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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. We fight the same enemies red side and blue side, so the rewards from that is the same. Red side does lack the extremely long arcs blue side has, so you won't find arcs that reward the same merits as the long arcs on blue side. And typically, I pretty much never see any red side SFs forming, so you likely see a lack from that as well. However, this last point can be addressed by forming SF runs yourself.
  2. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=incarnate.hybrid.melee_genome_8 Per City of Data, it does actually interact with the enemies. It counts them for determining the strength of the provided regeneration. damage resistance, and status protection buffs. So it flags the mobs as notified to your presence. (Edit: Even the passive boost from the power interacts with enemies to determine the strength of the passive regeneration boost. So yes, it notifies mobs of your presence.) (Edit again: @TesTiculon, define the power however you want. The power does not state that it is consuming the essence of your enemies. It states that it uses the enemies around you to determine how much of a buff it grants you. Think of it this way. In comics, anime/cartoons, and movies, characters don't need to see an enemy, be taunted by an enemy, be debuffed by an enemy, or be harmed by an enemy to go "Oh crap. (S)he is right behind me, isn't (s)he?".) Edit yet again: Also, @TesTiculon, there is a self-buff power that does not deal damage or taunt enemies and still notifies them you are there. Up To The Challenge from the Sentinel's version of Willpower. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=sentinel_defense.willpower.up_to_the_challenge&at=sentinel
  3. The problem you run into is the color limit. Top hats already use both available colors. One for the hat itself and the other for the hair. The game does not support a third color and adding patterns to the top hat would require a third color. This has been addressed on a few threads already. We can't have full dresses because of clipping and animation issues. It was actually demonstrated by a dev in a response where (s)he showed how bad clipping gets on characters using the already in game long skirts. The issue with this, which has been requested before, is that not all the hair models work with all the hats. Different hair models have different heights and widths, and each hat is assigned to a specific height on the character model. Because the hats don't work with the hairs without severe clipping issues, each hat gets a specific hair type that works with it. (You can actually see this when you go through the raised glasses options. They don't have to contend with different widths on the hair models, but you can still see how they clip in awkward ways through several hair model options.)
  4. @VioLight isn't talking about anyone being forced to play red side. All (s)he is saying is that it doesn't matter what the incentive is, (s)he has no interest in playing red side.
  5. You make a very good point. However, if the badges were all the same badges with just different names based on origin, then maybe players could be given the option to change the badge names by changing our origin powers to the correlating origin. So basically, the OP's request fro 2 new badges could be based on the possessed origin power rather than the specific origin, just for the names because they would still be all the same badge(s).
  6. Yeah, sounds like you did. I'd say congrats, but it is probably too frustrating for you. So instead I will say my condolences.
  7. I can get that part, but the game is completely filling in the entire zone when I log back on. For instance, I was running around Cap au Diable on a villain character after havign leveled up through Mercy Island and Port Oakes. I logged off the character. Not even a full week later I logged back on the character and my character was sitting in the middle of Cap au Diable (because I had logged off at the training Arbiter) with absolutely none of Cap au Diable explored. Pop over to PO? Map is completely darkened as if I had never been there. Same with Mercy Island. So it isn't the map adjusting for where fog of war blocks may or may not have been clipped. It is the entire zone fills back up with the fog of war.
  8. Not to be mean, but no. You want origin badges? Fine. Simplest way to me is to make 2 badges for your 2 tiers and just have the name change based on origin. That way badgers can still collect their badges and get the badge name version they want when they choose their origin, without having to concern themselves with 8 more badges they can never get on their character. Accolade powers for those badges though? No. Especially since with the powers you are choosing, that makes specific origins better for specific ATs or power sets than others.
  9. No, you can't. Once you start an arc, you can finish it even if it was somehow locked at level 1 and you got to level 50 before you finished it. As long as you start the arc, which you can tell by whether or not the book icon is assigned to the contact or not, the game lets you finish it no matter what level you are. (Edit: And if you are for some reason referring to the filler missions? Well, you can't do those through Ouroboros anyway.) That's a dev's prerogative to do or not. I'm not following your rebuke here. It is the player's choice how they play, and there are consequences for those choices. Player wants to level lock to do something? Consequence is not progressing in levels. Player wants to run at double XP? Consequence is a lot of content gets missed unless the player does Flashbacks to do them. Player plays at normal XP gain? Consequence is having to be mindful to get the arcs the player wants. Then it would need to be level 10 since all contacts in the starter range are 1-9 in Oruoboros.
  10. Why do they have to have powers attached to them?
  11. Crow is removed when you do the mission with the 2 Blood Widows where the one asks you to kill Crow if she can't. The other missions with Crow, he chooses to leave you. (Edit: To the best of my knowledge, he can't really be killed in the other missions.)
  12. You mean like how Flurry can choose from 11 different procs including knockdown and hold? At higher base damage, less than 1 second difference in animation time, less END cost, and less than half the recharge?? 6 of 1 or half dozen of the other. Just like Gale, Flurry is what you make of it. That would be where I am getting that from. Agreed. However, that is up to the individual player to work out. If they want their lower level powers, including pool powers, to be of use at high levels? They make them so. I use Flurry, Boxing, and Kick on multiple characters. Even at *gasp* level 50! (Which you are surprised about for some reason and apparently trying to tell me to stop and grab other powers.) Now, you see? I vastly prefer Flurry over Whirlwind. For starters, Flurry doesn't lock me out of every one of my other attacks at a base 0.98 END per second for absolutely no damage unless I make it a proc bomb. (Edit: And Whirlwind only has 1 damaging proc it can slot.) And it still has the 7 feet range of every other melee attack. (And if you try and use it on most teams without slotting a KB to KD proc? Watch the team draw their knives and butcher you.) I don't take Flurry for RP reasons. I don't even normally take it for fun, though it is a fun power. I take it because it gives me an attack that does good damage and has a chance to stun the target with a fairly fast recharge. And those 3 reasons fall under "mechanical". Or are you telling me I don't understand the limits or other options? Because I can assure you that I am not a new player. No one is arguing the Flurry should be worse than Brawl. In fact, I distinctly remember challenging that opinion. Because that is all that statement is, an opinion. And my opinion is that Flurry is a good power. It may not be the power for you, but that does not make it a bad power. There are players that leverage Flurry to their advantage. Apparently you are not one of them. So choose powers you want to leverage to your advantage. Just because you think a power does not suit you though, does not mean it needs to be changed, buffed, or replaced. (In this case, buffed.)
  13. First? Hence, my request for the explanation how Gale is better than flurry. Second? No, you are asking for Flurry to be as good as AT's primary/secondary attacks. (Edit: Even worse, you want it to be competitive with late game powers despite being available as early as level 4. You know, the level at which high end players get the powers they abandon for the mid to late game?) (And in @PancakeGnome's case? Using Judgements as a reference for Flurry needing to be improved.) No power pool attack is going to be competitive against any AT's actual attacks from their own power sets. That is by design. (And the complaint that Flurry can be compared to Brawl after all the complaining that Brawl needed to be buffed and so got buffed? Especially if the player also takes Boxing, Kick, and Cross Punch to further enhance Brawl? Yeah.) Flurry does not need to be made any stronger.
  14. Feel free to stop insulting everyone please.
  15. Oh no. I'm running a build that actually lets me enjoy running a Controller. How horrible. How terrible. I must need to be sent for re-education. I made that build because it was fun. I typically hate Controllers. Every time I make a Controller, it takes me forever and a day to clear any mission. (Edit again: And feels like I'm trying to read the first 2 chapters of the Silmarillion over and over except as a video game.) That build? I clear missions almost as fast as my Blasters. (Edit again: And actually enjoy doing so at the same time.) How dare I make a build I enjoy and that I can clear things at my pace at. Edit: Also, please explain how Gale with its 3.0586 damage, 7.8 END cost, 2.17 second cast time, and 8 second recharge is better than Flurry with its (for Controllers) 31.4906 damage, 5.46 END cost, 3.07 second cast time, and 3 second recharge? I can hit up to 80 feet and annoy some mobs that I can't with Flurry? Well, I can also lock down those mobs with Frostbite or Glacier, and then be dumping Flurry's higher damage more often into the boss or EB or AV in between my CC attacks. Freezing Rain? 15 second duration with 30 second recharge (after enhancements). Drop that at start of fight and then I can forget it until the next fight. Snow Storm? Is a toggle. Tornado? Runs rampant for 30 seconds with a 30 second recharge (after enhancements). Flash Freeze? Puts other spawns that may get too curious to sleep while I deal with the spawn I am currently engaged with. Ice Slick? 30 second duration with a 54 second recharge after enhancements. Arctic Air? Is a toggle. Ice Storm? Has a 15 second duration with a 65 second recharge after enhancements. Ice Blast? Is my only actual attack that isn't a pool power. (And it is still an Ancillary Pool Power, so still a pool power.) So you are wondering why I use Flurry? Because it is fun and I have the time to use it between my crowd controlling for even more damage.
  16. Oh, wow! You mean I have to level past 10 to understand what you are talking about?! Well, golly gosh gee. I guess I better start leveling my characters past level 10 then. Someone should really report me for cheating at the game though. Because I have a multitude of full incarnate characters.
  17. First part: If it is a pool power? It will be inferior to AT primary/secondary attacks. Second part: Here is one of mine: Ice/Storm/Flight/Speed/Fighting/Ice Controller 1) Block of Ice 1) Gale 2) Frostbite 4) Fly 6) Flurry 8 ) Snow Storm 10) Steamy Mist 12) Hover 14) Air Superiority 16) Freezing Rain 18) O2 Boost 20) Ice Slick 22) Flash Freeze 24) Kick (not used as part of the attack chain) 26) Tough 28) Glacier 30) Arctic Air 32) Jack Frost 35) Tornado 38) Lightning Storm 41) Ice Blast 44) Hibernate 47) Ice Storm 49) Frozen Armor (Edit: And this is not one of my speedster characters.)
  18. Let's take a look at that, shall we? https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=inherent.inherent.brawl https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.speed.flurry&at=scrapper Because I don't feel like trying to figure out the formulae from the provided links, I'm defaulting to Mids. Brawl: 21.02 damage, 75% accuracy, 2 second recharge, 0.83 second cast time. DPA/DPS: 25.3253/7.4276 Flurry: 66.8 damage, 75% accuracy, 3 second recharge, 3.07 second cast time. DPA/DPS: 21.759/11.0049 When you factor in both activation time and recharge time, Flurry is doing 1.48x more damage than Brawl. It is not doing less damage.
  19. Your proposed set is a melee only speedster concept. The reason why we have the Speed power pool is because a super speedster can be melee or ranged, offensive, defensive, or support, or any of a myriad different styles and approaches. I'm opposed to the OP because we already have the Speed power pool and it lets us play whatever type of speedster we want. As for characters just standing there? That's on the player. Your character is as active as you choose to play him/her/them/it.
  20. Are you seriously comparing pool power attacks to god-tier Judgements?! The whole point of the incarnate powers was to make your character a literal god in the game. And you can't use them below level 45 after you get them. Flurry can be chosen and slotted at level 2. There is no comparison. Edit: Also, I have characters that have Boxing, Kick, both, and sometimes even Cross Punch. And they are part of my attack chain. It always frustrates me that people come on these forums and claim no one is using certain powers. Just because you don't use them doesn't mean they aren't being used.
  21. *Thinks back to previous threads complaining about Brawl being the worst power in the game, Boxing being the worst power in the game, Kick being the worst power in the game, Air Superiority being the worst power in the game* You know, I'm seeing a trend here. Any attack power that isn't as good or better than any AT's primary or secondary power always seems to be the worst power in the game as long as it is the current power being discussed....
  22. The third tier is where the travel powers in the travel pools go.
  23. The power you are citing is Sands of Mu and is the prestige power version of it. The prestige powers don't play by the same rules as the power pools because you weren't able to get them until you had played the game for enough years. HC did away with that. As for Flurry mechanically being way behind? It is a power pool attack. It is intentionally set up to not be as good as the primary or secondary powers characters get from their ATs. All of them. Air Superiority, Flurry, Toxic Dart, you name it and it is in a power pool, it is meant to not compete with AT powers, simply augment or fill holes in character build/concept. And since Flurry is the T1 power in the set? It won't be an AoE. Nor will it be high damage (for the aforementioned reasons). Edit: As for the rate of others taking it outside of RP reasons? The only Controller I ever enjoyed playing used both Air Superiority and Flurry as the main attack powers. Mez targets, unload with Air Superiority and Flurry, mez target, unload with Air Superiority and Flurry, mez targets.... And while I can't speak for everyone? I know there are players that take Flurry and use it as part of their attack chain.
  24. No. What is more iconic for a melee super speedster than hitting your foe with a lightning fast barrage of punches?!
  25. To be fair, I think red side and gold side already have their incentives: Gold side has a very rich and dynamic story line. (Seriously, it's the only side that can remove a contact before you even get to the contact.) And you can change alignment at the end of every arc. Red side has a much simpler progression and their arcs tend to keep you in the same zone so you aren't running across umpteen different zones chasing missions to get a single arc done. If that is the story arc I am thinking of, that is a gold side story from the Crusader faction of the Resistance. (Though the Power faction of the Loyalists gets just as bad, just for different reasons.) Edit: AH! You're talking about the Krylov mission to help the Vahzilok to lead Longbow to them! Sorry.
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