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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. 19 minutes ago, Sovera said:


    Bruh... Seen this so often 😄 Someone starts clearing the stairs, others move in, no communication, CoT bubbles everywhere, Earthquakes everywhere, no one kites the mobs away from the Earthquakes, chaos, death.


    Counter for COT bubbles = "useless" sleeps. >.>

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  2. 1 hour ago, Oubliette_Red said:


    The only way I get around this is that I don't use Reveal on a map until I've hit all the plaques in a zone. It's a placeholder action, but it works for now.



    Yeah, problem with that for me is that I use multiple computers and fog of war is a clientside setting. (I do that once I hit all the explore badges in a zone, myself. Which *tends* to include plaques as well for me.)

  3. And the point of teams doing this is that they cover for each other.  The melee and such taking the hits and mez attempts while support - *supports* with buffs/debuffs, control and damage.


    One is *not* more valuable than the other. One should not get more reward than the other. We don't need this, we don't need "damage meters" to prove who "carried" the team (to go the other way with it,) we don't need any similar nonsense.


    Besides, there have been entire groups (see: Repeat Offenders and their subgroups) that are nothing *but* support and would absolutely trivialize content. Support does not mean helpless or weak. Plus, of course, what is affected to more or less of a degree isn't an AT thing - it'll be affected by both primary and secondary, and that's before we get into slotting. If I'm running a psy character vs robots, should I get more inf and XP? It's more risk for me, after all, since they resist it so much more.


    No. Not needed at all.

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  4. *nods* What RUdra points out is the big problem. When creating maps for zones and missions? As I understand it, there's some sort of pathing baked in (that takes time) for NPCs and pets/henchmen to follow. Sure, move slow enough and yours will follow you, somewhat, but that's hardly useful in a raid.  Seem to recall it's a fairly CPU-intensive process - though at least for mission and zone maps, it only has to be run once. (Or a few times to correct stuff, but then it's done.)  For even somewhat "basic" bases that tend to continually evolve, not to mention some of the complex, multi-level ones and/or ones with teleport points going "through" doors or being used as elevators or secret areas?




    Plus, really, even if that weren't an issue... the NPCs are pretty dumb. It'd be fairly trivial to toss up some walls - or even cabinets - to funnel them through a point, or just find somewhere to hole up they can't get to, stock up on inspirations and the like.


    So, idea? Yeah, sure, might be fun. Realistic, given the ins and outs of the game and its mechanics? Ehhhh...

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  5. Honestly, I wish there were a way to track (and I suppose name...) plaques for things like this. Those are a pain since you don't know how many  of what you have, and no real way to check a list and see which you're missing.

  6. 22 hours ago, A.I.D.A. said:

    I think the bigger problem here is using a computer from 2008 and thinking it's going to be able to run anything in 2024



    Older than that, if they're *really* (I doubt it...) running the system they had "when COH came out." That would be a single core chip of some flavor (Athlon X2s didn't come out until ... 2005? 2006?) - Think I was still running a 1 Ghz Thunderbird and 4 Mb Matrox Mystique at the time.  It would also be having issues with modern websites.


    You can find cast-off business PCs and old video cards - still old by current standards but *far* newer and more capable than that - for well under $100. So... yeah.

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  7. For the most part, I'll just dump stuff. I'll try to be reasonable - not selling a crafted IO for less than I crafted it for, unless I've just done a bunch - but I don't generally list something that's going for (say) 10m at 10m. Maybe 1.


    I don't generally care, other than "geez, need inf now... guess it's time to sell another superior winter somethingorother."

  8. 1 hour ago, Mr. Apocalypse said:

    I agree that we need some more Egyptian themed costume pieces.  I would like to see them come with some ancient Egypt themed content to further tie into the game.



    See: Blood of the Black Stream. There are already little "hooks" about the group in the game (at least redside... they and Gadzul Oil are both mentioned, as well as little things like the Eye of Horus oil slick in Oakes.)

  9. From its own description:

    "You summon an entity capable of repeating your songs a short while after you have executed them. "


    It copies what you're doing, with a weaker version. If you're not attacking, neither is it.  So *at the moment,* I'd call it working as intended.


    Whether that should change? *shrug* Maybe. Keep repeating the last action X number of times if nothing's changed, perhaps.


    (Also not sure why you think MM or Incarnate pets shouldn't be active on their own....)

  10. 1 hour ago, mrdeeds7 said:

    It's not an argument, just a suggestion. We're talking about a videogame. 


    "Argument" is not negative. The way it was used there would be roughly analogous to "stance" or "viewpoint." Or, to quote Monty Python, "An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition."





    In the DC world, Superman is vulnerable to magic etc in marvel some mutants powers don't work on each other. More broadly in superhero lore, I think it's fair to say that origin has a lot to do with a hero's powers and vulnerabilities, as well as who their enemies tend to be. Iron and A.I.M., Captain America and Hyrdra, X-men and the Hellfire Club etc. 


    That's more "character" than "origin." And also in written works there's a *lot* more flexibility, versus trying to develop something for an open world multiplayer video game. (Doing a single-player focused RPG? Yeah, that's a lot closer to what you're talking about here.) The flip side is that you point out - "some mutants powers don't work on each other." That's not origin - at least not as it's reflected in COH. What you're looking at is more analogous to our power sets. Some have strong fire resistance. Some are weak vs robots, and so forth.


    And we *do* already have enemies that lean more towards certain origins, just with what they get up to - it's just not *restricted* to that origin.


    Now, in saying all that, I've argued in the past for something - very like the void hunters and quantums vs Kheldians - for something touching on other origin "pairups." We have long COT chains that anyone can access, but an occasional side mission where the COT (or Mu - given their backstory) takes an interest specifically in your magic character and you're warned about it by MAGI? Basically little extra bits of spice here and there? Crey or the Sky Raiders specifically trying to steal some bit of your tech? *shrug* Maybe. It'd be a good bit of work - and I think people would want some say in if it happens and/or with who, though. (Then again... that's part of what AE's for, too. Customize to your hearts content - or the system's ability.)

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  11. 18 hours ago, Rudra said:

    I don't think the OP is even possible. The only way to get the legacy version back is if the devs still have the legacy version to re-instate.  And my money is on it not having been kept. Which would require the devs to recreate the set.


    ... well, you *can* go to Ourodev and get the i24 and ... shall we say i25 launch?... versions. Though nothing before that.

  12. Honestly, I'm there with you. I haven't touched FF since the changes. But I don't know how that'd be implemented... especially with everyone that's already *had* FF getting changed over, I believe. Having a second "legacy" set would probably lead to both confusion and irritation.  Not to mention lots of "Well how about..."-ism with all the changes other sets have had, between live and now.

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  13. I'd have to ask "why?" It's not hovering over your head unless you pick it. To see it otherwise requires people to deliberately go in and look at your badges - and even then they'd have to hover over each individual one. The only effect it has on you is (potentially) a little patrol XP and being one of a set to get the Atlas Park exploration accolade.


    Plus, honestly, it's still easier to avoid than Redside and their "next big thing" badge, which is *right* at the steps to go talk to the arbiter. It's very obvious, it's well behind the trainer and rather hard to accidentally step on  - even with a crowd like that on Everlasting around her right now.


    I mean, honestly I don't *care* one way or the other if it's left where it is but this seems an awful lot of angst over something nobody's going to notice (and wont' be a title unless *you* pick it - you're aware of that, right? Not asking sarcastically, asking because you referenced it becoming a title. It doesn't become a title when you run over it, just if you deliberately go into badges and pick it.)


    (Edit: If it were where it was in Echo, I'd probably be more inclined to agree with moving it, as that was *literally* the spot you'd appear on character creation. But this is an easily avoidable spot.)

    • Like 4
  14. 9 minutes ago, Ironblade said:


    Ding ding ding!  Exactly right and yes, it is five minutes.  I timed it once to be sure.  If I'm on a high damage character, I just dive in and if they respawn, I just do it again.  If I'm on a low damage character, I'll destroy one and wait for the respawn.  I don't usually bother pre-damaging the others because even a defender should be able to take down the turrets if they have the full five minutes.


    Try it on a level 15 Earth or Ice 'troller though.. 😄 Need *something* to do while you wait, anyway...

  15. Not a matter of being known or not... but your presentation could use a bit more filling out, since this is rather vague besides a bit about the visuals. Other than the -regen, this honestly sounds more like it'd be handled best with a power customization option. (Mind you, I think it'd be a rather neat looking customization option and would visually go with "classic" Invulnerability.)


    ... heck, if that effect can be created, I wonder what else it could be applied to. Ice shields? Make it an iridescent sheen for costume bits?  Separate discussion there, most likely...


    Anyway. Fill it out a bit more! What do you see it doing besides a little -res? Why is it tied to a "cosmic" theme?

  16. Honestly, I'm ... kind of in with Rudra in a *tiny* way - I don't mind patrol XP, but I'm not fond of getting it for hitting exploration badges. Seeing if I could level hitting them was kind of fun. Now? Eh. I don't get why it was changed... but I'm kind of jaded at this point with changes like that having a chance of being reverted once it hits beta.

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  17. 35 minutes ago, Ironblade said:



    I would disagree.  I think that, once you have at least SO's and a few decent powers, EVERYONE should visit Bloody Bay to get the Shivan Shard temp power.  It is an extremely powerful pet and can make the difference between succeeding and failing a task force if you're alone or just have 1 or 2 people.


    Yes, but that's not level 1 🙂  For ... most everything but controllers (and even some of them,) I used to take them into BB at level 15 for the Shivan and the temp stealth. Especially once - well, the zones pretty much died. DOs or level 15 IOs work fine.


    (And if you're a low damage character... you don't have to have help for the bunkers in BB going for a shivan. All the turrets respawn on a - believe it's 5 minute timer, but *only* if they're destroyed. So what you do is wear them all down to *just* a sliver of health, but destroy *one* of them - preferrably a white, dual artillery gun. When that respawns? You have the full few minutes - take it down, take down the ones with just a sliver of health, hit the computer inside to turn your meteor chunks into a shivan shard, then beat feet (or wings or whatever) back to base and turn it in.)

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