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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. Honestly I'd see that as an upside. People who love just messing around and base building could create "hey, here's a basic outdoor/tech/whatever base for people to use and expand on" and those who'd like something set up but don't have the time/patience/skill to do these could copy them over.


    ... I'm not sure how big an issue "base stealing" would be. (I don't think items like salvage or enhancements would be considered "part of the base," though, either.)

  2. I think maps, I end up thinking AE and what I'd like. But yeah, more "neighborhoods" that aren't city blocks - more or fewer houses, parks, one by the water, one with a graveyard nearby (just for october mission fun,) that sort of thing.


    Growing up in Milwaukee, we had the Domes - basically giant greenhouses that (IIRC) were open all year. Not only would it not be out of place in a city (stop nature-based enemies, not just DE, from creating a stronghold, etc.) but AE-wise it would find use as a "space colony's greenhouse" or someplace in a desert, that sort of thing. (And if they wanted to use that geodesic dome and put other things, like a neighborhood or lab under it, well... more environments!)


    In no small part because *I'd love to see the Blood of the Black Stream, or at least investigate their lore,* and part of it deals with Gadzul Oil (Egyptian based?) we could introduce new, desert environments. Heck, add a (SMALL!) -recovery to the map. It's hot, it's dry, it'd sap someone's strength... ok, that should probably be "with some reason in a mission," not tied to the map. But hey. Road trip to Ancient Egypt.


    ... heck, with that let's do actual jungle ruins.



    • Like 2
  3. Mind you, I love Elec. First 50 was one back in I3 or so. But.. yeah.


    Pre-Defiance 2, VS was (as I'd mentioned) a boon - it could attack while I was held, something no other blaster could do. Saved my neck a few times. (Granted, it grabbed more aggro and got me killed a few times too...) Helps currently, too, it's just not as much of a "set differentiator." Which it should be.


    The endmod wouldn't hurt (it would *have* to have that -recovery boost to make it useful, though, given how NPCs can attack with the slightest bit, it seems.)


    Sleep... hmm. While not the *same,* I do rather like adding the chance to stun IO (I forget which endmod set off the top of my head) to the attacks in Elec. Get a couple elec blasters going with that (I had a group that made a team of 4 with those) and it gets amusing.

  4. Right, and I was saying (alternatively) to have VS's attacks chain (since, hey, you know it's there, and since it's already got that cast time/duration...) and perhaps give that buff to AOEs while it's there or for 20s.


    The reason I'm iffy about adding that chance to chain for all attacks is that I'll usually end up casting it just prior to trying to pull something out of a room and not wanting to chain then (it'd be within that 20s.) Of course, I could just cast afterward then, couldn't I. 🙂  Disregard the objection then. Works either way!

  5. 1 minute ago, oedipus_tex said:


    I don't understand your question. Energy Blasters already have a 50% chance to knockback with Explosive Blast. The only change is that Defenders and Corruptors would have a higher chance.


    For all other blast sets, Defenders and Corruptors already deal stronger secondary effects. This is established in the archetype definition. Defenders should have stronger utility in their blasts. They just don't in the case of a few sets (mainly Energy Blast, Archery, and Assault Rifle, all of which are poised to benefit from this suggestion).

    Misremembering the chance on my part, then. My apologies, carry on.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Super Atom said:


    It's a relic of a coh that doesn't exist anymore. Don't pretend you're helping. Knocking enemies out of AOE's and breaking up mobs does nothing but slow it down. Even -if- you were using it to knock one or two runners back twords the mob, it'd still be better to just kill them. Every second you spend chasing runners to knock them back to mobs is seconds you don't spend just killing it. Stop pretending knockback isn't a negative and shouting at every post that tries to address it even in the slightest.

    You have not played with me, quite obviously, here or on live.


    Again.  You don't like it. Fine. That's your choice. It is not a universal truth that it's "a negative."


    And what "shouting?" I've done nothing but post calmly. If you believe otherwise, notify a mod.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Caulderone said:

    I think it would be nice if all of the ST attacks had a chance to chain (similar to Elec melee's Chain Induction, but % chance based chain).  That would be a nice boon to the set, too.

    .... unless you're trying to pull. (And I could just hear DFBs then. "ANyone but electric, DFB, we're doing a badge run!") 🙂

  8. On 2/15/2020 at 11:40 AM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    i dunno i think confuse should be voluntary as enemies defeated by other enemies give no XP.

    Not exactly correct. Enemies *completely* defeated by other enemies (IE, you confuse them and just let them go) give no XP. (The same holds true if they're just fighting each other as is, without player input.)  Do some damage, get XP.

  9. Why should my energy baster have less chance of knockback - which I use defensively and/or as a soft control?  (Not to mention the thematic feel of a blast hitting an enemy so hard it sends them flying.)


    Right now, I already *can* control my knockback - by positioning, by selectively reducing it by IOs, or by firing by above, turning KB into KD. Were this implemented, I'd have to reslot every KB using character with KB IOs, which would be highly annoying.

    • Like 2
  10. I use teleport not just as a "get across the zone" travel power, but positioning in missions. I can target something on another level and appear right next to them from right below them, for instance, not giving them a whole heck of a lot of time to react. Working as a click power is what lets me do this. It sounds like what you're suggesting would not allow this.

  11. There are some clues in missions that reference things that either were put in game, or were meant to and never did get here.

    Who remembers what some of them were?


    Asking because I just ran the last mission from Wincott, where you recover some magic items from the Outcasts. And I started drawing a blank on what they were supposed to be tied to.


    1. Worn Tome - You recovered this worn and moldy tome from an Outcasts' hideout. The strange, rusty red text appears to be Russian.

    2. Strange skull - you recovered this skull from an Outcasts's hideout. It is highly similar to a human skull, but the bones are much thinner and fragile. (I believe this was supposed to be the Avilian AT - the one that got dropped when they got wings to work.)

    3. Coral bracelet - You recoverd this bracelet from an Outcasts' hideout. When you touch the beads, your finger begins to bleed. (Coralax?)


    I remember one from a cargo ship where some scientists brought "something" up, I *think* it was supposed to be a servant of the Coralax (these had another name, L-something, I think) when that was going to be an AT instead of just an enemy group.

    ... found it in my old guide, the VIrtea.


    I think there were more hints like this (like the Eye of Horus in the Oakes oil spill, pointing at the BotBS,) but can't recall them all.

  12. I'm an altaholic. I create new characters, and sometimes copy old, live costumes over... which sometimes have issues.


    One of the things that gets to be a little tedious is related to the fact you start with so many costume slots at level 1. I'm *definitely* not complaining about that, mind you! However, you can't pick a pool power - say, a travel power - until level 4.


    In addition, depending on how old the costume is, for those I copy over (yes, I *do* have stuff stuck on drives, why do you ask?) some have had parts renamed or rearranged... which means they get set to something default that often looks nothing like what you had. (Faces are notorious for this.)


    I'd like an option in the costume editor where you could pick something (say, your travel power - super jump is good for this) and have a check next to it that says "Modify for all costumes." Yes, you'd be charged whatever you would be charged for 5-8 costumes, but you'd just have to change it in one. Same with other costume parts - everything should have "Face 19," say, so you can select it and just have it copy across all costumes with that head type. (It'd be invalid on, say, a full helmet.)


    Alternately, at least for new powers, have the option when selected to color (or set to minimal FX) the way you want it by default.


    Purely a QOL request.

    • Like 5
  13. Honestly? What you want sounds like something I suggested back on live in a way (not exactly, but...) Namely, creating some non-set IOs that give some percent of a damage type 100% of the time. So if you wanted your Fire blaster to also (for whatever reason) do Cold damage, it would... assuming you slotted one of these IOs. Unique to each other (so you couldn't load a blast with fire, cold, negative, etc. - you had to pick one,) but you could use as many as you wanted across powers (fire brawl, cold lvl 1 blast, neg level 2, etc or fire in all of them.)

  14. 5 hours ago, sacredlunatic said:

    Honestly, no, they should all stay on.  Shapeshifting should not even remotely comparable to a self mez.  Offensive toggles get turned off because you're mezzed.  Shapeshifting for Kheldians (and ONLY for Kheldians, no Halloween costume toggle suppression) should probably include both Inky Aspect and Orbiting Death.

    Which is why I said I'd *expect* them to, using the way toggles currently suppress versus trying to set up an exception, versus what I'd like. 🙂

  15. On 2/7/2020 at 4:21 PM, siolfir said:

    Arachnos Soldiers do, though.



    Nitpick on that screenshot. Yes, wolf spider armor gives it at level 1. The other two aren't available until the level 24 forced respec, where you unlock Crab or Bane. They may show up as "level 1" after that, but it's not a "real" level 1. (Which, I know. Po-ta-to, po-tah-to.)

  16. A lack of aggro cap nearly made me leave the game out of boredom back in the day. Almost every mission was "Wait for tank to herd map, possibly with emp in tow. Wait for him to bring back to THIS SPOT and DO NOT MOVE. When the tank says so, one blaster can nuke. Next floor."


    It was *dull.* Sure, you got to stand there and talk - but that was about it.


    No thanks.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  17. 4 hours ago, sacredlunatic said:

    So, I've been playing both my WS (triform) and my PB (human only) a lot more recently and I decided I was wrong about this whole thing.


    Here's how I see it now:

    Toggle suppression: necessary.

    Damage cap increase: nice to have, but not essential.

    Taunt aura/non dwarf punchvoke: not necessary.

    THat works. (Though if they do toggle suppression, I'd expect it to be like current (non shapeshifting AT) suppression - defensive toggles yes, offensive get turned off.)

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