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Everything posted by Noyjitat

  1. Seriously quit giving them a hard time and just sign the silly agreement. Just play have fun and dont worry about the legalese.
  2. I thought the dmca thing was another fake like what happened to the wildstar emulator. Some troll that didn't provide proof they were from ncsoft.
  3. I dunno, maybe I wouldn’t be so bothered by the name policy if it wasn’t such a chore to switch characters. “Retrieving character list” takes like 30 Seconds each time even after a restart.
  4. Not a fan of your naming policy, especially if the character HAS to be 50 in order to not be lost. Names were first come first served on live so I don't see why you'd stray from that. That said you need an option besides getting to 50... I'm obviously not going to get every character I have to 50 in a year while also working on incarnates and ios for my existing 50's. Could you maybe settle at 32 or even 38 by the time you have all your primary and secondary powers?
  5. This is both good and bad. Because this vet leveling system is also a good method to rebuild all your incarnates and purple characters sooner than later. That said the only Change id be for is to make this xp only be awarded during tfs, trials, hami and msr. Though I personally dont think you should change anything at all now. I mean that should have been decided on long ago. Currently not having problems at all putting trials together and I don’t expect them to lose popularity anytime soon.
  6. I hope you wont be doing anything to recipes. Its already nice enough we can get purples so easily with reward merits. And thanks to the 1mil inf = 1 reward merit you’ve efficiently set the value of all recipes.
  7. OVH was good to us for swglegends so Im glad you chose them as the host.
  8. I'm just guessing but check the keybindings ingame for the screenshot key. Try changing it to something macs use.... I haven't used a mac but a handful of times so I don't even remember if they have a printscreen key.
  9. What about all these other pool power sets im seeing in pines hero creator? Those must surely be issue 25 as i don't remember them on i24 beta. Force of will, gadgetry etc. Will we be getting those?
  10. @admin , @moderator please verify the safety of my files.
  11. If you're still having issues downloading the game I setup a dropbox link that has all the game files, client and score files; along with a short guide that I hope will be idiot proof. Link to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4oqg4uslwjeesvb/City%20of%20Heroes%20Score.7z?dl=0 You will need 7zip to unzip all the files get that here: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html If any mods or admins would like to verify my files are safe please do so so the paranoid crew won't be afraid to download this. Can I also get that mod to make this a sticky and perhaps even post it on the pins for discord. I have self reported this thread hoping one will check this out.
  12. Yeah I was about to post this. They already mentioned it likely would never happen but this seems to be something they need to work on. Otherwise folks will keep logging into existing characters instead of moving over there.
  13. Seeing lots of discord posts from people entirely new to city of heroes so I'm curious :)
  14. We do paypal donations for swglegends which is also stolen leaked dev code from SoE the owner and developer. So anyone telling you that you cant do this is clueless. Paypal donation window is publicly displayed with the current donations total for that month and the goal for that month. At the end of the month a financial report is posted detailing all services and fees the donations paid for and any remaining unused portion is saved for the next month. This is how we’ve done it for 3 years now and this is how the other swg servers and even wow servers usually do it.
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