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Clam Leader

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Everything posted by Clam Leader

  1. No where in the original post does he even mention his own testing, its all just math that can be solved for without even loading the game. In fact the only actual 'results' he brings up at all appear to be complementing other peoples performances which have proven his math better than his script could.
  2. Whatever changes may come. There are 2 primairy things nessecery for the continued functionality of the ATs Number adjustments. At the moment Kheldians suck, this isn't a debatable statement. Our numbers are so bad that even with extensive animation canceling we are barely competetive in terms of dps. Our 'tank form' is too squishy to tank any content that is actually hard. Our dps form damage caps way to easily and lacks any heavy hitting blast that a blaster might use. Any rework has to address this issue or it will be a failure from the moment you say go. And second we need a reason to want to use our forms, and this is where the inherant could come in. It could be as simple as micro defiance for nova and some sort of regen/taunt aura for dwarf. Just something to make you want the forms (human included) beyond 'I want to click dwarf mire'
  3. Ran a Office Map test on Highlight using the same build as before, and landed a 4:32 clear time.
  4. I missed this, the pylons are actually even more dangerous, but they added pylon dummies that dont fight back so that testers dont interfere with MSRs.
  5. I agreed with you at first ( if you my PB time it was with only 1 temp power and I couldn't control that power as it was the aura of mot) but after speaking with Koopak about it more I see what hes going for here. The goal is not to have a 'standard test' or a compilation of data that can be viewed by the general player base. The goal is to find the absolute peak, the "we took out the breals and steering wheel to shed a few pounds" level of optimization. Because in alot of organized groups these days, survival on a dps build is wasted. Think of it in terms of WoW, where raiders spend more time getting world buffs than they do on the boss. Which is something very untested in cox due to the way the cimmunity obsesses over 'realism'
  6. I don't build for a vacuum. I test things solo, sure. But I'm not a hardcore solo player, I specifically focus on general group functionality. Which comes with assumptions that I don't need to tank everything, and that I will be getting some outside survival buffs. But more importantly, failure just isn't a possibility. I don't need to build to avoid failure because the conditions I play in success is assumed. Therefore I focus on achieving that success either more quickly or more smoothly.
  7. I disagree fundamentally. 95% of the game may be groups of mobs. But 95% of that barely matters. And every point of survivability you dont need is wasted build resources. Damage is one of the hardest things to increase from outside sources, and what sources do exist will boost an optomized build even further, and the only bottleneck to quick completion of content.
  8. Most kf these changes are not 'targetted' or designed to achieve anything specific with in the game. You only need to look at how consistant these changes are to realize that they are designed to get all APPs and PPPs to fit with the presumed formula that should apply to these pools. Which is a decent idea for balance. Its just too nad the formula is awful. It turns otherwise interesting powers into usable twice a mission trash simply throigh the CD increases alone. The holds, dominate, char, etc. I dislike the 24 second cd, but I get it. The real issue is the flashier stuff that only some ATs get, Quicksand on tanks was already bad. Now its worse. Hoarfrost as is coming to defenders? Basically dead on arrival due to a NINE MINUTE base cooldown. Are there some powers in these pools where an increased base cd is reasonable? Yes. But 3x? For all the best utility? Is actually just unforgivable for how it makes the most exciting APPs actually just frustrating to think about what could have been.
  9. This is actually just incredibly dissapointing. The aether bonus was small enough to encourage good team arrangement while not being so large as to matter extensively. These badges accomplish nothing. Anyone that thought people were going to speedrun ... what? Tin Mage? For 1 aether per alt. Do you really think 40 merits arent already enough pf a reason to do that? Which are worth far far more than 1 aether.
  10. Alot of these nerfs to bring outliars in line with the epic design equation or whatever just feel and play bad. Nerfs to powers that are already mid at best just so they can fit the 'equation' feels awful and sounds awful. I love thematic options but whats the point of a power you can only use once every 4 or 5 spawns? It feels like were back in the era of statesman and his 'vision' when it comes to some of these changes.
  11. Personally, on the Kheldian numbers. I would move WS pets to 4 or even 5, as Extracted Essence is argueably stronger then most controller pets. Leaving it that low feels wrong. For Peacebringers I would move there control 1 point higher as well. PBs do have the option for an aoe stun, repeatable KD effects, and a ST cc on there big melee hit.
  12. For an actual demonstration look at either my or Madvillains videos in Lauciannas guide thread.
  13. Figured I would upload a Pylon test for my Fire/Bio scrapper as well. No where near as optimized as my Peacebringer but it still clocked in at a solid 76 seconds. Effluence_Fire-Bio_tweaked.mbd
  14. Fwiw, I was iffy about certain aspects of this feature. After reading explanations I fully support this feature, and if this goes the way of beanbag (with the whiners getting what they want despite it being worse for the community over all) I will be sorely dissapointed.
  15. To satisfy Koopak, I landed a 52 second pylon shortly after the 58. No video but he witnessed it in person. Same build as the 58 second run.
  16. Yep, version 6 as shown in the previous post
  17. Posting an update on this Most recent time was 58 seconds as of about 5 minutes ago. Worth noting I have the 9% damage buff from the end of Dream Doctors story arc, I tried to remove it but I'm not able and I can't really wait it out since its 120 hours of in game time and I'm only able to spend 3 to 4 hours in game at a time. If you remove that I would still be at 59 seconds.
  18. I'll go ahead and make the first upload to this with a 62 second pylon time on my Peacebringer. Highlight_PB_v6.mbd
  19. Another option that so many players choose skip entirely. Quantum Flight. Its a 1 stop shop for buying you time in any situation and I can not recomend it enough.
  20. So, with all the talk about Arachnos being an issue, I sat down and ran a few missions for the first time in nearly a year. Now, I'm extremely rusty but I can see why you would struggle. You have to really play each pull smart against Arachnos on +4/x8. Corner pull, prioritize targets, and don't be afraid to pop a blue now and again. I never died, but there were a few times when, during the final window of ageless I had to pop a blue or two to keep my end up.
  21. Ill be honest, I don't know what to tell you. I run ageless for end and do an animation cancel aoe chain of nova cone dwarf tp nova aoe dwarf flare solar flare/nuke for hard pulls. Letting me open by killing most mobs. Then I run ageless core because even with perf shifter procs that chain eats like 50+ end in 3 seconds. Then I animation cancel into quantumn flight anytime I feel like I might die and then reset the pull. As Koopak said, I spent the better part of a year practicing different chains, from damage to substituting dwarf sublimation for dwarf smite when I needed healing. My goal was to make every little ounce of utility the build had available literally at anytime. Be it healing, phase shifting, tp, KD, etc.
  22. Nah, as shown in the video I just do enough damage and KD that they dont get a chance to attack my lack of defense. Between that and lightform and the many healing options Ive never had much trouble.
  23. I just run a 0 defense changeling build and have solod most non-4 star content on +4×8. The key with Arachnos is just kill everything. I actually happen to have an early trapdoor run to demonstrate. also it appears my earlier build was the wrong version. This is the actual build O run. Highlight_PB_v3.mxd
  24. Theres nothing wrong with FoW realistically, the opportunity cost is just too high. You need 3 power slots (two of which wind up mostly dead) and a pool pick, and thats not even accounting for any slots you might want. I myself used it for a while and loved it, but realizing I was investing so much for a situational power lead to alot more efficient building after the fact. As for specific suggestions, PBs have so many good utility powers already I would look into those, or cross punch, I love me some cross punch.
  25. I figure since I'm no longer using it and folks have asked in a few places I would share my PB build as well. AFAIK it currently holds the record pylon time for Kheldians at roughly 62 seconds. Average time is closer to 66 or 67. Maybe someone else can push it even further. Highlight_pb_v4.mxd
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