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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I'll watch it. So far most of the adaptations of Gaiman's works have been pretty good. Although I don't think I finished American Gods because who has Starz anymore?
  2. I keep a full array of Inspirations but leave two of the slots open and just pop whatever drops as I'm running missions. It's fairly effective if somewhat random. If you don't turn off small ones and move fairly fast you can keep a surprising number of little buffs going.
  3. The policy changed a year or two ago once HCs legal status became a little more steady.
  4. While music is made by different generations, the good stuff of each generation will always be around. There's a whole world of music and song out there and I feel sorry for anyone that limits themselves to music from just a few decades or a particular generation. Things like the music thread down in Off Topic are good things and more socially acceptable because it expands horizons. When I say I assume they're 13 it's because I see posting song lyrics in chats of any kind as being immature. It's either done because the lyric poster's emotions tell them they must share this with everyone! or done to annoy people. Not seeing much in the way of maturity with doing it. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Salvage is part of the Invention System. You can go to the University in Steel Canyon and do a tutorial for it at level 10 but you don't have to.
  6. A pulp-style leveling path? Hmm. Atlas or Perez Park then Hollows->Faultline->Striga->Salamanca->Rikti War Zone are some of my favorite zones with plenty of pulp material villain groups and plots.
  7. 40-49 sure, but there is a ton of mission and zone content that runs 35-50. I can't really speak for group content though. I'll leave that to everyone but me.
  8. Definitely deserves to be on the list. The problem with Sucker Punch is Zack Snyder tried to tie all the action sequences together with a nonsense plot when he should have just cut each one together with a fade to black in between each time.
  9. I think "Don't settle for a lesser evil. Snarky 2024!" is the greatest campaign slogan I've ever heard. At this point I'd vote for a vampire as long as they promised to keep the trains running on time.
  10. Do I have to grow a goatee? Because I can do that.
  11. I blame @Techwright for trying to combine multiquotes and spoiler tags. You broke the universe dude.
  12. I think the quote system messed up a little there OG.
  13. No worries. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes. It was a long time ago.
  14. Yes, exactly like how I said it did. The retail maps still have them named that way.
  15. The original map had all of the Hazard Zones with their real names.
  16. I'm ok with what we're getting. Caville wasn't my favorite Superman anyway. In other news that I didn't want to resurrect a thread for: the Harley Quinn Valentines Day episode dropped today.
  17. Boomtown was in the game since launch. The Hollows was added in Issue 2 September 2004.
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