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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. The best way to resolve this nitpicking is to release it and see how it goes. Adjust it where it needs it later. I am sure Brutes can handle not being number one, if it is that way, for a few weeks whilst more in game testing is done :). Tankers are buffed and Brutes will be buffed....Win Win!
  2. There should also not be a situation where Brutes have matching Tanker survival but much higher Dps. The Brute is better single target damage and the Tanker better AoE fully buffed? but both are near equal in survival fully buffed? Doable lol with a few small adjustments. All tanker AoEs could be 15ft and max targets of 13 or so.
  3. With a few outside buffs a Brute can easily closely match a Tanks survival. So a Tank should be close to a Brutes damage with some buffs . All is fair. If a Brute thinks they should do significantly more damage, then a Tank should stay significantly ahead in survival. Best way to ensure this is to lower the Brutes Survival slightly, then it can justify having the higher dps. It would be a dps off tank, Capable of Tanking just like Kheldians are but not as efectively as a Tanker but deal more damage. Or just increase the Tankers Damage close to Brute capability with a few buffs, as is currently happening on test Some Brutes seem to think they should have it all.
  4. You can't please everyone lol. Yes you would lose the recharge but you get that in footstomp etc. It would be a damage dealing Cone power. Lose a proc but gain damage. Personally i think procs need a nerf lol. Either way i just think the set needs a cone attack, somewhere in the set.
  5. Remove the knockback from Handclap and just give it a Stun only. Footstomp i can understand knocking mobs off their feet but not Handclap. Should just be a disorient i reckon. Yes Hurl is often overlooked in builds. It would be a good candidate for becoming a cone attack
  6. Seems like a good idea to me also. But a cone attack in SS would be nice also. Either Hurl cone or Handclap as a cone/stun attack. But that would be another patch probably.
  7. Lower brute health a little to 3k maybe? still quite a bit more than a scrapper. With better resists and very close damage.
  8. What about lowering the Brute hitpoint cap to 3k or so then? somewhere between scrappers and tankers. A 5% drop in brute resistance mitigations cap is not a massive amount, when a resistance brute can reach soft capped defence anyway with IO's. Going over soft capped defence does not provide much anyway except for the hardest content where you will have a lot of team buffs anyway. If a brute were a little further behind a Tankers survival then a Tanker would not need as much of a Dps increase to be competetive. It would stand out again as the main Tank with ok dps and a Brute would be a decent tank but with really good dps. Rather than a brute being a great tank and great dps whilst a Tanker being a great tank but poor dps as we have now. Still more mitigations and hit points than a scrapper with near comparable dps. A blaster can be made pretty durable but not close to a Tanker durable. Hit point difference, regen, mitigations and defence etc. But a brute can!
  9. Yes they were probably under geared i guess. I was soloing it fairly easily with just half a build. Levelling a tank to 50 can feel very underwhelming when a brute can tank pretty much the same, especially with a few buffs, yet kill so much faster. I just thought whats the point? and rolled a brute, so much easier. A brute can easily match the survivability of a Tanker or come very very close, yet a Tanker is not even close to brute damage on live. Nerf Brutes a little so tankers only need smaller buffs or just raise the Tanker damage to nearer Brute damage. A brutes damage can stay the same but its survivability caps should be lowered slightly to somewhere between scrapper and Tanker, its a little too close to tanker survival with Io's and buffs in my opinion. Something like this..... Brute 9/10 damage 8.5/10 survival Scrapper 10/10 damage 7.5/10 survival Tanker 7/10 damage 10/10 survival
  10. I know that my Brute is in the 80%+ resists and soft capped defence to melee/smash,lethal and its not close to finished with IO's. A tank would be capped resists now with probably 10%ish more defence but the brute will kill much much faster and not a lot stresses it. i have watched tanks die due to not being able to kill fast or not built well enough. Whilst i will kill them fast enough before they become a real threat even if not capped. Personally i would lower Brute mitigation caps to 85% or so, considering they don't get there as conveniently as you say. But thats just my opinion and would never happen. I am no expert just giving some of my experiences in game so far.
  11. SS definitely needs its numbers adjusting. Double Stacked Rage helped to hide just how bad the set is, so not many complained. But if they want us to single stack rage more, then they should adjust the DPA of the attacks and just give one stack of rage only. The set needs a cone also in my opinion. I don't see why it is ok for a Brute to be nearly as tanky as a Tanker yet allowed to do far more damage! That is how it has been for a long time now. Who needs the small extra % mitigation or extra health of a tanker when a Brute can kill a group of mobs in half the time of a Tanker. Dead mobs are no threat thus increasing your survivability. I rerolled from my Tanker to brute because of this. I got tired of watching Brutes steam ahead pulling packs of mobs and killing them very fast. I just felt i was not needed at all and was just a hindrance to Brutes, as i stole the aggro they wanted to fuel their fury. So i rolled a Brute, near Tanker survival with near Scrapper damage, Win WIn!. This is how i see them at the moment on live...... Brute 9/10 survival 9/10 damage Scrapper 7.5/10 Survival 10/10 damage Tanker 10/10 survival 4.5/10 damage Brutes are clear winners with scrappers second and Tankers left behind.
  12. I would leave haymaker alone, it is one of SS better attacks. Hurl would be better with a Cone or splash damage instead as it is rarely taken. It could be something like this instead..... Jab (Damage needs increasing) Punch Hurl (cone) Taunt Haymaker Handclap Rage (stacks once only, no crash or Toggle) Footstomp (AoE) Knockout blow
  13. Jab and punch seem quite low Damage per activation. Increase these as said above. Hurl could become a cone attack hitting everything in its path of travel. This would make it much more useful i think as the set does not have a cone attack. Remove the Crash from Rage altogether. Other Build ups don't have a crash, like Soul drain for example. There are far better ways to manage Rage than just slapping debuffs onto it. Some ideas for Rage i can think of..... Turn Rage into a Toggle with an endurance cost. Maybe even have it act a little like a brutes Fury, the more you attack or are attacked the more damage you deal or as Sir Myshkins idea of add a bruising effect to attacks that reduces enemy mitigations and give a small damage/to hit buff perhaps. OR make it stack only once OR recharge does not affect its cooldown. OR Reduce the buff amount rage gives to 50-60% for example. I do not feel that putting a heavy "Crash" debuff on a power to prevent over abuse is a clever solution really.
  14. Adding endurance costs to Rage would just hurt certain power sets. Some power sets can afford it but i know my Dark armor/SS tanker could not afford them. Why punish DA? Shouldn't SS work for all power sets equally. Why pick Super Strength if you could pick a power set that increases Defence or resists or debuffs mitigations/defences etc if they do equal damage. Some are more offensive and some are more defensive. Not a good change. Better to just allow it to stack only once and up the damage of some of the attacks in SS to comparable levels of other sets OR leave it as it is and reduce the damage buff a little, 60% instead of 80% for example. And remove the debuffs when Rage ends, its not needed and it is not fun.
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