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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Yeah, my mistake, it was supposed to say "And as a badger, I still...". Going back to correct now.
  2. That rewards are one-time per character? How so? The rewards for trick or treating is XP, inf', Halloween salvage, and badges. The XP and inf' are always going to be there. The Halloween salvage can be sold or traded for as long as you have them to sell or trade. And the badges? Only really matter to badgers. And I'm not seeing the aethers argument. With a developed character, you can run the higher difficulty Hard Mode content and get aethers a hell of a lot faster than constantly switching between characters praying for a random drop.
  3. You actually see this blue side too. Where actions are shoved down your throat. That is the limitation of a video game. (The difference is, the actions shoved down your throat red side tend to be more restrictive when it comes to player interpretation. In my opinion, mostly because the writer put in comments for the red siders that imposes a petty or ignorant level of villainy, whereas blue side more focuses on imposing actions as part of your mission dialogue, and actions are much more open to interpretation.) Agreed. (And as a badger, I still absolutely loathe and detest that a badge is awarded for taking out the civilians, especially one with such a high body count.)
  4. How does trick or treating or weekly strike targets penalize players with few characters while rewarding players with lots of characters?! Is there some code I'm not aware of that prevents developed characters from partaking in those? Do they not award XP, inf', or merits as appropriate if you are playing a developed character? You still get all the same rewards as everyone else, right? What am I missing?
  5. So basically Mercy Island just needs that platform where the Arbiter and Quartermaster are cleared of plants and benches, and players will migrate to red side?
  6. That actually happens in a lot of missions on all sides. It seems to be intentional. The best option I've found is to always clear the map to all your NPCs before rescuing them regardless of mission to make sure they have as little to attack as possible.
  7. The thing about the Rogue Isles compared to Paragon City that I and most people I know/knew in the game liked was that the arcs tended to stay in zone. Whereas in Paragon City, you would jump from Brickstown to Atlas Park to Founder's Falls and so forth. So red side does have that going for it. The 2 biggest issues I've heard about from players that insist on being blue side is that they do not like the content red side has (because it is villainous and they don't like doing things like that even in a video game) and all their friends play over on blue side. How do you counter those 2 points? I have no idea. I mean, I suppose you can flag some contacts as being more villainous/vile than others, such as Peter Themari or the contact that gets mentioned more often (for a single mission at that), Krylov. Knowing how to avoid missions/arcs they don't want to do could possibly bring a few players over to try it, but I give that an extremely low chance of success. Another option could be to make more rogue-specific missions/arcs for those players to limit themselves to, but that would only have a slightly better chance than flagging content. I'm opposed to adding incentives like increased infamy unless it was for a very specific (and brief) period of time. The biggest challenge is convincing players that red side isn't the horrific, sacrifice innocent people for no good reason set of missions/arcs that they perceive it to be. Edit: Though I really should note that a lot of players do go red side to unlock the patron powers. I guess you could make some red side accessible only sets that you have to play through an arc to unlock on that character like with patron powers, but that seems more than a little farfetched and unfair.
  8. Then they don't need it and trying to cater to them makes even less sense to me. I don't have permadom on any of my Dominators. Nor do I have a particularly high recharge on any of my characters. And yet those powers seem to work just fine, even when I am teamed. I read the OP. I just don't agree with it. With everything the sets those two powers are in brings for the player to leverage, a high rate of usage for those two powers doesn't make sense to me. (Edit: Besides, that last comment wasn't aimed at the OP. It was aimed at the person I was debating with. Though I still disagree with asking the devs to make those two powers available for every fight.)
  9. That just means you can't triple stack it. You can still use it in more fights at more locations.
  10. You are asking for it to be usable more often. That is a boost/buff.
  11. I checked my Mercenaries/Traps MM. Triage Beacon has a 95.15 second recharge with a 90 second duration, and I don't build for recharge focus on my characters. And yet, when I need it? It is there, ready to be used. Considering Triage Beacon is in a set with Force Field Generator (+DEF (ALL)), Acid Mortar (Toxic damage, -DEF, -RES), Seeker Drones (Disorient, -DAM, -ToHit, and -Perception), and Poison Trap (Mag 3 AoE hold, -Regen', -Recharge), I don't understand why it needs to be buffed. My Plant Control Dominator? Has Spirit Tree at a 86.48 second recharge, and it is supplemented by Seeds of Confusion on a 24.25 second recharge enhanced up to a 88.47 second duration, among all the rest of the set. So I still don't see the need for improving Spirit Tree either. I don't use Hasten. I don't focus on recharge. And I still don't understand the call to improve either considering the array of tools those sets have to go with those 2 powers.
  12. Just because current teams can eat missions whole does not mean a power needs to be made to match that. Spirit Tree and Triage Beacon are fine. They serve their purpose. And if your team is devouring the opposition so fast that you think Spirit Tree or Triage Beacon are less than useful, then I have to wonder why you need to boost them since the team obviously doesn't need them.
  13. Powers are not balanced for speed runs.
  14. Enhancements, salvage, and inspirations? Yes. Make a SG for your account, put in the storage items, now all your characters on that account can access the shared storage. Inf'? You can e-mail that to yourself with minimum fuss, up to the per character limit of inf'.
  15. hello, me has the stoopidz can you explain please? sorry The OP wants Containment removed and Controller damage buffed because it does not affect the damage output of several Mind Control and Illusion Control powers. Those powers are intended to not do damage, so increasing the damage of Controller powers for the sake of removing Containment means those powers will still see no increase in damage because they are not supposed to do damage. However, since Containment would have been removed, they would also no longer have the chance to trigger at the increased magnitude of effect either.
  16. Edit: This post in response to @wjrasmussen.
  17. This is a Suggestions and Feedback forum. Player given feedback to player given suggestions is encouraged here. Also, I am not tearing down your suggestion. I've previously asked for this as well, except in the travel powers. I'm glad to hear about the emanation points. Does the attack animation extend or shorten to match the power set's animation time, or are you rooted for a different length of time than the animation? Also, what about toggling armors, summoning pets, applying buffs, or applying debuffs? Weapon sets would still need appropriate animations of some sort. Edit: Also, how are you testing it?!
  18. i like what you are saying. tell me more.. Well, the first time is in the Hearts of Darkness Killing Game mission in the Heroic Measures (2nd) arc. She also shows up in the Two Too Many Flambeauxs tip mission, the Filmed Announcement tip mission. and the Your Personal Blog tip mission. (Heroes can fight her in the Art, Psychics, And You tip mission as well.) Edit: If you have a base with an oracle or mission computer, you can buy the desired tip(s) for 1 merit each. The tips are all 40+. Your Personal Blog is a tip for Vigilantes in the Rogue Isles. I think they might also fight her in the Flambeaux's Social Network Page tip. This last one is 20-29.
  19. Does the attack animation line up with the animation times for all the various powers in the game? All the various attacks in all the various power sets, all the various buffs, all the various debuffs, all the various controls, all the various armors, and all the various summons? (Edit: Do the emanation points line up for that matter?)
  20. Outbreak and Breakout were brought back. For a while. the only non-Praetorian tutorial we could access after the update that removed Galaxy City as a starting zone was the Galaxy City tutorial. Considering that there are players that PL to 50 and then have no idea how to do basic things like use the tram, that tutorial makes sense to me. (Edit: Yes, the PL 50'ed characters can't do those arcs, but for other players that don't know about things like the tram, it still works.) There are multiple such missions. You just have to be red side to get them.
  21. You do realize your suggestion will still deal with Mind Control and Illusion Control the same way Containment does except without the chance for increased magnitude of effect?
  22. Yes please!!!!!! Anything so we can make use of those alternate ears without having to limit ourselves to such a small selection of hair options to avoid having 4 ears.
  23. You run into the same problem as the travel powers. Each one will need every power in the game to have new animations created to do anything at all. This includes the Walk power as well. (Both for being able to use powers with the Walk power as well as using Walk with the animal form.)
  24. So if it is a couple minutes for 1 out of 7 for one character. then it is about 14 minutes for all 7 for 1 character, repeatable for the rest of that player's characters with equally negligible effort? Especially if they build that wealth through use of the market which they can do without even being logged on?
  25. I'm not making ad hominem attacks. Don't worry though. This is going in circles. I've said my piece.
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