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Everything posted by Haijinx

  1. I wouldn't care personally, but not a bad idea. I can see the usefulness of some form of this.
  2. This is at this point, a pretty big assumption. Since it's been years. And if changed, it will affect AT balance a lot, so it seems like doing a balance pass first would make it less likely you'd do much of a significant proc change.
  3. Haymaker isn't really a T3. It's a T2 Punch isn't a T2 it's a T1 And Jab is a T0 That's basically SS's problem. Thus needing Rage.
  4. This game is 20 ears old and has NEVER been well designed froma RPG game standpoint. That's a lot of overnights.
  5. I was just saying that the biggest AT balance bang for your buck would be to nerf procs. It would move the AT balance towards the SO only separations (depending on how much procs were nerfed) It would not take a nerf of procs And a Tank nerf. I was replying to someone else, as a solution to the problem they see. You'll notice I did not actually advocate any specific changes prior to that. It was an exercise in how the game mechanics would work. If you would rather they use procs as a bandaid to balance the game, cool. I don't really think either will ever be nerfed, so we aren't really doing anything more than theory crafting here anyway.
  6. How can Energy be boring? It has the single best power in COH, Blaster Energize Let's add a click heal and regen buff to the biggest End Reduction self buff available, and make it possible to get a ridiculous up time. Cause that's fair.
  7. Nerfing procs would do it. Since that would stop tankers from AOE proc bombing mini nukes due to their radius. And nerf Scrapper Crits And nerf Stalker build ups / hides Blasters and Sents would move further ahead of Defender/Corruptor on the Blast front ... Etc.
  8. Thing is any change would reduce double Rage. And that what the diehard supporters want to avoid at all costs. Double Rage is nice, unfortunately I never had a build good enough for SS to utilize much uptime except when teaming with a kin. And it ends up being less useful there for obvious reasons. The animations feel so old and clunky that I get board before really finishing the character.
  9. It literally has a power called Hurl Boulder
  10. Oh wait but Spider Legs man has auper strength and he both never gets mad AND is a Scrapper, even though Marvel Comics isn't the COH RPG.
  11. Next there will be another post about how Super Duper Man never fights mad. Then someone will suggest a second set called Might to just change 1 power they don't like the name of. Then someone will claim again with only weak anecdotal justification that Rage doesn't change the set's performance.
  12. If you are going to farm bosses a Scrapper would be better.
  13. I was pointing out the Rage rename to bffhggt was already set. Adrenaline Rush is some kind of Getty Lee tribute band.
  14. I already have Dibs on Bunny Foo Foo gogo time, sorry.
  15. 20 years of basically the same arguments lol This is why.
  16. The holdup is Rage and flamefests associated with Rage.
  17. The should scrappers get big cumbersome sets ship sailed even before Sunset.
  18. I'm pretty sure you can reach the recharge with 3 SOS
  19. Since it's up all the time thematically it doesn't have to mean anything other than you hit hard and hit what you punch.
  20. True if you simply doubled the recharge on jab, punch and haymaker and adjusted the scale to match, it would look a lot like Stone Melee
  21. "Rage" is just a power. Getting hung up on the name is meaningless. It could be called "Bunny foofoo go go time" instead and it would make no difference. It's the set's damage buff. A buff that the 1st 3 powers in the set absolutely need to do anything like competitive damage. Or do you all skip build up, Soul Drain and Followup too?
  22. Not subpar for a Tank, maybe. But definitely doing less damage than that Tanker could. A Scrapper, however, would be subpar with a direct port sams rage. The DPA for Haymaker, punch and jab would be pathetic.
  23. And without rage you'd need to rebalance a big chunk of the set
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