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Posts posted by Erratic1

  1. 1 minute ago, Leetdeth said:

    I enjoy all of these methods of play, and the fact that both are viable attributes to the balance of the game. I wouldn't change a thing. Well, ok, I think the one thing I would change is the way the game teaches you about itself, since I feel like that's a big factor of how we look at game balance, but I think that's another topic for another day.


    Emphasis on the above. I lean against IOs raining from the sky. Not because I am an elite player (I am not) with tricked out Veteran level 500+ characters smashing all things in sight, but rather because there are indeed many modes of playing CoH and it is perfectly fine for the different modes to exist and to not cater to all players. 


    I will not say I have not visited a AE farm, but on the whole it is not something I am going to do because beyond watching a tricked out character dominate the nastiest stuff someone could dream up for a while, I find it boring. And the material difference between that and story arcs set to +4/8? Beyond story, not much (which is why my tolerance for that while higher is not much higher). But to people who enjoy doing such, or at least can tolerate it? More power to them. Some people are not "build" people, not wanting to get into the math and work to try to make IOs work for them. That's fine too. And that, in particularly, is why I lean against IOs raining from the sky because for some it is going to be the type of push which is a turn off. As is, you interact with IOs if you want but nothing really pushes you to do so.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    ... you assume. I have plenty of characters with only a name, no real police connections 'til they've gotten noticed street sweeping (leveling a bit and eventually being pointed to a contact.) So, yeah, character wise, I do end up with characters who suddenly realized they can do fantastic things - or can't, and are just driven to go up and punch a Hellion.

    No, I do not assume. The tutorials have a fixed script. You start the game with a contact who is authorized to send you to do things. You may choose to not talk to that contact but he is in fact there. You may skip the tutorial but if you did them you are being talked to by npcs who recognize who you are.


    Your character's backstory is just that--backstory. But as a played character, the moment you enter the game, the surrounding narrative is that you are a hero. 


    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    If the underlying issue remains why would they?  

    Exactly. Some powersets are endurance hungry, even with no recharge bonuses driving more attacks.  Other powersets alleviate that problem but it would limiting to tell people using Dark Armor or Titan Weapons (or heaven help you, Dark Armor with  Titan Weapons), find some other build. Other sets have other issues--difficulty in reaching defensive or resist caps. The IOs that address those issue are less universally desirable but only by a fraction (since some ATs aren't really into capping defense/resistances without Herculean effort).

  4. 4 minutes ago, Hyperstrike said:

    "New" is not the same thing as "street level".
    New, as in "Holy crap!  I have powers, let's try to figure this stuff out!"

    You are never that new, not even in the tutorials, where you have police connections and are directed to deal with problems and are not someone who just suddenly realized they can fantastic things (evidenced in particular by the fact you have a superhero name even).

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:

    At the risk of speaking for the devs or seeming to dismiss their efforts, I think "completely unrealistic" is a bit much. Especially against the effort needed to "rebalance the game for the min-max players who are the only ones who seem to count any more anyway."


    Quibble: Mainly because its a pet peeve of mine (despite knowing how terms evolve beyond their original or intended meaning) if you do not slot more than three of the same SO you're a min-max player. If you slot your damaging powers with 1 Accuracy and 3 Dmage SOs, you're a min-max player. If you choose a power because it is effective while skipping another for not being useful, you're a min-max player. Min-max only means you are seeking minimize costs while maximizing benefits. 


    "Power gamer" is probably the term that fits what you are describing.

  6. Pretty sure when  I look at character's Info I do not see 44% of them with lists of IO powers showing.


    I would imagine that players who generate hundreds of million of influence weekly account for most of the AH activity in the IO market while not necessarily representing a large portion of the user base.


    3.6 billion shares of stock are traded daily on the New York Stock Exchange. That does not mean that 47% of the planet is involved in trading stock on NYSE, nor that the average American is involved in a thousand trades daily. 

    • Like 14
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  7. 4 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    Interestingly, perhaps, I find Brutes to be TERRIBLE at lower level.  I made one based on the Hulk, and he was getting squashed by pretty much everything he met.  I switched from Regeneration to Willpower, and that helped, but he is STILL awfully squishy at around L24.

    On the current Brute I am working on I did not slot any powers until 21, and then only slotted Accuracy SOs in his attacks until level 30. Over that run he was a non-stop engine of beating things down, only having to be a bit judicious when joining groups running at +3 or more.


    I am not sure you should judge all Brutes based on sets which provide limited Resistance/Defense.

  8. nihilii covered the facts (while I was busy editting a screenshot of  Critical Strikes in action):




    My understanding of the "rules of PPM" is there is a negative factor to likelihood of a proc based on the width an area attack power and a gain to the likelihood based on the base recharge time of the power. I keep mine in Savage Leap--a 40s recharge, 360 degree attack--as it tends to be an combat opener for me.  For purposes of the image I used single target follow up attacks but in theory I should have pre-popped Blood Thirst before Savage Leap to follow up with Rending Flurry.



    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, brasilgringo said:

    I've been using a Rad/SS tank build I got from the forums and it's an absolute beast.  I believe it's the version below.  The rage crash is annoying but manageable.  I farm with this toon.  It's not as fast as a fire or rad farming brute, but it's got so much more playability in general content. 



    I am awed and more than a little terrified.😲


    Did get a chance to repeatedly test Rage crashing and yeah, it just wasn't painful (at least at +2...nowhere near built enough to contemplate +4/8). Where it would be dangerous, at least with how I have to approach harder content currently, would be if I were in Defensive stance and hence might be lower in endurance, and experienced the crash. However I have been following advice I got somewhere along the way and only running Accuracy IOs atm, so no Endurance Modifications in Stamina or Inexhaustable. 

  10. 1 hour ago, tan702 said:

    Another thing I'm wondering about though is if there are any melee powersets that are better on brutes than tankers? 


    It may very well work on a Tanker, but I started an SS/Bio Brute this past weekend. I was thinking, "Offensive Stance + Rage, what's not to love?'


    Well, Rage is complicated and Offensive Stance...move over, because your master is Efficient Stance. The thing I discovered is that I take little enough damage that so long as I have endurance, I can continually be on the go, not pausing to recover health or endurance. If you stay on the go, your Fury stays up. And Fury significantly trumps the damage bonus from Offensive Stance.


    A thing I am going to have to test is the Rage crash. I was using Rage and running between spawns above and did not notice the crash. Maybe I was moving between spawns, so I am going to have to specifically test this though. Moreover it was nothing special in terms of difficulty, so the crash may be more significant when trying to gear for +4/8.



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  11. I have a sufficiently large stable of characters I want to play up languishing in their 30s and 40s that I really should not have done it, but I really wanted to try an SS/Bio Brute. As I noted upthread, most times I decide on the character I want to play, put together a workable outfit, and usually later, if the character seems like one I want to play past level 21, I usually return and give the costume some reconsideration. So odd are the following will not be the character's final costume. Even so, I am currently pretty happy with it because (a) I got that blasted chest piece to work finally and (b) the colors....


    I'd started out with very different colors, then thinking on the background for the character it occurred to me to do an homage to the Argentinian flag. I think the colors work really well together.




    Not sure if I am going to name him Birthright or Unconquerable. Which one do you think is the better name?

    • Like 6
  12. 6 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    Both are expected. We had to rename it to MidsReborn.exe, your your shortcuts will be broken. Go into where you have Mids installed and re-setup your shortcuts. The error throw on the updating is actually fixed in this version (just hit continue when you see it), so future updates will no longer have that error (hopefully).

    That worked perfectly.



    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    Odd, I'm surprised you have the version and not able to pull the newest update. Go into your Options>Configuration>Updates and Paths. I need you to verify your Update URL is set to: https://midsreborn.com/mids_updates/update_manifest.xml


    If not, change it to that. Then restart your Mids and try again.


    Doing so produced an error message which was unclosable. The only way to do anything was force closure. Now trying to run Mids returns:


    Problem with Shortcut

    The item 'Mids Reborn.exe' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer  work properly.

    Do you want to delete this shortcut?

  14. 13 hours ago, Bopper said:

    FYI: The newest update of Mids has been released. V3.0.2.18 is available via "Check for Updates" from the new Mids (v3.0+) or you can install it from MidsReborn.com. The installed version will automatically be set up for V3.0.2.18, so no need to update after install.


  15. Darn you biostem!


    You got me thinking of ram-horned characters and now I have put together a costume for a character I have not even built:




    There does not seem to be sufficient love of Malaise in costume designs. I am leaning towards a Super Strength Brute concept involving mystical armor.


    But don't think I am forgetting you are to blame biostem!


    Wrecker.costumeWrecker 2.costume

    • Like 4
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  16. 1 minute ago, Myrmidon said:

    A Sabastian Shaw concept. That would be a really fun and different idea to work out.

    With the name Power Siphon, it seemed a reasonable extension. That the power is auto or click should determine the penalty and scaling. Since auto gives you no choice the penalty should be less  and because it is all the time the bonus should be smaller. As a click power, with the ability to choose when best to use it, the bonus can be higher and likewise the risk of the penalty higher too. 


    Hmmm...both of best worlds? A power which when taken gives a permanent lower effect and clicks for augmented effect?

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, Myrmidon said:

    That one is a no from me on removing Repulsing Torrent. On Tankers (and Brutes played as such), that power is really good ranged aggro control which also can be converted into Knockdown. GB’s idea of making it more hard hitting would be a better option.

    Agreed. My KM/Bio Scrapper has slotted the Overwhelming Force set and converted the Knockback to Knockdown, making it a very useful power.

    • Like 2
  18. Sandbox thinking...


    What if when Power Siphon is activated not only do attacks made generate stacks but also incoming attacks that deal either Smashing or Energy damage?


    Or maybe go further and make Power Siphon an auto power where incoming attacks (taking damage) builds stacks, Kinetic Melee attacks spend stacks, stacks build to 10 but at stack values greater than five incoming damage is increased by 20% per stack. Or maybe it should remain a click power if 10 stacks will scale you to taking double damage, you just have great incentive to spend stacks quickly.

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