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Everything posted by Gemini2099

  1. Since AR lacks Aim having Build Up in the set is nice. Hoarfrost is the chef's kiss. Having a pet that is tanky is nice as Thermal/Sonic Resonance really unlock their full potential. Not surprising as AR/Dark are a popular pairing for a reason.
  2. Yes it is awesome. Just needs proper slotting and it is great to have another option.
  3. I am looking to try it on a corruptor. Sounds promising and thanks for the feedback!
  4. Honestly if you are min maxing you are not going to notice a difference between a sonic defender or corruptor. Also with IO builds you can really cover a lot of bases for a defender sonic or corruptor sonic. The problem with the set is how end heavy it is and how sonic siphon doesn't offer a buff when it debuffs like similar powers. As for other powers they could be reworked for the modern game but it is okay for a set to not have so many must have powers. But having powers that are compatible with IO sets is really where sonic resonance falls behind other sets IMVHO.
  5. Sets like AR benefited from quicker sniper far more but AR has been reworked in general to be better with new ignite, faster full auto, faster flamethrower, etc. The range was the perk with snipes and I think that might have to be revisited as some point even if it is with an IO set.
  6. Tell your team to gather in closer.
  7. I agree with this. Sonic just needs some slight tweaks to be up to date for the modern game with IO sets.
  8. I am going to start up another AR/Sonic corruptor because the advantage is that you just blast away and don't worry about dropping so many debuffs. But yes on a defender sonic is better. I will say this about Sonic Cage and that it is really a great power that you can rely on with minimal slotting. But it is very niche which is why it is love/hate relationship with the power. The new changes to Liquefy really make the set flow better and you actually feel that Sonic is actually more useful on teams and solo as a result. Sonic Siphon though needs buffs as well as looking at the end costs for some of the powers. Overall Sonic is a solid set.
  9. What you are suggesting would radically change sonic resonance. Is that in line with the spirit of the current dev team intentions? Doesn't seem like it but the can of worms of IO defense set bonuses was opened long ago so you can't really turn the clock back on that. FF was recently updated for the modern game (IO set bonuses) but Sonic was in a much better shape before the FF rework. The reason why the Sonic Resonance changes and improvements are tiny and not sweeping so far is that it is already a strong set. And drastic changes could make it very over powered. Fix the obvious issues first and then we can re-evaluate if SR needs more changes. Reducing the recharge of Liquefy is a very good and important step. Making Sonic Siphon into a true siphon is another obvious change that should happen. And finally re-evaluating the endurance costs of several powers in the set. So in summary I disagree the set needs sweeping changes. Fix what obviously needs to be addressed first then re-evaluate if necessary.
  10. The only other change that should happen with Sonic Resonance is making Sonic Siphon a true Siphon by giving + RES. Sonic is a much better set now that Liquify is actually up for almost every spawn now or every other spawn.
  11. Assault Rifle with the current changes on test is fast, fluid, and fun. The new ignite flows well when you chaining other blast powers in AR. For example, FT + Ignite + Buckshot is actually very fluid now. and it feels like a more dynamic way to play. Of course the biggest improvement is that FT no longer has a delay which I think is a huge QoL improvement. I personally like these minor QoL improvements to powers as it allows to retain the original flavor of the power but still improving enough to be noticeable.
  12. Before Sniper Rifle was improved Buckshot was a great filler in single target attack chain. But with enough recharge buckshot is actually the cornerstone of what makes AR the master of cones along with Flamethrower and Full Auto.
  13. I like M30 over Buckshot. But many others do like Buckshot for its shorter recharge and it is easier to line up than M30. So I think it may be a toss up. Honestly Slug is starting to lose its luster as Sniper Rifle is starting to become that much better in single target attack chains. So maybe Slug and Bean Bag should be merged and that way it gives room for AIM.
  14. I agree. Back in the day people talked about AR needing AIM pre ED on AR/DEV blasters. AIM is a good tool but the reasoning back then was that Ignite was the replacement for AIM. Making Ignite more easier to use like AIM is probably the way to go.
  15. Sonic is a fine set. Reduce the recharge of Liquefy by half and add buffs to sonic siphons and the set would be even better. On teams it shines but with some of these simple adjustments it would be an enjoyable set for soloing as you can spend more time blasting.
  16. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
  17. I like testing builds with just SOs as it is interesting to see the limits of certain power combos. But I do not think a server for this is necessary.
  18. I really don't care for Infiltration at all. I thought I was saving a power pick or two by picking it up. But in the end it was a waste of time so I dropped it out of all builds I do.
  19. This is great change. I was working on an AR/THERM corruptor and it is a late blooming primary and secondary set. Thank you homecoming team!!!
  20. Some WoW players are gravitating toward games like FF with friendly and cooperative communities. So I can see some WoW refugees discovering that CoX is a gem with a great community!!!
  21. New ignite and full auto are fun to use. Time to brainstorm some new concepts. Thanks homecoming team for this latest update!
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