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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. I have a Rad/DM Tanker and it is very good but i think the force feedback proc in my Rad/SS Tanker gives SS the edge. My AoE's are up faster with SS. Dark Melee relies on more mobs also. Titan weapons is probably the highest dps but not everyone likes the playstyle. I didn't really care for it and it's so endurance heavy. It may also receive a nerf in the future. But saying that Super strengths Rage crash is very annoying also, but at least the procs still hit.
  2. I have a 50 Bio/SS Tanker that i should finish building really. I can imagine it being good single and AoE damage. It has DNA siphon as an extra nuke like Rad Armour but on a longer cooldown and a damage aura. My Rad/SS is surprisingly good with a very proc heavy build and has very good survival with Rads heals and mitigation, averaging around 300% recharge with procs. The AoE is amazing with Meltdown, Footstomp, Dark Obliteration and Rad Therapy cycled with high recharge and procs. Ill try to do a pylon test with it but i am still finishing incarnating him. I like how Rad Armour still retains good survival even with a proc heavy build. I am unsure how Bio survival would compare. 3 minutes 11 seconds is my best pylon time so far with Rad/SS. T3 assault but not used. T3 musculature. T3 Reactive. Started with one stack of Rage and added stacks as i went. Fairly decent time i think for a AoE heavy build. My rotation is all over the place also lol. Recharge was 180 ish to 280ish depending on procs on a single target, running 4 toggles only for endurance consumption and particle shielding. Health didn't drop.
  3. I know they are Tankers but have any of you built for damage? and if so what power sets did you like the best?? AoE or single target. I think there was a a Bio/SS tanker that did a pylon in around 2 minutes. Would be nice to see some Tanker dps builds to go with the survival builds. My best so far is a Rad/SS build and Rad/DM build.
  4. I would also vote Rad armour for a new player as many have suggested here. Solid resists, heals and really helps with endurance. Slot a theft of essence proc in Rad Therapy early to further help with endurance. I would say pick the attack set you like the look of really. You want to have fun. 1 or 2 powers that do knockback\down would be nice though to slot some +recharge procs in. But go with what you like\theme. Have fun 🙂
  5. A Stone/Rad Brute... Critical Mass An Electric/Rad Brute.... Chain Reaction. These would do well i think. 🙂
  6. Things to consider... S/L defence is good to have. Softcap defence if you can 32-33% or 45%. Resists are always good to have. Some slow resists would be good as Bio has a lot of clicky lifesaver powers. You can break a winter set and get 3x15% slow resist for example. 50%+ would be good. Recharge is also good as it will reduce your heal and attack cooldowns etc.
  7. A Blaster with a good build. Uses Melee attacks also. A Dominator with a good build. Though a lot of it's attacks are melee also. Sentinel. Not the highest damage but pretty sturdy. An Arachnos Fortunata/Widow . Team buffs and damage and quite sturdy. A fire/Kinetics Corruptor. Teams will love you and good damage with a good build.
  8. I saw a name the other day that I wish I had come up with..... Maximum Cleavage. A buxom lass with a big axe 😛 . Made me laugh.
  9. As i said we do sort of agree. No offence taken, its forgotten. I have only given ideas to mull over. A dps increase is not out of the question due to the decreased targets and range than a blaster and lower survival than a Scrapper. They will still be behind blasters and Scrappers, but by a lesser amount. that is just one idea but a dps increase is not the only way to help improve them. They could be given something far more interesting than the Opportunity that we now have. I made a few suggestions and so have others. I do not think Criticals brings anything new to the table though. Yes the thread is How to improve Sentinels. I have given a few of my ideas and that is as far as i am going to take it also.
  10. I do think we sort of agree but have differences. The Sentinel needs a buff just like the Tanker had. A Tanker always had a defined role though. It just made it even better for more people. Those that were happy with it before are still happy with it now. The Sentinel has by many been deemed mediocre in comparison to other AT's, why is that?. Its fun to play but so is a level 20 character. Does that mean i should stay at level 20? and so is a character using only SO's, why bother with IO's if i am having fun. How long that fun will last though when players see other AT's doing it better than them i don't know. The Sentinel is ok but could be much better with some imagination. If this is the best it is gonna be it can stay on the sideline. If i want a ranged dps ill pick a blaster for even more explosive fun. If i just want to survive and dps ill pick a Scrapper/brute or Tanker. If i want to support or have fun with pets or be sneaky or controlling then ill pick the other ATs. But the Sentinel does not really bring anything unique other than its sort of a weak blaster with a few shields. VEAT/Kheld.... which are more unique and more fun really. The game is easy, Io's make it that way. Remove them and the game would change a lot. The sentinel may actually be good then 🙂. But it's an old game why bother? I don't really know why they changed the Tanker either. Much of the Sentinels dps comes from the Epic power pool also, weirdly. You play a fire blaster for extra damage, you play an energy blaster for knockback or ice for slows. They all have different attacks/animations so you may play them for that reason or a theme. A fire baster is only the highest end of performance if you wanted only damage, as that is all you will get. A fire/kinetics or illusion/storm controller are very very different than a Blaster or are you only talking about damage in certain situations? or just steam rolling the game?? i don't get the comparison. I already agreed the game is easy. Maybe we should just nerf the other AT's? the game would be more even more fun hehe. Win Win! "I don't think just in terms of "well, Blasters are the most bestest at damage therefore, I must play Blaster"........ Please don't try to belittle with these sorts of comments and don't try to be insulting calling me elitist either it really isn't that clever.
  11. Do you think the Sentinel actually brings anything to the table other classes don't do better? If you want dps pick a blaster/Scrapper/stalker/brute possibly dominator If you want a Tank pick a Tanker/Brute/Kheld If you want controls pick a controller/dominator Buffer/debuffer would be defender/corruptor/controller even Veat If you want mediocre dps with some survival and little to no utility then pick a Sentinel. They have medium dps, lowered AoE and fairly good survival. They don't really fit into a dps/tanker/buffer or controller role as it is. They are just a weak blaster with a bit more survival or a ranged Scrapper with less dps and survival, not a good place really. Even a Tanker can do comparable dps whilst hitting far more targets and have far better survival and are far more useful in a team situation. Sentinels don't even farm as well as other ATs. They need a better niche in my opinion. Either increase the dps or make them wanted by groups for some buff effect etc. They don't need a lot to make them better really, either they get a dps boost or a utility boost. But they are capable of doing content with no problems with their dps and survival and they are fun. But there are definitely better class choices available that do it.... Better! I play Tankers mostly so i care not. I have played many Sentinels and this is just my view of them, fun at first then the fun slowly dwindles.
  12. The Sentinel has enough handicaps in AoE and range to warrant better damage or at least make Opportunity wanted enough by teams to offset the reduced dps/AoE. Veats have good damage with none of the handicaps of a Sentinel and bring team buffs along also. A blaster has far higher dps, more range and more AoE targets. Damage is a form of survival. Scrappers have higher damage, higher health, better mitigation than the Sentinel and criticals on top. Just compare Scrappers Lightning Rod to Sentinels Nova for example. I think just turn the Sentinel into the range Brute version of Blasters and be done with it lol.
  13. I did mention once to lower mitigation some more to allow for a dps increase. Lowering range to 40' is acceptable also. With the Sentinels reduced range and targets and a lower mitigation cap than Scrappers, that should allow them to have high dps. The Opportunity buff should affect all Sentinel powers also and not just the T1/T2 powers. Opportunity could be a buff to AoE targets for a duration, whilst the Sentinel has a reduced AoE rest of the time. Or a Team wide Build up power. Or just a massive single target attack power. Plenty of options.
  14. There's doublehit similar to the incarnate assault. For a time when opportunity procs or on a percent chance all the time. There's power boost effect that buffs damage,recharge, secondaries so on for the Sentinel and the team. What about a proc effect to attacks and the Sentinel gets to choose the type of damage proc/effect. A damage increase the closer the Sentinel is to a target. In your face high dps or at range lower DPS. Maybe on a toggle. Toggle on reduces all attack to 10ft for example but gives a big damage boost in some way. Plenty of ideas have been mentioned. A lot of people want change,the class is lacklustre. And not just a mathematic change. The Sentinel is just outclassed in every way. Even a Tanker can out dps a Sentinel and they even have increased AoE and survival. You don't need range when you are nigh invincible. I also do not think the Sentinel has better AoE than melee with the sentinel reduced targets. Some of the Sentinel AoE is on long cooldown and PBAoE. How does it compare to an elec\shield scrapper with some extra AoE from the epic pool?
  15. Good to know the debuff cap is 300%. So there is plenty of room for resistance debufs then. It's a shame that the debuff is only single target on a sentinel though and tied to specific powers. At least the Tankers version was 100% uptime. Most ATs can steamroll this game though if built right. I still think a different mechanic would be better.
  16. There are resistance debuff procs that will boost a scrapper and other ATs damage easily. Scrapper more than Sentinel. How far can you debuff resistance, Zero? Certain power sets debuff resistance also. Defenders/ controllers etc debuff resistances also. Do we really need another resistance debuffer like the Sentinel. Let the Defenders etc do their job , they are barely needed as it is. I just think there are too many ways to debuff resistances. A more unique way to make Sentinels interesting would be better.
  17. I would say Rad Armour is one of the better Brute sets, even at low levels. It helps a lot with endurance which can be a big problem at lower levels. It has good energy and s/l Resists which are very common. Slow and endurance drain resistance. 2 heals that both give you recovery and endurance with the right proc and heals and regen. It has no damage aura but it does have 2 extra mini nukes. The aura it has can be procced to debuff resists and deal some damage whilst reducing defence and to hit. It has a useful T9. I would say RA is in a good spot for Brutes.
  18. Just put some procs in Rad Therapy, Ground Zero and Dark Obliteration. theft of essence proc goes well in Rad Therapy for endurance management plus some damage procs. My Rad/DM Tanker keeps up with Scrappers all day lol and is more survivable. And can farm better than most Fire farming brutes.
  19. (A) Empty (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance (A) Empty (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion Level 50: Musculature Core Paragon ------------ This is the Build i have come up with and does very well in survival and damage. I wish recharge was a little higher. Any improvements i could make? The Decimation BU proc in Gloom could be changed also. Clears a +4x8 Moon map in just over 3 mins but still working on incarnate.
  20. Bolo Yeung was a Brute and Bruce was a Scrapper. Chuck was a BruTankapper....all 3 lol.
  21. Musculature Radial does off some Endurance modification with slightly reduced damage. Maybe change some IO slotting?
  22. Barely. I wouldn't exactly call it a rotation filler. More to proc opportunity.
  23. No they aren't. Fire does not need flares or fireblast for example in a rotation really, it's a dps loss. Flares now and then to proc Opportunity. I am not going to use a bad Dpa attack other than to proc Opportunity for the minus resist to one hard target the odd occasion.
  24. Opportunity should not be tied to a t1\t2 power as a lot of builds do not use these. Tankers changed it and so should Sentinels. Turn Opportunity into a power boost like effect on a timer as it is now but not tied to any specific attack. It will buff the sentinel and the whole teams damage, recharge, defence and secondary effects whilst it is active. 25% or so. OR turn Opportunity into a chance to double hit\strike on all attacks, all the time or on a timer. At least that would be a little different than criticals or fury which we already have. Survival should be lower than scrappers due to range.
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