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Everything posted by TheOtherTed

  1. Ugh - I completely missed Tactical Arrow until I saw this thread. I'm currently running a TA/Arch def and was planning to invest heavily in Leadership, but now I'm thinking the only reason to stick with it is the defender Leadership bonuses. Wondering if it's worth it...
  2. I'm currently playing a dual pistols / poisons corruptor, and I'm really digging the melee potential of the build. Even at early levels, the combo of Envenom (AoE -Res - Def) and Weaken (AoE -ToHit -Dam) can reduce a mid-size spawn to puppy dogs nipping at your heels. There are probably better options than dual pistols, though - unless style is a priority. In live, I also played a dark / archery defender who would "tank" when actual tanks wouldn't tank. Fearsome Stare + Darkest Night + Tar Patch = who needs a tank? Not necessarily a "melee" build, but capable of controller levels of safety.
  3. The trophy is not the default option. I have to mouse over four whole icons to get to the trophy - who's got time for that?
  4. Silly as it sounds, the only thing that keeps me personally from hitting it is that the default icon is a heart. To this old gamer, that means something other than "like."
  5. I honestly don't recall single snipers being all that deadly. My pre-sunset kin/arch defender, the squishiest of my characters, could leap through FF without too much trouble - in fact, she used to "snipe hunt" on a pretty regular basis, risking an extra shot or two to triangulate the sniper. I was only ever shot out of the sky when I was focused by multiple snipers and didn't find cover, either because I was still new to the zone, or because I was in a hurry to get somewhere. That said, I haven't seen HC FF yet, so I don't know if it's been changed.
  6. Thanks Darkir! I may prioritize the fighting pool over Leadership then. I see this character more as an "enforcer" cop than a squad leader, and even if Boxing and Kick are sub-optimal, they're more in theme. Tactics is very tempting though - weird as it sounds, that was one of my favorite powers "live."
  7. I'm new-ish to Corruptors and Dual Pistols, and brand new to Poisons. I just rolled a Corruptor with this combo, and I'm sitting at level 8. I have to admit, I'm really impressed by Poisons - not sure why I avoided it on live. Envenom + Weaken seems to allow for some crazy toe-to-toe action that I wouldn't have expected for a Corruptor. That said, I'm considering dipping into the Fighting and Leadership pools with this character, and I'd like some feedback. Fighting is mainly for RP reasons (the character is a cop from another dimension who is taking part in an exchange program with the PPD) but with Weaken, it might be actually fun to have some melee attacks for the inevitable in-your-face action. Does Weaken reduce the importance of Tough and Weave, or would those have synergy that's too good to pass up? For Leadership, I'm considering Assault and Tactics at least for the low- to mid-levels, in order to play to the almost "offender" like nature of Envenom. Seems like that would be a powerful combination, but I might be off base. I'm sure the Pistols / Poisons combo has other tricks, traps, synergies, and... whatever the opposite of "synergies" is (anergies? fall-on-your-face-ergies?). Any tips and feedback would be most welcome.
  8. Because Pocket D is not directly accessible via AP or Mercy, while AE is. Many (if not most) people who use AE do so because it's very convenient - asking them to go out of their way will likely be ignored. As for the OP, think it's a good idea to double up on the Mission Computer functionality. However, I don't see it reducing the Liberty problem, not only for the convenience issue mentioned, but also because not everyone has access to a base, or interest in getting it. Might be better just to drop a trainer in the AE buildings (and a vendor also, if there isn't one already).
  9. Click the Mission button under the compass at the top of the screen, click on any other mission, then click "Select task." That will reset the previously active mission. If you don't have any other missions, then get one. ;) A radio (or television) mission will do the trick just as well as a contact mission. Added: But, yeah, first do what justicebeliever says below :)
  10. Nothing like it under Titan Weapons. The closest I could find under Staff Fighting is the trident, but the prongs are close to the same size. There are also some fanciful weapons under Staff Fighting that might look kind of like a ranseur if viewed briefly or from the right angle, but the prongs are 3D instead of 2D.
  11. Could that not be said for just about anything in the Leadership pool, though? One thing that we're all sort of forgetting is that the OP is dipping into Leadership for RP purposes and has already said he/she/it isn't aiming for an optimal build. Maybe he/she/it would be better served if we offer RP interpretations of each of the powers?
  12. Tough call. If you're running a RP character, what's "skippable" or not depends on your interpretation of each power. On that basis, I personally would skip Maneuvers in favor of Vengeance, for a couple of reasons. First, while Vengeance is situational (i.e., it can only be used after a teammate falls), it has a more ready and dramatic RP interpretation - "We have to press on, for Bob!" or "Bob's death will not be in vain!" Second, Vengeance is the only Leadership power where the numbers are pretty good for all archetypes (melee types get the shaft for all other Leadership powers). I had a Defender on live who had Vengeance. On the one hand, I barely used it. On the other hand, the few times I did, at least one person on the team would immediately respond with "awesome" or "cool." People may "criticize" taking such a situational ability, but people will also applaud when the situation occurs. BTW, you may have already seen this, but there's a nice breakdown of Leadership numbers by archetype here: https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Leadership#Archetype_Differences
  13. Nah nah nah, back to the first page with this thread! Here's a remake of my biker Valkyrie that I had played a few months before the lights went out: ...and I suddenly realized that I have to re-tint the shades :o
  14. Here goes a couple... Be kind. Rewind. (There's a 30-year old virtual cookie for anyone who gets the reference.) First up: Dash Marlowe Bio: A day can make all the difference. I should know - I left my yesterday back in 1943. I was chasing down some sort of super science gizmo for the Feds, and I knew I was getting close. Too close, it turns out. I had the thing in my sights, when suddenly there was this blinding flash. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in an army hospital a lifetime later. For my troubles I got a hearty handshake, a "thank you for your service, Mr. Marlowe," and an impromptu military escort to the nearest door. Good to know some things haven't changed... Second, my newest character: Arduenne Bio: The R.D.U.N. series of cybernetic modifications represents the latest in augmented soldier technology. Increasingly favored by military agencies and mercenary companies alike, R.D.U.N. promises reaction time and tactical awareness that surpass our nearest competitors by nearly four percent! Contact a representative of Feth-fiadha Incorporated today to give your soldiers the combat advantage they need. (This bio is a placeholder - somehow need to incorporate an alternate universe (where the Gallic tribes threw back the Roman conquest), intergalactic warfare which resulted in the complete destruction of said universe, and the surviving pieces getting scattered across the multiverse. Finding it hard to relate all that in a paragraph...)
  15. I'll go one step beyond Abraxus and give that a flat-out "no." Not because of any fanboyishness (if that wasn't a word, it is now), but it seems unlikely to me that the intersection between CoH fans and classic WoW fans would be very big. Two very different themes that offer very different experiences - and as has been suggested, the people trickling into CoH now (like myself) are probably doing so to satisfy an itch that classic WoW won't scratch. I might play classic WoW, just for nostalgia, but I know that I'll be fully reminded of the reasons I dropped WoW after three months of BC.
  16. Might be a sign of the times. A co-worker and I both noticed independently that people (often younger folks, but not exclusively) just flat out ignored common casual greetings at work, or, at best (or worst), would meet them with a silent and expressionless stare. When I first noticed it, I was a bit self-conscious about it, but the co-worker in question is much more sociable and charismatic than I, and asked me about it without prompting (I had somehow become his go-to guy for explaining introvert behavior). I have no idea what the demographics of current CoH or internet denizens are these days, but maybe it's a general trend? That said, I tend to ignore recruiting tells in game, or tells that lack information (e.g., a simple "Hey" with nothing else). I don't mean to be rude in the latter case; there's just not a lot to respond to. If there's a follow-up, I'll generally answer.
  17. Ah, thanks, that clears it up. I didn't realize Vigilance was that powerful, but then I didn't solo much with my Defs when the damage boost was added. This makes me feel a lot better about running my latest concept as a Defender. :)
  18. I was mucking around in Pine's Hero Designer, comparing Archery damage across Defenders, Blasters, Corruptors, and Sentinels. The base line damage for each of the Defender attacks is lower than for the other ATs (no surprise there), but when I click on any attack to add it to the build, an extra 30% damage is added to the base. In addition, if I "View Totals" and select "Misc Buffs," I notice that there's a generic +30% Damage buff that shows up when you first click an attack. For most archery attacks, this bumps damage from ~58% Blaster damage to ~75% - well above Corruptor damage (~67%), but still below Sentinel (~80%). My questions: Is this real, or an artifact of the Hero Designer? If real, is the Corruptor Scourge effect sufficient to match or surpass this flat +30%?
  19. You'll level up much more quickly in teams, now matter how you slice it - but, IMO, it's often too fast, especially with a full team of 8. That said, yes, it's mostly soloable, but certain AT combinations will have a really hard time of it. For example, my Dark/Archery Defender and Illusion/Empathy Controller had no problems soloing content at higher levels, but my Kinetics/Archery Defender was useless on her own past level 40. In my experience, if an AT combo lacks damage mitigation in the form of defenses, controls, pets, or enemy debuffs, and doesn't have the damage output to make up for it, it will become a rough ride.
  20. Music and environmental ambience. WoW is one of three MMOs I regularly revisit for just that reason. I'm not claiming that the graphics are great (for the most part, they're not), but the lighting, music, use of colors, etc., often convey a "sense of place" to a degree that I just haven't experienced in CoH. Also, combat feels faster, at least at lower levels. That said, I generally get bored with my WoW characters by the upper 20s; CoH keeps me invested on a per-character basis for much longer.
  21. Awesome, thank you! :D
  22. So I have a new character theme, and I'm trying to decide whether to make him a Defender or a Corruptor. A good part of that will depend on what sort of bonuses each gets from pool power buffs. The archetype-specific buffs from the Leadership pool are spelled out nicely in Paragon Wiki, but the other pools... not so much. Is there a reasonable place to find such numbers? Would also be interested in "inherent" numbers, i.e., how much HP the different ATs have, or the relative damage output of, say, Blasters, Corrupters, and Defenders.
  23. Is this it?
  24. Y'all definitely don't disappoint! Anyway, I dug up another near-forgotten video buried deep in my youtube favorites - possibly the best SG recruiting video I've ever seen (so far):
  25. One great thing about this game is the creativity, humor, and technical skills of its fans. I had a random CoH memory jogged loose today (in a conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with CoH), so I sniffed around the internet to see if the source of the memory still existed - and it does! I'm throwing it at you in hopes that you'll throw out other bits of nearly-forgotten video bites... (note this was based on an audio skit that also still exists: )
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