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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. 6 hours ago, First Player said:

    Oh man am I gonna have fun with these new illusion changes...

    I was so happy to see that on test. My Ill/Emp Xllusya has

    been waiting what seems like FOREVER for this particular upgrade.

    Might even post some of her suits here (even though her face is custom).

    • Like 4
  2. On 1/7/2020 at 8:48 AM, Healix said:

    Lookin' GOOD...can't wait to see him finished!

    Thanks Healix.

    Update: Here is what I have on the face so far.

    There is a bit of right hand bias that I can see so I'll adjust it in P.S.




    I've got his suit's thorn pattern that goes

    up onto his face drawn too. I'll post it shortly.



    • Like 8
  3. Happy New Year to you as well and welcome to City of Heroes if you're just now getting

    into it and/or welcome home if you were around before 2012. HmWYqjbR_o.gif


    Thanks. That whole thread is inspiring isn't it? The things some people come up with in the costume creator are just amazing.

    It's not really a secret it's a process, a long convoluted one that I wouldn't really know where to begin explaining.


    Is your name actually Claudette? Cuz your forum name would be a clever pun if so.  07K1tHnz_o.png




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  4. Lol Maybe I should've used movie DP instead and said the Rogue Isles probably smell like Mama June after Hot Yoga.

    I would need someone to play Dopinder the cabbie though for the followup line.


    No worries, I am used to people not getting my obscure pop culture references.

    Like 1 out of 50 references get noticed and rarely does anyone know

    what the next line is or have a witty rejoinder for me...

    except when I quote the Princess Bride.

    Everyone gets it when you quote that movie. Inconceivable! 07K1tHnz_o.png


    Wait did you make an account just to point that out?


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  5. 8 hours ago, Flashtoo said:

    ..........................inorganic ferrous constitution is a good mutation to have......................

    Sooo he's Iron Man? 07K1tHnz_o.png


    Also if heroing doesn't pay well enough he could always

    become a pumpkin spice latte vendor. Seriously, people love that stuff.


    Nice job on the painting as well.

    Good use of composition, dynamic poses and forced perspective.  zb7XgP0P_o.png



    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. On 1/2/2020 at 1:39 AM, DJ1 said:

    Sorry I was away for new years. i was gonna say it looks alot like your avatar but now I think its DarthDelicios hero Mike.


    No worries, I hope you had a great time.


    Lol maybe it was my previous avatar's goatee but yep it is indeed Mysterious Mike.

    I've started work on the face and thorn pattern. We'll see what she 

    thinks about this one if/when she ever gets a break

    from her demanding schedule. rFYv2e1c_o.gif


    Update: I changed the left arm into the classic "Bring It!" tanker taunt pose and

    drew those unusual gauntlets he wears. Not sure about the right

    arm but it will most likely be just a straight closed fist.






    • Like 8
  7. Those are some brilliant screenshots @graff (these two in particular). Snazzy threads too. zb7XgP0P_o.png






    6 hours ago, Virtual Green said:

    Been trying to come with a satisfying costume for my Mandalorian-inspired renegade Bane Spider, the Outspider (pun intended). Still torn between full mask and showing his mouth, any thoughts? (Note : his crimson shoulder cape uses the CoV DVD edition cape with the Arachnos logo blacked out, to indicate his desertion!)

    If you want Mandalorian-esque I think the fully covered face gets you closer.

    Plus he'll look more original as the "lips out" look is the default. If you go black on black for the logo you might

    not ever know it's there. I would suggest one shade darker on the cape or logo to show it is there but being covered intentionally.



    • Like 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    Oh, I knew they were in the thread a way back (I wasn't sure how far back), but they seemed appropriate responses. :classic_wink:..........................................................




    Well don't Freak Out about it or anything...




    • Like 1
  9. No worries Siolfir, catching up further with the thread it turns out I beat ya to

    the Zeppelin Punch with the Immigrant Song by almost a week. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    27 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    It's all good, I just happened to be available at the time.


    I decided not to post Rush - The Necromancer in response to The Wizard earlier (mostly due to song length), but now that I've been called out I feel like I should have something. So if you're confusing what is real...




    Oh and I also beat ya to Bohemian Rhapsody by like 4 days. Ahem. 07K1tHnz_o.png


    Do you have any idea what this means @siolfir????


    Well do you?!!!??


    ...it means you also have great taste in music. Cheers! HmWYqjbR_o.gif



    Yes that is a very young LeVar Burton (a.k.a. Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge ) in the intro to this video.



    • Like 1
  10. On 12/9/2019 at 2:59 PM, QueenBethari said:

    @Jon These are such beautiful covers! I love all the detail, especially the barcode on the villain's head.


    Apparently, Columnists are fans of calculator jokes. 😄

    Saw it, wondered if I was the only one to recognize it... or,

    for that matter, to remember what a calculator was. HmWYqjbR_o.gif


    Also @Jon you keep talking covers and chapters, are there some graphic novels I need to know about?

    Because I would totally read these, especially that one with all the primates on the cover. 07K1tHnz_o.png



    • Thanks 1
  11. Heya Agent Canada, I hear ya man. I too gave away a bunch of art and many of those people aren't back (sadly some will never be)

    and I don't always know which to post either. I also drew with whatever I had on hand (usually an orange mechanical

    pencil with 2b lead or an old Parker Jotter pen) on 8½" by 11" typing paper. It was mainly my way of

    giving something back for the gift that CoH is and to it's amazing community.


    Funny, as it was my first MMO I somehow thought they were all this way.

    For all its flaws I couldn't truly appreciate just how good it was until it was taken away.


    I am glad you found your way here though, welcome home. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    Great stuff so far, I really like that Alienix pic. It's like that moment when she's talking about badges or

    something innocuous and it starts to dawn on you that something is just a little bit... off.


    Oh and the Rikti punching. Rikti punching is always a good time. HmWYqjbR_o.gif



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