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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. May you all revel in the festival of Saturnalia

    Ut fructus vester sit tantamque copiam


    1 hour ago, Lost Ninja said:

    Apparently Google Translate won't translate "Bah Humbug" into Latin... 😕


    It spits out this: "Nupta Essential Alison Krauss" I suspect that isn't correct...

    I thought that was a joke but it really does that lol.

    It may still be humor on the part of the guy in charge of Google Translate.

    Upset that his crush is married or she had a terrible wedding or some such.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Healix said:


    I did not mean for that to sound critical in any way, just noticing an oddity.

    Removed the reference, left the thanks, that was the important bit.


    Merry Me-mas @Healix and thanks for all your contributions.

    The forums are a better place with people like you here.zb7XgP0P_o.png



    3 hours ago, QueenBethari said:

    It's so beautiful, @Christopher Robin! I love it. ❤️

    So glad you approve @QueenBethari.

    I'm curious, is she supposed to have human

    bits (fingers and toes) or froggy bits? I was guessing.

    Also does she have a backstory for how she became sentient?



    • Like 5
  3. On 11/28/2019 at 7:23 PM, Healix said:

    You know what makes your art come alive for me? You have a talent for REALLY making the eyes alive and full of expression, along with your other talents.

    The eyes are, almost without exception, the first thing that

    I draw and often an area of focus. Windows of the soul and all that.


    Thank you kindly Healix. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    Oh also, though this is my busy season and I don't have a whole lot of consecutive spare time

    for drawing, playing the game or posting as often I'd like, while I am yet awaiting Barbarette's refs I

    found myself with a half hour free while running Memtest86 today and thought I would try a quick sketch.


    Here then is Queen Bethari's Plague of Frogs themed character Pollywog.

    I wasn't really too sure how much of her is human and how much is

    ranine so I decided to ribb-it and go all in on her froggy-er aspects.


    Hopefully that decision didn't bog me down too much. rs4wmRnk_o.gif




    About 8 minutes of of drawing 15 minutes of crosshatching

    and 2-3 minutes of finger smudging. Ref pic here.





    Merry Me-Mas QB and thanks for all the likes, comments, costumes and

    written content you are creating for our enjoyment. So glad you are here. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    • Like 10
  4. 10 hours ago, QueenBethari said:

    That's not a knife. That's a knife.


    You know, I've probably left a dozen or so obscure pop-culture

    references strewn about in the various threads of "the New 62."™

    You may actually be the first to acknowledge "getting" one of them.

    /e hats off to you QB. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    P.S. The New 62 is what I just decided I will be calling the artz section of the forums

    since that is its numeric designation and the people who put it up didn't take my suggestion of

    naming it with some variant of the old 606 for nostalgia's sake. Hey something similar worked for DC I hear. 07K1tHnz_o.png



    • Like 4
  5. 3 hours ago, Shadowsleuth said:

    Is there a thread for requesting new Weapon & Shield models?

    As of yet, there is not. Technically anything in the Costume Creator is a costume piece but if

    you think there should be a separate area for weapons and the like by all means start a thread. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    • Thanks 3
  6. 8 hours ago, Jawbreaker said:

    I did that  a few times as well,.............................

    "That" as in you did artz contests for your SG or you made hilarious captions for some pics and posted them?

    Either way I wouldn't mind seeing "them" if you have any laying around. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    • Like 4
  7. I lol'd at the Hydra one.


    Welcome to the best part of the forums Jawbreaker. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    I guess I was doing a similar thing back on live long before Memes were a thing. Back in far away long

    forgotten times (like 2005) I would take images and sometimes put funny captions to them.

    I even had contests where I would put up a funny CoH image and whomever

    came up with the funniest caption got a sketch of their hero.


    Don't know if I saved any of them or not.



    • Like 5
  8. On 12/9/2019 at 4:07 PM, boggo2300 said:

    I barely know anyone who takes SS at all, everyone I know loathes it with great loathing



    I am honestly surprised this thread isn't titled "Flight! Is there really any other viable travel power?"

    Then amidst a chorus of "Of course not" and "Fly is the best!" I would make a

    thoughtful case for why Ninja Run is also pretty cool. rs4wmRnk_o.gif





    • Like 6
  9. On 12/7/2019 at 2:47 AM, parabola said:

    It's funny really. I look back fondly at the old low level hollows and perez park experiences. It gave the hazard zones a real sense of danger, living up to their name. That sense of achievement at having simply managed to arrive at a mission was great. My hatred of igneous burns undimmed to this day!

    Oook Ook!

    "Oh no... RUN!!!!"


    smash SMASH SMASH nuuuuuuoooo SMASH BANG POW SMASH

    "OWWWwwww Whyyyyy!"







    aaaaand team wipe!"





    FU Igneous!


    ...hey guys I think I'm out of range, Imma use a wakie...

    NO WAIT one of them is coming back!


    waaaaaaaaaaaah! rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Something like that?

    I do concur though that just making it to a mission in Eastgate Heights in one piece was cause for celebration.

    A good gulch runner was a real asset for any team. Put that in your outgoing LFT note and you were sure to get an invite.

    Plus it made us appreciate the Taxibots. zb7XgP0P_o.png






    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  10. On 12/11/2019 at 2:25 AM, Virtual Green said:


    Hadn't thought about using latin, that could work!

    In regards to the clipping issue with the hood and the eye detail, it bothered me as well, but I'm a fan of the "blind seer" archetype, and I thought it'd fit this character (after all, who needs sight when you've spent decades in the abyss and you can use darkness to "see"?), hence why I didn't change it.


    Alternatively Mare, Oceanum, Amnis, Tenebris and Fossa for Sea, Ocean, Current, Darkness and Trench respectively.

    Also in the place of Vox you could try Sonos, Radior, and Profluo for Sounds, Emanations and Flux.


    Mare calls to mind horses but could also be dreams as in Nightmare so maybe Voxmare?

    I also like Radior Fossa, (emanation of the trenches), Sonos Sub Amnis (sounds

    under the currents) and Vox Tenebris (a voice in the darkness) as well.


    I edited out the bit about the clipping because it's not your

    doing and there is no ready fix (short of modding).



    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  11. On 12/10/2019 at 11:58 AM, Rylas said:

    Corrected the names of the powers. As for the slight white edging on the icons, I'm not sure what to tell you. The png's are created on clear backgrounds, so there shouldn't even be white showing up on the edges at all. Perhaps it's a setting when creating the png files, but I don't know which setting is creating the issue. 😞

    Hmm. If it is all done in Portable Network Graphics format with clear backgrounds those shouldn't happen.

    If I had to guess, total shot in the dark though as I cannot observe your workflow, I would think they are

    remnants from other icons. Like if you at some point in your process cut out or remove Martial Combat

    from the above post but didn't quite get all of it and then without starting from scratch or wiping the

    template clean you made the next icon and the bits left over are now overlaid onto the new icon.


    Lending more credence to that notion I just noticed while typing this that in the post above

    in addition to the 3, 6, 9 and 12 positions on a clock face the Devices icon has white

    encroachment at the 5 and 7 like a four corners icon (i.e. your avatar) does.

    Is it possible the template you use has remnants from previous icons?

    • Thanks 2

    Oh I'm not worried about people with delicate sensibilities. If you try to speak

    honestly and directly you are bound to offend somebody on the internet these days. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Some parents do let their kids wander about the art forums to see the art and costumes though.

    Subtle references might go above their heads but explicit storytelling leaves little to the imagination.



    • Thanks 3
  13. All caught up, nice art work (I too was reminded of Bratz) and compelling story so far.

    I am wondering if the Black & White sequence was just a dream or possible foreshadowing. 


    Also a message of hope from the future to Mari and anyone else suffering through the dark times, circa 1996

    (IIRC when those movies on the posters came out 07K1tHnz_o.png), fear not... "Flockbuster's" dominance of the market is short-lived

    and ends with much insult, injury and one of the most boneheaded business decisions in history when the CEO flat out refused 

    an offer to buy out a then fledgling "movies in the mail" company called Netflix for the paltry sum of $50 Million. kYftkbzZ_o.gif



    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, QueenBethari said:

    It worked for me. Is it your internet? 🤔

    @Dudesoft I love the comic. The art style is gorgeous. It reminds me of Bratz dolls and Lizzie McGuire.


    32 minutes ago, Dudesoft said:

    @Christopher Robin

    Sorry it's giving you grief. At the moment my url is a mask / hook that leads to Wordpress. Here is a direct link!



    @QueenBethari wow! That is nice praise. Thanks so much! 🙂


    @QueenBethari My internet is working fine and I can access every other site normally but

    I do have a bit more security than the average bear. Scripts, tracking cookies, adds, auto redirects

    and the like are automatically prevented from running, deleted or blocked unless I give specific permission.


    @Dudesoft Oh yep that was it. The hook/masked url was being blocked by default

    as they do not always take you where they are supposed to. The direct link works fine. Thanks



    • Like 2
  15. Heya Dudesoft and welcome to best part of the forums!  zb7XgP0P_o.png

    I'll definitely go check out the comic when I get a break. 


    Edit: That link appears to be broken.

    It times out regardless of what browser I use.



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