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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. 3 hours ago, UltraAlt said:

    I'm assuming that /ignore information is held locally.



    Nope.  Not sure why you'd think that. You wouldn't want someone to be able to start harassing someone again just because they've reinstalled or gone to another PC.


    Also, you can see what's stored locally. It is, after all, stored locally. The only thing there is playernotes.txt. (Easy, on Windows - on the launcher, click on Screenshots. Brings up your screenshots folder. CLick on your COH install directory in the tree up top, then go to accounts and pick yours. You'll see what's local.)

    • Like 1
  2. ... Kind of chuckling at a friend of mine for going through removing and readding people to her list to sort it again... but it's also what's prompting me to throw this out there.


    How about the ability to not just add or delete, but drag and drop to organize your friends (and in this case global friends) list the way you want? Maybe save/load a grouping, too.


    (Granted, I just click to see who's on or not, but I know some folks are more organizationally inclined.)

    • Thumbs Up 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    The CoC does not specify this. The multi-boxing policy only describes how many accounts can be active from one user given a set population per shard. A player could probably read between the lines and connect this to treating other players with respect to say that players shouldn't outright leech during league-wide events like MSR or Hami (but I'll let that to the GMs to adjudicate).


    Nope, it is indeed in the COC:



    An exception to this rule is Hamidon raid zones (The Hive, The Abyss) which have a limited population cap. No multiboxing is allowed in these zones. Breaking this rule may result in all of your characters being removed from the zone and short-term suspensions being issued for repeat offenders


    and I know it's been enforced in the RWZ, too, at least during MSRs.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 9/27/2023 at 7:40 PM, sh1zuchan said:

    As someone who runs MSRs, my advice is you should never assume the person running the league is okay with you dual boxing or leeching. If they notice either, don't be surprised if you get kicked.


    Isn't that against the CoC anyway? (Dual boxing in MSR or Hami, specifically.)

  5. On 9/27/2023 at 7:30 AM, Random Axis said:

    I don't get why you want to be at the motel if there are already tons of people there. Plenty of other places with lots of doors you can go to.

    Precisely *because* there are tons of people - enemies are constantly coming out, so you're sure to get bosses and get all the badges, get a ton of XP (and if they do the same as last year, get your 10 prismatics quickly.)

  6. 19 hours ago, JackDaniels said:

     It needs to get back to where every class is needed  to be an efficient group.


    That's never been needed. Perhaps you're thinking of WoW.


    19 hours ago, JackDaniels said:

    It will make it more fun for others to play other roles like Healer or controller or even the heal/trollers. 


    No, it won't.

    See, I *played* in the days of "Stand here and wait while the tank herds the entire floor into a corner." That wasn't fun. That was boring. Oh, sure, it gave the rest of the team time to stand around and talk while they waited to see if they could *do* something, but it wasn't *fun.*


    Also, there's no "healer" in this game. There are sets which *have* heals as part of their buffing set, but there's no "healer." Again, perhaps you're thinking of WoW. Frankly, any time I see someone asking for or advertising as a "healer," outside of some *extremely* niche circumstances, I just figure they're new or have no clue what they're doing.

    • Like 4
  7. SGs:


    For me they're a mix. I have some that are solo, yes - either just as homes to alts, or stuff I *would* make an active SG if I had time or inclination to actually run it. Others are shared with others, based on a theme or some bit of shared personal lore or whatever the SG is founded on, especially being an RPer. Some are there just to make use of the base for a setting of some sort, building your own office or mad scientist's lab or park or port or bar or what have you. We even make use of coalitions, to some extent.


    Friends lists:

    Yes, I make use of them, both the individual character lists and the global ones. Honestly I kind of wish I could make more than one and/or categorize them.

    • Like 1
  8. *Watches hard mode TFs get speedruns.*


    Personally... well, the answer gets split into two categories.


    As far as the choices for enemies buffed, etc? Other than the timer or number of deaths, I don't know that I've ever seen them used. People might solo with them for a badge or something, but they're sure not advertised if there's going to be a TF with them activated.


    If we're talking actual "Hard mode" multi-star whatever? I tend to just skip them these days. There seems to be a choice of them being speedrun, so people are just bouncing to what *has* to be done like overcaffeinated monkeys on crack to get the prismatics and other rewards in as little time as possible, or they're being run by people who INSIST you MUST BE RIGHT HERE and do EXACTLY THIS to where you wonder why you're bothering playing instead of just giving them control of your system, or the *most* fun... both. None of that interests me, so... *shrugs*

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  9. I'd agree with "on their own, no, but the way they're implemented, yes" hits it about right. Having characters that solo things designed for teams at full-team size (x8) and buffed (+4) being as common as they are should never have happened.


    Personally, I'd have dropped the "rule of 5" to a "rule of 3" and kept *much* more from being perma'd without outside help. (Domination, for instance - used to be that, sure, it was easier to build *on* a team (and still is,) but on SOs if you wanted it perma, you'd make friends with a Kin or two, and it'd be situational otherwise, requiring some degree of thought as to "is this the fight I want to use it on this time." Now? It's practically taken as a given and/or people think it's something you have to do. T9 armors? Why deal with any drawbacks when you're already at def/res caps long before them, with an easy to get build copied from the forum or discord?


    So... yeah. I think dropping to a "rule of 3" would have kept some degree of challenge while still allowing plenty of build diversity with IOs. But, ship's long since sailed, reached the other port, made multiple runs around the oceans, been updated, run some more, and gotten worn out enough to be sold for scrap right alongside any native difficulty in the game.

    • Like 5
  10. On 9/26/2023 at 8:52 AM, Riot Siren said:

    On top of that, levitate causes knock up, which is consistently reliable in most situations. While Mesmerize causes sleep, which falls off the moment you join a team or deal any AoE damage.


    EXCEPT... yes, even if the sleep is broken, it's already shut off various armors or buffs/debuffs, which take time for the NPC to be able to use again and usually can cut through defenses other things aren't.  *Especially* with how early you get it, that's insanely useful. COT mage bubble? Doesn't resist sleep. AOE debuff aura that's making everyone miss? Turned off by a sleep. Armor? Turned off by sleep. Used to toake my mind controllers/doms on MLTF/LRSFs because ... they'd let you deal with the AVs one at a time while the others took a nap. Sleeps are *quite* powerful, but people are so hung up on "oh, but they're woken up with any damage" nobody pays attention.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. Mind control's great as is. Any issue with it would be a general controller issue with the old lengthened AOE hold recharge.


    Definitely don't need or want Confuse turned into an AOE or chain. Absolutely not. The times I use it (frequently,) I *want* just one target (typically a buffer, sometimes a sapper for amusement) confused, not everything around it. If I want everything around it confused, I use ... wait for it... Mass Confusion. And yes, seeds is AOE and earlier. It also causes aggro to pay for it. I don't want either confuse doing that. It would make the set much less useful. (It's also why I don't put the damage procs some confuse setss have into it.)


    And Mass Confusion is perfectly fine as a T9. It's a Mind signature power. The AOE hold? I tend to want that earlier. (Yes, people *do* take it and use it and know how to use it.) Especially on controllers, since it's setting up everything held by it for Containment (and a boss can be followed up on quickly by the ST hold to stack. ) And with the power availability changes (which, frankly, I still dislike and which annoy me on every character I'm leveling) you get it earlier.



    • Thanks 1
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  12. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    Huh? Wrong thread maybe?


    No, they're thinking nobody should/does take AOE holds. And they're wrong.



    As far as the OP - as mentioned, the effects aren't "your powers." They're something added on. The tailor or whoever doesn't have any way of knowing or caring about procs and their effects, and I'd hate to see how messy the interface would have to be if that *did* get added.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. Here's one -

    If you're going to run on MSRs? Take fold space. Not *as* useful leveling up, but once you've got an Incarnate level - and can blow money or threads on Ultimates - then, in the bowl, you'll pull *everything.* About the only thing you won't pull to yourself will be U'kon. Hover above (or take advantage of someone with group fly *waves to the masterminds*) and just keep dropping enemies en masse into the meat grinder.


    ... Yes, even bosses.


    If you're *not* pulling things? Move a bit towards one of the edges.


    Enjoy the vmerits.

    • Like 3
  14. I have too many characters of different types to really have a "set" way of doing things.  It really depends on the character.


    I don't bother with purples for the most part. ATOs... sometimes, and then "eventually." I generally buy purples (via merit)  when I have a bunch of catalysts sitting around - catalyze and toss on the market for a bit of INF. I don't generally bother with "builds." I throw in what looks interesting as it goes - sometimes that's just "eh, ST ranged, thunderstrike, ok," sometimes it's "wonder how many powers can take a stun" (electric's fun that way,) sometimes it's just something that only I will see that I find amusing (Feliney Assault, cat brute, has Mako's bite and the Leviathan pool because catgirl tossing fish around amuses me.)

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  15. 2 hours ago, Andreah said:

    It might be neat if there was a Mentoring Power Pool. It would have a power that you throw at a lower level player,



    ... I don't need to read more. >.> "I told you not to run into that mob alone!"


    Ooh... can one of the items be a book?


    Is a slap upside the head part of the pool too?

    • Haha 2
  16. Yeah, I've got someone who could use a big, dangly, tacky pendant. (No, not kidding.) If the shoulder/neck detail can hang down some... might need chest details for the really tack... er, substantial ones.




    That said... being able to use something other than neck chains for necklaces would be nice. Things with actual pendants of various sorts, for instance (not just for dressing up, either) would be appreciated.

  17. On 9/19/2023 at 11:20 AM, srmalloy said:

    Positioning problems are endemic; since launch, I've been unable to get a character to sit in a booth, and the alignment of a character after a 'sit' command is only loosely determined by the position of their feet.


    Yeah, there are a *number* of issues with character positioning to actually "sit on" things.


    Other MMOs allow you to click on something and select "sit," but I shudder to think of the amount of work that'd have to be added to every seating surface in the game to do this (not to mention alignment for things in the base editor so you don't have three people sitting at a table facing each other and one staring at a wall.)

    • Like 1
  18. On 9/19/2023 at 2:35 PM, biostem said:

    Of all the armor sets that need improving, I'd argue that Willpower is way toward the bottom.  That being said, the lion's share of the S/L resistance comes from mind over body, not heightened senses...


    I've got to agree with this. WIllpower's such a hands-off, don't-need-to-think-about-it set. I don't do "builds," I'm not perma-anything capped-anything (at least on purpose) and my WP characters are still exceptionally durable, to where I have to check the map and make sure I haven't split off at some point if I notice my teammates not around.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  19. Following someone with superjump when I'm on sprint...


    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    You are getting too far from your mentor.

    Your mentor is too far away!

    You are in range of your mentor.

    (repeat 60x....)


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