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Everything posted by TheOtherTed

  1. Where now the Trolls and the Outcasts? Where now the Pumicites swarming? Where now the capes and the heroes, and the Frostfire teams forming? They have passed with Talshak the Mystic, with Flux and Julius mourning; The Caverns of Transcendence lie empty, for bitter vets are scorning. Anyway, I get what Legree said - after one too many Hollows runs, I remember being all to happy to do radio missions. Still, there's a ton of nostalgia there, and even with the changes made (a hospital and trainer, greater variety in enemies, etc.), it still has an "old school" feel, and IMO is still a lot of fun. It really is too bad that there isn't a "pointer mission" to it - I wonder if any true newbies even knows it exists.
  2. Yep - not only that, but Cryptic Studios was pitching itself as a sort of MMO factory at the time. I remember the phrase "from concept to game in under two years" being bandied about (though I can't find a link at the moment). Cryptic fanboy that I was, that made me cringe a bit.
  3. So empty. So sad. :(
  4. You likely have as much info about him as the rest of us, i.e. that he is merely a gifted surgeon, and nothing more. Personally, I'd make him a completely non-magical Scrapper, load him up with everything in the Medicine pool, and advertise him as a healer.
  5. Here's another in the "sometimes less is more" category. This is a remake of the first character I got through Outbreak. Many others were "dismissed" before they even talked to Flint - every time I tried for a superhero look, I created one uncomfortable monstrosity after another. So I went the opposite direction and science-blapped some average Joe from 1943 into the present. Still can't get a good texture match between the jacket and the slacks, though...
  6. On my old Archery/Energy blaster, it was Bonesmasher + Power Thrust + Blazing Arrow. Knock 'em silly, send 'em flying, and finish 'em off before they hit the ground...
  7. Haha, yes, the controller's dilemma! There were so many times where my ill/emp troller was so focused on healing and support that I often neglected the thing she did best - locking down the baddies. Towards the end, to signal that I was switching from support to controls, I set up a keybind to say, "For the party to live, one must die." Still only got thanked for the "heals" though...
  8. Holy smokes, how did I forget Croatoa?! That actually could be a really good tie-in for my character - tracking down a couple of rogue "purist" or "reactionary" factions from the Otherworld, but doing so in a way that doesn't further disrupt the boundary between worlds (e.g., using means familiar to normal humans to prevent some sort of psychic or magical backlash or mumble something mumble). The problem then is what to do after Croatoa...
  9. Hi all, I figured this would be the place to ask the following, but let me know if it isn't. Back before sunset, I found myself getting into characters with the theme of "myth made modern" (e.g., a Svartalfr garage mechanic, a biker-themed Valkyrie, etc.). As of Homecoming, I started running a modern Sidhe law enforcement officer who is part of an exchange program with the PPD, in association with MAGI (hopefully, her counterpart will return in less than 700 years and won't immediately age to death when he or she sets foot on Terran soil). However, I hesitate to write a real backstory for her, as I have no idea how (or if) the Sidhe fit in with the city's history. Would they have resisted modernization? Would they scorn pistols and rifles in favor of fancy, D&D style spells? Would there be a place for a beam rifle wielding Sidhe? Not that I'd go that route - just testing the boundaries. Would they even be interested in any sort of formal exchange program, or, for that matter, do they even exist in this multiverse? On a side note, the character is supposed to be a tough-as-nails police type, but I as a player have a difficult time conveying that. Ironically, I have no problem casually RPing my hardboiled 1940s detective, but when it comes to more modern types of "tough," I feel like I just project as sullen and moody. Any RP tips on that front would be appreciated.
  10. I'm right there with you, OP. My two favorite characters were a Kinetics/Archery defender and an Illusion/Empathy controller, and I haven't even tried to re-create them here. Part of that is my tastes were changing towards the end of live. I had discovered tanks and brutes after avoiding them for so long, and then I took a walk on the wild side with a couple of blasters and never really looked back. My current Dual Pistols/Energy blaster is becoming my new main. Another part is that I kind of felt like I'd seen and done it all with my two former mains. They were in their 40s, I had no urge to get them to 50, and teaming with them actually started to feel a bit stale - no new rotations, no scary surprises, no more by-the-skin-of-our-teeth victories. I felt like their peak time had been 22 to 38, and it was time to retire. Still, I'd like to try other defenders, corruptors, controllers, or dominators - I just haven't settled on a good backstory for any of 'em. And I'd really, really like to do more with my Street Justice/Willpower scrapper, but my blaster keeps calling me...
  11. The biggest mistake I ever made in CoX turned out to be a good thing, as it was immediately followed up by the biggest mistake I didn't make... I was a new player, and I wanted to break in to teaming (I'd been soloing with a scrapper for a while). I made a Kin/Archery defender, and thought of the character as being "assault support" (i.e., boosting the team's outgoing damage). To that end, I took Assault from the Leadership pool, and figured that and Siphon Power would be my "thing" for the lower levels. Billed myself as an "Offender" on LFG (because that's what the cool kids on the forums seemed to call offense-minded defenders), held my breath, and dove into The Hollows. I was almost immediately picked up by a team consisting of a blaster (the leader), a tank, and a scrapper. In retrospect, there were warning signs up the wazoo - little quips and snipes about whether I was a "real" healer, basically. At one point, the scrapper broke off to attack a purple-conning solo mob, and being the dutiful and clueless lowbie, I followed to support. Suddenly, the blaster and tank both say "Ready!", and shortly after the tank says "heal pls" followed by "lol." I look for them, and for the life of me can't find them. At this point, I realize the scrapper was no longer part of the team, but I had no idea when he'd left or if he'd been kicked. I find the blaster, who was kiting reds and purples like crazy (and aggroing a few more for his trouble). I bite it in his mob train, he goes down, and then the "helpful comments" start flooding in (every one of the tank's comments ended in "lol"). I added a few "helpful comments" of my own, and quit. I was an angry young Ted. My big mistake was not recognizing that the group was looking for a "healer," and/or not making it clear that my character was built for another reason. Another mistake was chasing down the scrapper instead of following the leader's lead (in retrospect, he may have been trying to catch the "Atlas Express"). Regardless, I was red hot with fury and embarrassment. I considered deleting the character right then and there - but I channeled my anger, determination, and sheer stubbornness. I played that character for years afterwards.
  12. Hi all, I started on Triumph but moved to Virtue after a few years. If I have any characters worth remembering, they'd be these two: Legia, a kinetics/archer defender, and the character I most loved to hate to play. The fast pace of kinetics revved me up something fierce, and I, uh, may have lost my temper a few times. If you were ever on the receiving end, I do sincerely apologize... Thantasia, a ghostly illusion/empathy controller, who, if remembered at all, is probably remembered more for her heals than for the majestic art of illusioning. If you survived with her in the party, it probably wasn't because of the heals... In Homecoming, I've recreated my first character from CoH, Dash Marlowe, who never found a comfortable powerset combination until Street Justice and Willpower became available - by which time I'd pretty much given up on the concept. Ironically enough I also played an archery/TA blaster named Street Justice until the powerset came out. Oh, well.
  13. Hi all. Started on Triumph and moved to Virtue, right around the time Triumph went from being "the friendly server" to "the pantsless server..." Can't remember my global name, nor my whole stable of experimental characters, so I'll limit myself to the more sociable ones: Sal, a Djinn fire/fire blaster with a heart of gold, a taste for Greek food, and an unabiding hatred for anything even vaguely undead; Suzie Mae, an archery/energy blapper "spy" (for a loose definition of the word). She was a source of panic for any healer; Derg, a motorcycle-riding svartalf (i.e. drow because I was clueless back then) dark/archery defender who rode into Paragon City with the Wild Hunt and got stranded on a legal technicality; Nithi, a female counterpart to Derg and my experiment in Dark Armor tanking; and Hlathgud, a Valkyrie war mace/shield brute who got tired of slinging mead in Valhalla and decided to take a permanent vacation. The first two characters were briefly part of a supergroup (S.C.O.R.P.I.O.), but I PUGged with all of 'em.
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