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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. @siolfir True, and a great pick. Honestly you could say that about most anything Slash did. His sound is iconic.

    Heart's is special to me for a few reasons, it was done by a woman at a time where there were few prominent female rockers,

    many of the more recent guitar gods like Slash, Eddy Van Halen, Nuno Bettencourt etc have sited Nancy as an influence... and it's acoustic. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    Speaking of prominent women, strut those million dollar legs Tina!

    Fun Fact:


    Million dollar legs is a actually a literal attribution as Tina Turner had her legs insured by Lloyds of London for 1.6 million dollars... each. bdD2kT31_o.gif




    • Like 2
  2. @Barbarette

    That Shania Twain song you just added is one of the few country/pop crossover songs I actually like. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Also Fun fact:


    The band Dexy's Midnight Runners' name comes from the pharmaceutical drug Dexadrine which is an "upper" or stimulant

    used to help treat Narcolepsy and ADHD. One could say it's something that might keep you running well past midnight. 07K1tHnz_o.png



    I always liked this QR song but can't help thinking Nuuuuuu! Not the guitars! whenever I see the intro lol.





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  3. 17 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    @Christopher Robin man, I used to love Dio back in the day! Good pick, too!

    Thanks. zb7XgP0P_o.png


    Speaking of which, already established bands with their own back catalog of hits covering a classic

    are one thing (I can take them or leave them depending on how well they do) but I'm usually

    not too keen on kiddie garage cover bands. That said I think the atoms that used to make

    up RJD might coalesce just enough to crack a smile at what these kids here are up to.



    Liliac also does a decent cover of Metallica's Enter Sandman if you can forgive

    the excess distortion and a few cheesy special FX (like the breaking glass).



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  4. 2 minutes ago, boggo2300 said:

    Went to the 3rd of May concert of that tour 😄

    My favourite track from Powerslave


    You were in Long Beach for that show???? Dude I am so jealous!

    That's right up there with Nightwish live at Wacken 2013 for concerts I WISH I could go back and see in person.


    For those who have seen Thor Ragnarok... Hammer of the Gods!



    • Like 2
  5. On 12/23/2019 at 12:50 PM, Barbarette said:



    I'm not sure what you mean by floor-gasm but I got goosebumps at the end.


    @Barbarette Right!? HmWYqjbR_o.gif


    The lead singer's name is Floor Jansen (she is Dutch) and so that "chills up the spine with goosebumps"

    sensation people get when she hits the finale was dubbed the Floor-gasm. Alas I cannot take credit, someone beat me to it.



    @boggo2300 If you haven't already you really need to find the World Slavery Tour 85 concert. One of Maiden's best IMHO.



    @Nyghtmaire Also Christmas Wrapping might just be my favorite holiday song. /e high five.


    Moar Blink stuffz

    Visual metaphors abound in these things (like people paying more attention to the celebrity image of Jisoo even

    though the real one is standing right there until she slips up and then the cellphones become literal weapons).



    Then there's the Disco Ball coated Tank. rs4wmRnk_o.gif




    • Like 2
  6. With you on the shields @NiklasWB but making rapiers for the Broadsword category, eh, not so much.

    I'm thinking that's an entirely different style of fighting and to do it justice would require it's own set of animations.

    Maybe if they start adding new powersets a Musketeer-ish fencing or swashbuckling style would make for a good request?




    • Like 3
  7. I always give (and have kindly received a fair number of) compliments for creative costumes and bios.

    I know how much work some people put into getting their creations "just so" and they really appreciate the recognition.


    I really only had (soon to be "have" present tense as I am remaking him! HmWYqjbR_o.gif) one badge hunter

    hero but I'm always willing to help others get theirs, time permitting.

    16 hours ago, DougGraves said:


    now if only there were a way to bind a slash command to a key so you did not have to type it every time.

    16 hours ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    Same with every command.

    /bind KEY info

    Where "KEY" is whatever button you want to bind the command to.


    You can also /macro it if you want to add more buttons to your Power Trays.


    Meta that post should come with a warning. DO be careful with this command.

    Much mischief can arise if you bind what you think is a convenient function to a key

    (like a letter of the alphabet) and then forget it's there when you need to use that key to type

    something or for another function. I've had to help people new to /bind in forum PM's because they

    couldn't ask for help in game without asking to join a team or firing off their battlecry every other key press.  


    You'd think it obvious but, just in case, do not assign say the Moon Walk dance emote to your W key unless you plan

    to roleplay as the 2nd coming of M.J. ...and only ever want to use teleport to travel, cuz you'll never walk again.

    I suggest using the extra buttons on your mouse (if you have them), usually button4 and button5 since

    the L&R are 1&2 and the wheel is usually 3. Also if you have a full size keyboard with a separate

    number pad off to the right side then numpad1 - numpad9 can also be used fairly safely.


    Also be careful with "auto reply thought bubble that appears over your head when typing" binds as there is a

    rare bug that can happen if you are talking with someone who also has one where your auto replies will

    decide to grudge match in the chat box and fill it with a non-stop stream of essentially "less filling"

    and "taste great" chat and you won't be able to type until one of you quits the game or zones.


     P.S. Keys used in combination that are physically far apart on your keyboard and

    therefore unlikely to be hit accidentally or needed for anything else are also

    good choices such as the left shift key and the brackets. i.e. LSHIFT+[



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  8. 5 hours ago, Foo said:

    Whoa, this dude still orange textin' over here

    Okay who ordered a @Foo for Me-mas?.... Whaddaya mean I did?

    No I'm pretty sure I ordered spicy "food" with a D at the end this is a Spicy Foo...


    uh hunh,  yeah I'll hold...


    No they are not the same thing!...



    No one makes you "wanna fart"

    the other says he "won a FArt"

    something like a decade ago.


    Wait you shipped him Cash On Delivery???

    I need to speak to the manager...  07K1tHnz_o.png



    Sup Suckah! What took you so long? Even BW beat ya here. Yes that one.


    Welcome back to the best part of the forums. Good to see more of the OG's finding their way here. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    It's not the quite the old 606 here, (it's the new 62) but it means we have our city back.


    P.S. we have "reputation points" now, not sure what they are for

    but I just gave you your first one (too late no take backs!).


    Oh and since this a thread about art commissions I'll

    just say I've commissioned the Foo before and

    this bit of awesomeness was the result.




    DD and Sapphy are both friends from the old forum.

    Clicking the image takes you to Foo's DA page.


    Also FArt is short for Fan Art and it was a

    yearly contest on the old 606. Foo did

    indeed win it 10 years ago. My how time flies.


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