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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. 12 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Why would anyone not be able to make it to a train station?

    Possibly by having a dropship kill them. You know, like the thing the OP was complaining about to begin with...

    12 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

     The option is do not engage the Rikti and if you want to avoid the invasions, simply take a train to another zone.  If you are by Blue Steel, you could not make it to the train station to go to Atlas Park? 

    Not if they're getting killed, which happens when a dropship flies directly over and kills them. And going to another zone does not let them finish the missions they have *in the zone.* Also, the bombs these drop do quite a bit of knockback - not a worry for a higher level character with some resistance, but for a lowbie (level 7 was mentioned,) the possibility of "Try to avoid - get blasted - get bombed and get knocked back - get killed by NPC or second blast (or dropship right behind the first)" is very possible.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

    There are trainers, stores, mission content and the like across just about every game zone. 

    However, some missions and content take you to zones which are being invaded. There is no option to, say, complete your "Talk to Kung Bao" mission in any zone other than the one that contact is in. If the person cannot, say, get to the train station, does not have one of the various teleporters, etc. they're pretty much stuck in the zone... the one being invaded. You cannot choose where your mission door is.  So, no, other than logging out entirely, there's no 100% "I choose not to participate" option.



    As far as the request,


    4 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Would it be possible to add a QoL button that would allow you to opt out of invasions entirely?

    No, as they happen zone wide, just like you cannot opt to not be engaged in PVP if you're in a PVP zone.


    That said, you can *dodge* invasions - more so in some zones than others - by being under "things." Overpasses, building edges, etc. No, it doesn't help with trainers - since most of them are right out in the open (I can't think of any off the top of my head who aren't, other than War Witch in Pocket D,) but it's certainly worth requesting that the dropship paths be reviewed and changed to *not* hit people who are at the trainers. There are already police drones by them to hit hostile mobs that come too close, and now most NPC trainers will fight, as well, so the idea of a trainer being a "safe zone" (especially since you're in a full screen interface that blocks the world) is not unreasonable.


    Alternately, let them kill you, but have a rez station in your base. Don't have a base, make one - doesn't have to be fancy, a plain room with a medporter, trainer, quartermaster, etc. there will work. Die, choose to rez in your base, use the trainer there, and either wait or use a teleport to go elsewhere. And of course, you don't get debt by getting killed during an invasion.


    Edit: There's one sort of "opt out," if you're trying to do tips and alignment missions - do them in Atlas. If the alert comes up, dodge over there and run them, as Atlas will not have an invasion, ever, but you *can* turn in your tips and such there to get door missions. *Usually* they will show up in the same zone. So you can make some progress there while waiting for an invasion to end in the zone you want to go to.

  3. On 4/29/2020 at 10:05 AM, Doc_Scorpion said:

      (Kinda frightening when I bought this computer two years ago, logged into my Microsoft account when setting it up, and it automagically appeared.)

    Love that on Win10.


    Had a wallpaper switch to another instrument! My Schecter 5 string.

    (Have some made of my other instruments, as well...)


    bass wallpaper.jpg

    • Like 2
  4. Well, they're not in every zone. Several, yes. And there are decent pauses between them.


    As far as the dropship blasts - having the paths reviewed would probably be a good idea. What's frustrating is getting killed by a blast, going to the hospital, stepping outside the door and getting killed immediately again (Skyway.) "IC," it makes sense, but for playing it's really annoying. Some degree of a safe area around trainers, transportation and hospital areas


    It did make me happy I was (still am) working on getting my elec/elec sentinel the rest of the way to 50. With the energy resists, she can fly top cover while she blasts, absorb the blasts and let others, especially lowbies, enjoy the rest of the fights.

  5. 6 hours ago, Tugzug said:

    Furthermore, I really don't think Crey would ever bother with small fry heroes,

    .... Tangent.

    I really kind of wish we DID see more Crey at low level. Remember the Outbreak tutorial? What did we see... Crey scientists working on Rikti drones. Then they vanish, aside from some billboards, until the 30s, when we're suddenly fighting (but occasionally rescuing) them. Lot of lost potential in not having them "help" heroes along the way... before finding out about the Revenant Hero project.

  6. 12 hours ago, Reiska said:

    The cottage rule was also only ever an ideal and a guideline, not a rule etched in stone - the Paragon devs were free to "break" it if was deemed necessary to do so for the health of the game, and indeed as pointed out earlier in this thread there's at least one instance where Paragon did (the change to Blaster Defiance in issue 11 was a pretty radical change that was quite controversial at the time) and one instance where Homecoming arguably did as well (replacing Tanker's Bruising with increased base damage). 

    There's another point where it was broken - but that didn't make it to live, as the devs decided they *liked* not being tarred and feathered.


    On live, they were initially going to make changes to "unused" or "underused" powers in the Patron pools - outright replacing one power with another. Player pushback when it dropped on beta was *so* hard that they worked out how to make the pools hold five powers instead.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Black Zot said:

    If you can't be arsed to put your character's name in a legible format, don't be surprised when people can't be arsed to team with said character.

    Those are perfectly legible. Just not English. That's "Ray Mirage," "Steel Virgo, " "Archer" and "Sprawl," according to Google Translate... just in Russian.

    • Like 1
  8. All right. So I see a few different things going on and inconsistent results.


    Obviously, during the Rikti invasions, if you (or your team) completely destroy a bomb, you get credit. I also see people "tagging" them. I've seen two different results from that.

    For instance, I had an elec/elec sentinel in the middle of three bombs. Destroyed one, got credit, was working on the other two (putting a shot in every once in a while, trying to keep them from turning red, or using the VS to zap them.) One said I had destroyed the bomb. The other, nothing. I'm fairly sure I put in at least equal effort on them - and nobody else came by to do more damage. (Ended up fighting the rikti as well, so the bombs went off on their own.)


    Had another lowbie mm who fought three bombs. Took a long time to blow one up, got credit. Two others I worked on damaging. One said "You have destroyed A Bomb" when it exploded - though it didn't seem to count for the badge (only showing 1) and the other said nothing.


    So what *are* the parameters for this?

  9. 2 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    It's not a reversed knee; it's the equivalent of the ankle joint in humans, between the tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus bones. Birds and other digitigrade animals have knees like plantigrade animals, but many have disproportionately shortened femurs relative to the tibiotarsus, so that the thigh remains close to the body and is not immediately recognizable.



    Dammit jim, I'm a gamer, not a biologist! 🙂

  10. 10 minutes ago, Joshex said:

    I think the core reason they never did it is because they didn't want to copy other stories of "lost worlds" or  "hot spots" or "dino parks" where dinosaurs remained alive on earth or were brought back to life.


    I'd say the core reason is that they didn't or couldn't create the skeletons and animations for anything "dinosaurish." There's nothing that uses "chicken legs" (that reverse knee) - even the "monstrous" legs in the costume creator are basically very oddly shaped boots. I don't think we had four legged skeletons until fairly late in the game (I can't think of any right offhand before beast mastery for masterminds and/or night ward. Even the unused "nemesis horse" didn't have legs - it hovered on four jets.)


    Scaling's probably also an issue, but I think things can be "big enough" now to give passable dinos if the other issues are dealt with.

  11. 1 hour ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    Except they do not offer the depth of quality of life which the command does.  


    Which are you looking at, specifically? About the only downside to the existing power I can think of is, perhaps, cooldown. Not sure if they can or can't be used in a macro...

  12. 4 hours ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    And to nip it in the bud:  Why does it matter how Dark Armour performs if you're just playing for theme? 


    It depends. If you have a theme you love but the set hits *that point* of frustration or difficulty (not really saying DA is difficult, just different,) it makes the "theme" less fun to play.


    I don't think it's ever hit that point for me, personally, but still.

    • Like 2
  13. Even if it's "shut down right away" by an AOE, someone with a sleep is handy as early as Posi 2 - since the big dispersion bubbles cast by ruin mages gets shut down by it. No dispersion bubble = no AOE defense for the circle. Same's true for most bubbles of that sort (not the sky raider generators, though, as I recall.) Sleep will often shut down armors that ignore or deflect other things. And those armors do have recharge times.


    Also handy in the MLTF/LRTF in keeping the AVs coming one at a time while the others take a nap... >.>

    • Like 3
  14. If part of the issue is "balance vs incarnates compared to non incarnates," do we need perhaps to make a fully incarnate version of Recluse?


    Breaks lore, somewhat, with Tyrant wiping the floor with him, but he *is* one, after all. Maybe if half the team is incarnated, the incarnate version spawns? Possibly cheese-able, but ... *shrug* Or you get an option where a fully IO'd team chooses "stronger recluse" for a challenge?

  15. I like some of Cutter's ideas. To me, DA felt like it was thought of as "paired with DM," because, yes, that does have an end drain and works well with DA.


    Throwing one thing out there, since there seems to be a little dislike for Cloak of Fear - since it's a control (and some -tohit) aura, why not add something else thematic and let it sprout some immobilizing tentacles? Say, max 5 targets. Immobilizes targets, keeps them in the fear and -tohit as well as OG's damage. Heck, add some small drain here - even tics of END drain returned to the player. It comes a touch late at 28, granted, but it would help a little with the END *and* be thematic (a nightmare of being weakened to the point of not being able to do anything?)


    Edit: Trimming out "I didn't get enough sleep and couldn't get to sleep" idea that... is still basically an end discount. 🙂

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