we currently peruse.



    I was going to point that out, but the launcher's what they'd see trying to get into the game anyway, not the forums.

  10. 13 hours ago, SilentSpy said:

    (I don't recall the game referring to us with pronouns, but I may be wrong, but that could be addressed here as well!)


    It's done that for some time - run Dean... whatsisface's arc in Sharkshead and you'll even get some different dialog, I believe. Plus if you make AE stuff, you can have dialog refer to the player as him/her (as well as other variables - name, archetype I believe, etc.)


    So it's sprinkled through the game here and there.

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  11. 14 hours ago, DorkLord1978 said:

    Say I wanted to move my main character over to another server, but he's the founder of a SG.  What happens to the SG?


    Are there others in the SG?


    If they're the *only* character in the SG (say, it's something like their house or bar or something,) that SG is gone. It doesn't move with the character, and there's nobody left to maintain it. So if it's a base you're proud of and want to keep on that server - or for reference while you rebuild it on another server - make a level 1 whatever and /altinvite it to that SG.


    If there are other characters, another character will become the leader and you will no longer be in the SG. "Founder" doesn't matter.

  12. On 2/11/2024 at 11:10 AM, Psyonico said:

    Empathy would turn into a perma-Instant Healing ranged scrapper with ~25% defense to all with just itself and hasten... You don't see a problem with this?


    "Abused" (heh) heavily back on live with the Repeat Offenders Green Machine teams. All Empathy defenders buffing each other, you had a specific target for your ST buffs so everyone had them. I believe the term they had was "regen blasters." It was exceptionally effective, even on SOs.


    So, this comment isn't theoretical. Yes, if the buffs were allowed to affect yourself, they'd *have* to be nerfed. Having tradeoffs (Dark's heal and rezzes, as powerful as they can be, needing enemies, for instance) are not a bad thing. "Team only" is one of those.

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  13. On 2/9/2024 at 7:31 AM, WuTang said:

    By comparison though, WoW profits millions with millions of subscribers, CoH is a nonprofit with 10s of thousands of players. Just saying, no one is coming for CoH, so we can prob dial it down a bit. And those numbers is not me taking a shot at Homecoming, I have no ill feeling towards WoW, but since I found CoH, I've not played a second of it.


    You can guarantee no copyright holder of a superhero (or magic, cartoon, etc.) IP will *ever* come to COH and check things out? Ever?


    Besides, while not privy to what agreement was signed and all the details between here and NCSoft, I'd call it a safe bet that part of it involves running it much like live as far as stewardship, copyright, etc. goes - and the flip side of that is that a copyright holder has to take steps to defend their copyright. Doesn't matter if it's Marvel vs DC or Dark Horse vs tiny little MMO community. We don't want that sort of attention - and being able to show policing and enforcement does nothing but help us.

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