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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. 2 hours ago, Herotu said:

    Players can be encouraged and cajoled into doing many things that they wouldn't do otherwise. 


    Want players to lead? Invent a new item/currency that is only earnt by leading. 

    (mini rant: I thought earning costume parts was a cool concept - I don't know why they got unlocked by default on HC).


    Bribes don't help, and *yet another* currency would only be annoying.


    Plus - for instance, I ended up leading a supergroup. That was enough work. Rest of the week, nope, not interested in spending *yet more* of my limited put-up-with-people energy leading anything else.


    Also, as far as costume parts - that was annoying to have to unlock them. Having them available to create a character *the way you want it from the start* is much better.

    • Like 3
  2. 13 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I can guess at this a bit (and I have to as I am ignorant of all the tech 🙂 ) There are many things that are possible in the game, but everything takes time.  I am currently (and have been since the live forums 🙂 ) tilting at the windmill of getting more ranged Blaster set ups.  But i generally try to avoid suggesting things that would add more work on the current team of volunteer Devs.  They do a great job.  But they do it for the reward of being part of the community.  and life is busy.  


    Not even going there. (I thought I sort of explained that.) More like what would make modding and such easier for both modders and those who want to use them. Something might come up that is "Oh.. you know what, they were actually looking into that on live and there are these hooks available, that can be done quickly" easy, for all we know.


    This is just throwing out "what would you like to see?"

    • Like 2
  3. So... just driving this (maybe forking part of the conversation off) in a different direction...


    How can COH be made more mod friendly? Creation, testing, adding/removing, etc. We have some third party tools now, of course. But I'd be kind of interested from both the dev (or modder) and user perspective. I, obviously, don't know how much *work* would be involved (I tend to assume "quite a bit,") so honestly I'd bypass that just to start with "this would be nice/useful."

    • Like 2
  4. 14 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


    While this is a very logical, sensible conclusion to come to naturally, it's actually not the case! A huge chunk of the population doesn't roleplay at all, and even many who do have characters that they don't actively roleplay with (myself included).



    Absolutely want to second this. Most teams I'm on are either not RPing or are RP-light. Teams that want RP will generally mention (for instance) "RP team running missions in Steel" or "Forming Yin, prepare to RP" so you know ahead of time. The rest of the time, it's mostly normal teaming - or someone might just stay in character, but not expect others to join in necessarily.


    As far as tips for a new RPer?  Hmmm.

    - Don't be afraid to ask questions. That's both in and out of character - and trying to get someone to clarify which whatever action  you're asking about was.


    - Remember the character is not the person. (most of the time. Some people play characters that are really helpful because that's how they are. Some people play characters who are jerks because that's who they are. And some people play catgirls or fox people because they are.)


    - Respect each other. Even if a character needs a little stabbing, consent's important. And it goes both ways. If someone tries to force something on you you *really* don't want to deal with or have happen, tell them - but start politely. (/em puts a hat with a siren on your head! (/t person, "this character *really* hates having stuff on their head, could you not do that? Thanks.") )


    - Get to know your character. You don't need a fleshed out, 500 page bio right at character creation. Heck, some of the characters who became my favourite RP characters didn't really *have* a bio, only vague ideas (name, age, city of birth) and the rest developed later... but they developed consistently. For me, there's often an "Aha!" spark that just *clicks* with a character. For instance, my first 50 and first RP character, Therra, kind of got going from (a) playing with someone else consistently (in the same SG, then making our own, early days on live) which kind of started her personality off of their interplay, and (b) going in to Dark Astoria (the echo,) seeing the ghosts of people, seeing what was being done to them, and reacting to it. Then figuring out "why," which suddenly fleshed out a lot of family history and backstory.


    - An RP supergroup doesn't hurt. Even if it's one you form either with friends or around an interesting theme. Just for the sake of consistency, versus "baRP" (going to the bar, typically the D) and its sometimes freewheeling, sometimes dead, smetimes just odd nature. Even if you don't want a supergroup, just a steady group you meet up with and play with can help be a nice touchstone for steady character development.

    • Like 1
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  5. 16 hours ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    I think the "gun fantasy" in this game needs to spread out some more, rather than remaining trapped within the Blast Sets.



    Machine gun buff set. Defender primary. Corr/Controller secondary.

    Powers include "Heal of Bullets," a cone heal, and "Fast burst," similar to speed boost as your team tries to get away from the nutjob on their team shooting bullets at them instead of the enemy.

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Outrider_01 said:

    Same, but I don't bitch about it and rarely see it anyway.  If it's an important issue, I try to fix or prevent the problem before it becomes a problem.


    There's a difference between an "important" issue and an annoying one. Given what will likely *remind* someone they don't have a "do not affect" setting set is getting hit by it at an inopportune time, having an option (or slash command, which I suggested in the feedback thread) to turn it off *right then and there* would be useful.


    Especially if it's a setting you may want to change depending on situation... sort of like the prompt team teleport setting we already have. I do want the prompt up if I'm, say, helping herd Rikti in an MSR. I may not in a smaller team situation. Given we *do* have this prompt for teleport already, suggesting it for group fly isn't exactly asking for something new and crazy.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    Create character....run to Kings row...Truck ---> PD ---> Null the Gull.  


    Preventative maintenance on your car like oil change or tire rotation is usually done before its a problem, less then 5 minutes per character can take care of any problem for group buffs.  "BUT I AM NOT GOING TO WASTE 5 MINUTES OF MY LIFE!!" was the excuse in the past...dunno, seems 5 mins to save stress about a problem in the future which is avoidable is about the same time to post a suggestion and far less time to do an entire TF.

    100-odd alts on one account on one server, several more on each other server, then the other account...

  8. I don't think I'm against the suggestion on its face, especially if there's a cost there - maybe check the AH for a catalyst if you don't have one, or take the one you have, and charge a service fee. I'm just not sure mechanically how it would work, given it currently uses the enhancement combining screen (itself an annoyance... and bypassed now with the 'upgrade' button. Which does charge.)


    Maybe through an NPC? Though there's the risk of losing the original IO, potentially, there, since it's no longer in your inventory and if you happen to disconnect, well...

  9. Exit out and back in. (You may need to ctrl-alt-del and exit through task manager if nothing else works.)

    If it sticks there again, and you're using the new Homecoming launcher, in the lower right corner of the Homecoming button (homecoming/prerelease/beta sections,) you'll see an elipsis. (...) Click that, select Verify. Let that run and potentially redownload some files. try again.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    Or giving "Kick" from Fighting power pool a Storm Kick animation!


    ... you know, I had (have, remade her here) a character who's *just* the right size that almost every time she uses Kick, it looks like it connected somewhere particularly painful.


    Which *really* fit the character...

    • Haha 1
  11. On 1/31/2021 at 3:12 PM, Grindingsucks said:

    I recently downloaded Galactic Civilizations III.  It looks really cool, and I'm hoping it'll become one of my new favorites.  It's really complex though, and I haven't been able to find a good online tutorial.  Just gonna have to bite the bullet and sit down with it and learn on my own, I guess.


    Eesh. I played Galactic Civilization (the original) back on OS/2, long before there was a Windows port (or anyone being angry at Stardock for starting to develop for Windows. Object Desktop was much different, too.) The AI was pretty good even then - I was fairly proud of myself for getting a diplomatic victory back then.


    As far as what I'll tend to go back and replay... hmm.

    Command and Conquer 3. (Just the skirmishes, and solo. The campaign got messed up thanks to "balancing" stuff for multiplayer - that didn't affect the AI.) With the remaster of the original C&C and RA, I've been hopping to that a good bit, too.


    Missionforce: Cyberstorm.  Not *frequently,* but often enough.


    World Empire V.


    I *wish* someone would do a remake of Mechwarrior II and Ghost Bears Legacy. Just update graphics, do what's needed so it can run on modern systems, get online play working again, keep the missions going as they were. (And the multiplayer. I want to see if I can take an Elemental to the top of Spire of Destiny and destroy a 100 ton 'mech by dropping on it from 2k up. Sure, it kills ME, too, but...)


    Same with Syndicate. Cleaned up graphics, widescreen friendly, leave the gameplay.


    Once I'm in the new place, I'll have to dig out my Myth and Myth II disks - I'm fairly sure a community made graphical update hit those in the last few years, but my disks have been packed away somewhere. They're a great set of games.

  12. 9 hours ago, Terminal said:


    Well, I did not know that and this is my first time hearing about it, so thank you. 


    That said, maybe it should not be that way. 


    Maybe I am still overthinking this and people will continue to just not take concealment at all. Maybe I just personally overvalue combat invisibility and assume everybody else will see and realize it is basically a must-have, especially if it is that easy to get. So maybe I am reacting to nothing.


    Even in light of what you are saying, I still think the change is a little too much, and still for the reasons I stated earlier.



    I think I kind of get what's being talked about here.


    Initially, we had stealth (less stealth, but you can attack,) then invisibility (initially, much better invis that only a few mobs could see through, with the cost that you could *not* attack,) and phase shift (just dealing with the self affecting powers.)  A very few powersets - Illusion, especially, and later stalkers - had the "perk" that you could be invisible and attack.


    Then you could attack from invis, but it would suppress. Which still had the "cost" that other ATs had to make that pool pick, in addition to a travel power. (This, IIRC, came after IOs and the +Stealth, which did open up other options, such as the SS+IO, or stealth +IO in a sprint/travel power... so there's still a bit of a cost there.)


    And now the concern is we're down to one power pool pick for travel *and* full invisibility you can attack from, which kind of nullifies the "specialness" of those old sets - since they now have to make the same number of picks (since they need a travel power anyway, unless they go with temps.)  So what should be done with those powers - minimal END cost? Increasing the stealth radius further really has no use in PVE, at least. (And stalker Hide has no cost now, as I recall, given it's a critical part of their AT's inherent.) How should they - or should they - be buffed?


    Granted, I hadn't thought of this myself 'til I saw this and started reading back a bit. Not sure what my opinion on it is. There's a fair bit of it built into Warshades, as well, so I do have a dog in the race, sort of.


    (As far as not taking concealment - I take it not infrequently. It's fairly common on my PBs - flight +concealment with Incan queued up = great way to say hello to a void.)

    • Like 4
  13. So a controll-y stalker that gets a domination-like boost if they use a control from not-hide?


    I'm ... trying to picture the playstyle. I kind of suspect it would go easier with some sort of armor to help out, honestly, because even if you have 'no threat rating,' overflow from teammates can still make them turn on you.

  14. No thanks. For much the same reason we don't have freeform power selection or (say) buff/buff ATs. Too easy to make an essentially unplayable character.  For instance:

    "I want to be a healer!"

    Picks /empathy or /pain. "I'm a pacifist!"

    Skips tier1/2 powers. Starts loading up on Teleport, Medicine, Leadership, Stealth.

    Then starts complaining: "Hey, I can't solo!"


    ... no kidding.


    Just no.

    • Like 1
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  15. Powersets generally need balancing and animation/effects work. Some can borrow from other sets, sure, but ... unless it was close to being finished and had assets in place, or that can be borrowed from elsewhere? I wouldn't expect to see them for quite a while.


    And before it's said, yes, I know other servers have done XYZ... often without said work. I rather prefer the attempt at proper testing and quality goals here.

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  16. Since this is still in beta, shouldn't this be in the beta forums under the travel power feedback?


    Granted it's a busy forum right now :) and it's not directly feeding into the testing of the power, but on the other hand, that *is* where changes are being made and feedback directly looked for.

    • Like 2
  17. 8 hours ago, Elthenar said:

     A question about Masterminds and the Group Fly power. Would it be easy to add some method of making Group Fly, and by extension Team Teleport, affect only you and your pets?


    Even with Null the Gull to let people opt out, whenever I use Group Fly on a team it hits someone and they complain. The option to take that decision on myself would be an absolute godsend for a MM player.

    I feel like I mentioned or suggested something like that earlier in the thread.. but not going through all these pages (or my posts, I was a bit chatty) to find out :)


    And yeah. For someone like me, Null the Gull would by "ok, this is my COH time for the day," running 100+ characters down to not be affected by group fly... and I know I'm not the only altaholic.  Better to have the option on the MM's side (and make sure they know about it!) to say "Just make this affect my pets." (Or make it a toggle or a slash command... going either direction, since if I'm getting hit with group fly, say, on an MSR raid, being able to type in something like /grouptravelaffected 0 instead of leaving it, running down to PD (since, no, I don't have it on LRT on all my characters, even the 50s,) hitting null and running back, would be great.)

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