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Everything posted by Haijinx

  1. I don't think there are any sets where the following 3 are true .. They have an attack where they can achieve a max proc rate Said attack animates fast enough to give you max proc uptime You can easily get the sort of global recharge you would need to keep the proc running almost all the time. ______ Keep in mind you can't slot in a vacuum. If I put the Proc into an attack to try this I won't get the 10 percent global recharge from that set at all. And I can't slot the melee purple set in that attack either.
  2. How can you have no local recharge in a proc that has 23% recharge built in?
  3. If you are soloing, you'll get plenty of merits, which you can use to buy Covertors and sell at the AH - which will easily buy SOs If teaming, then don't worry about it. By the time you hit 50 you'll have enough to buy them.
  4. This seems like buzzaro thread. Scrappers do a lot more dame than Brutes once you transition from SOs to Full builds. IOs are part of the game, you can't just ignore that difference and argue SO stuff.
  5. Okay I did a little digging and found this post - It looks like the target is Modified Recharge+Activation = 13.5 seconds So Crushing Uppercut - a 25 second base recharge power with an activation of 2.376 s - Can slot the entire Critical Strikes set and still have a 90% Proc rate since it would have Modified Recharge+Activation = 14.286 Seconds From the way it sounds, this looks to be fairly close to the number I was asking about. Any other ST attack availible to scrappers can't actually slot the whole set and still get the max proc rate. Since the Proc itself has a 23% Recharge baked in, even single slotting the proc alone into most of the Scrapper Primary's big hitters will mean less than the max chance.
  6. Keep in mind, that set has really good bonuses as well
  7. Yes I get it will reduce the chances what I am more wondering is by how much in this specific case. As to long recharge attacks Crushing Uppercut for example has 25 sec base recharge. And I think there are several sets with 20 sec attacks (Energy Melee comes to mind)
  8. How much does the base recharge of the power have to be for you to fully slot the Superior Critical Strikes Scrapper IO set and still have the maximum chance to Proc when you use it? For examples = A lot of the big hitters in the old scrapper sets are 14 seconds, and it looks like 14 seconds base is not enough to pull that off Is 20 enough? 25?
  9. Never thought Deadpool translated well to movies TBH. Makes him feel like a joke character in joke setting. Rather than an unbalanced one in a more serious setting. But YMV
  10. It works in invincibility as well. I can't decide if it works well or not.
  11. It's just a name and some flavor text. It could be called Rainbow Sprinkles instead of Rage and people would wonder why the set is based on cutsie cartoons
  12. A On/Off Granite Stoner sounds like it could meet the OPS request then.
  13. Sometimes the Help channel is just as bad, TBH. If you want to know a simple question, then sure. If you want actual build type advice, use the archetypes section on the forums. Super Strength is obviously good, just search for some of the outrageous flamefests that happen whenever the Devs suggest changing it.
  14. On any subject. This is why I remove that channel on all my characters
  15. The toughest "all the time" is going to be Stone that lives in Granite that has IOs to shore up psi resist. But *yawn* Invul would be better all around I would think. For damage, or exemplar there are better choices.
  16. When I was a kid I was disappointed in the lack of Marvel movies. Now I just wish they would stop so someone could come up with something new.
  17. It's a shame since the Comic run it was loosely based on was pretty good.
  18. At this point, I am wondering if this poster is only making these threads for the lulz
  19. I'm most bothered that Captain America couldn't spell "truth"
  20. I never report anyone, and I never ignore anyone. I'm disappointed they act that way, sure, but I don't have enough years left on this Flat Earth to attempt to "fix" anything.
  21. Only one L in Kil I think. I'll ask on General chat.
  22. The problem is that if you don't allow for significant build decisions you can remove a sense of achievement for the player. But you always run the risk of gating performance behind money/time/guild etc. Every game balances their teeter totter differently. Homecoming definitely comes down on the casual friendly side compared to old school time murdering sink MMOs.
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