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Everything posted by Haijinx

  1. Oh wait but Spider Legs man has auper strength and he both never gets mad AND is a Scrapper, even though Marvel Comics isn't the COH RPG.
  2. Next there will be another post about how Super Duper Man never fights mad. Then someone will suggest a second set called Might to just change 1 power they don't like the name of. Then someone will claim again with only weak anecdotal justification that Rage doesn't change the set's performance.
  3. If you are going to farm bosses a Scrapper would be better.
  4. I was pointing out the Rage rename to bffhggt was already set. Adrenaline Rush is some kind of Getty Lee tribute band.
  5. I already have Dibs on Bunny Foo Foo gogo time, sorry.
  6. 20 years of basically the same arguments lol This is why.
  7. The holdup is Rage and flamefests associated with Rage.
  8. The should scrappers get big cumbersome sets ship sailed even before Sunset.
  9. I'm pretty sure you can reach the recharge with 3 SOS
  10. Since it's up all the time thematically it doesn't have to mean anything other than you hit hard and hit what you punch.
  11. True if you simply doubled the recharge on jab, punch and haymaker and adjusted the scale to match, it would look a lot like Stone Melee
  12. "Rage" is just a power. Getting hung up on the name is meaningless. It could be called "Bunny foofoo go go time" instead and it would make no difference. It's the set's damage buff. A buff that the 1st 3 powers in the set absolutely need to do anything like competitive damage. Or do you all skip build up, Soul Drain and Followup too?
  13. Not subpar for a Tank, maybe. But definitely doing less damage than that Tanker could. A Scrapper, however, would be subpar with a direct port sams rage. The DPA for Haymaker, punch and jab would be pathetic.
  14. And without rage you'd need to rebalance a big chunk of the set
  15. Since this suggestion was recently made again, bump
  16. we have a 4 year old thread for this I think lol
  17. It would probably actually be good on Tankers, especially with some sentinel Regen touches.
  18. I didn;t see if it was mentioned, but Vigilantes get a AOE fear power also. Might add to this.
  19. Can I have that Terminix guy's stuff?
  20. First quit because the game is too addictive. Then quit because it's not addictive enough Then quit because profit?
  21. I usually add all my slots to my attacks in a fairly even way .. then worry about defense While leveling I take all the primary power attacks as soon as available, and usually respec out of the T1 later This is the same for me Scrapper, Stalker or Brute. Blaster is close, except secondary attacks are often better so I choose those.
  22. Scrappers are the 2nd best AT to run the goldside arcs. Stalkers being slightly faster since they get Hide and can avoid a lot of fighting. There are more than enough arcs to get to 20.
  23. Im ready to read the Krimson/Blue comic book now
  24. This is why I end up quiting most weapon sets. You can btw, set the ninja stance as your default stance and it will Ninja run instead.
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