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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. When I'm waiting on something to happen, I'm usually on a different screen/window working on something else while I wait. So things like that tend to happen to me occasionally. I tab back, find myself not where I expected, what I'm waiting for hasn't started, so I reposition to get back to where I was and go back to whatever else I am doing while I wait.
  2. Don't shorten the timer. Make it possible for the player to trigger the detonation by some means, sure, but it already only has a duration of 21 seconds before detonation as compared to the 260 second duration of trip mine. And for players like me, that like to set up traps to draw targets into, losing duration would be problematic.
  3. That at least means they, though most likely (s)he, is active rather than just AFK'ing it.
  4. Exactly !!!! So are you going to propose some sets?
  5. Not going to argue this any further. Edit: Though if you want more power sets for Dominators, you could always propose some.
  6. Or how MMs have only 7 primaries? (Decidedly less than the 10 primaries Dominators have.) Getting more power sets for more ATs is most definitely desirable. That does not mean that players that enjoy Blasters should face negative feedback simply because their proposed power set is for Blasters. If you find fault with a proposed power set? Please, by all means, point it out. Giving the implication that an AT should not be allowed more power sets simply because it is a popular AT with multiple power sets is not exactly a nice thing to do.
  7. Well, not entirely, although you're sacrificing significantly to do it — burn your once-every-three-days 'complete this mission' for each successive mission in the arc until it's complete, but that's not always possible, as there are arcs that have missions you can't do that with. That just takes longer to get rid of it. As far as the game is concerned, and what shows on your character for having done. your character still shows as having done that arc. You just don't get any of the rewards from doing the missions. Edit: Another option for the OP? Is if we could get an "Abandon Arc" button to drop any stories that are flagged as started. Though that may not be possible....
  8. So knock Adamastor down to 2 merits? 4 tops? And Lusca up to 8 or 10?
  9. More options is a good thing. Are there ATs in more need of new sets than Blasters? Yes. However, that does not mean asking for new sets for ATs like Blasters are a bad thing. @biostem, I don't really have an opinion on the proposed set. On the hand hand, it does look interesting. On the other hand, it also looks to be significantly more powerful than existing sets. @Saiyajinzoningen makes a good point on correcting that. Rejuvenating Mist does entirely too much, meaning it will either do next to nothing in all those fields rendering it useless in play, or would need to lose some components. Given the name discussion I read through? The Water Spout power could just as easily be called Twister, Water Twister, Sea Spout, Water Funnel, or any of a surprisingly wide variety of names. So the name issue really isn't. (Edit: Conversely, you could change the damage type from cold to fire and call it a Fire Tornado. Those do exist, in Australia I think, and can fit in your proposed set easily, thereby bypassing the name concern entirely.)
  10. Pyronic Judgement requires Judgement incarnate, which the author said was a non-starter.
  11. You can, kheldian collision box makes it possible to scoot people all over. It's a secret trick that involves teleport. Secret? That was a common practice back on Live. Particularly by players that liked to troll other players using ledge sit or similar emotes while waiting for an iTrial to launch.
  12. Ice Control is the primary, yes. Dominator (Ice Control/Electricity Assault/Sorcery/Concealment/Teleportation/Leadership/Fire Mastery): Level 1: Block of Ice (Ice Bonds hold) Level 1: Charged Bolts (Rapid "lightningbolt") Level 2: Frostbite (or Charged Brawl if you prefer) Level 4: Lightning Bolt Level 6: Arcane Bolt (For that Magic Missile time of day) Level 8: Mystic Flight Level 10: Cold Snap (for Cone of Cold) Level 12: Infiltration or Stealth (Invisibility) Level 14: Spirit Ward (Because empowering your allies with a shield is a wizard thing) Level 16: Teleport Level 18: Combat Teleport (Blink effect) Level 20: Zapp (For when you really want your lightningbolt to reach out and fry a target) Level 22: Maneuvers (Hello, Mass Cat's Grace) Level 24: Assault (Hello, Mass Bear's Strength) Level 26: Jack Frost (I finally learned how to summon an elemental! Yay me!) Level 28: Grant Invisibility (Because letting my allies be invisible is nice too) Level 30: Voltaic Sentinel (Now I can summon two elementals! Run for your lives, cretins!) Level 32: Teleport Target (Now where should I drop him?) Level 35: Fireball ('nuff said) Level 38: Fire Shield (Red and blue fire shield damage resists at once? D&D wizards eat your hearts out.) Level 41: Rain of Fire (For those light Cataclysm days when you just want things burning) Level 44: Melt Armor (Better than Heat Metal) Level 47: Phase Shift (Hello, Ghost Form, Dark Form, Light Form, or whatever magic intangibility is your preference) Level 49: Misdirection or whatever else you want You can fit in Glacier anywhere starting at level 22 if you want a more powerful Ice Bonds effect. You can fit in Arctic Air anywhere starting at level 6 if you want a Mass Invisibility and/or Cloud of Confusion effect. Ice Slick for those ice patches (Edit again: or Grease spell) some wizards conjure. So on and so forth. There are 18 total powers available for the provided build that are not included in it. The world is your oyster. Do what you want with it. And note, there are no incarnate powers in that list. Edit: Also note that there are only 4 ice powers in that build. And one of those can be dropped in favor of Charged Brawl to reduce the ice power count. The other three are your stated desire for a Cone of Cold, a summon, and my recommendation of an Ice Bonds spell. So there are three ice powers that would effectively be required. Out of 24 powers the character gets total.
  13. Boxing and Kick don't modify Tough or Weave. And you are basically saying you want the gated powers without having to give anything up to get it. That's a hard no from me. I'm not a dev, but I doubt they would agree to that either.
  14. no those sets do not include the powers you say they do It doesn't? Ice Control: Cone of Cold via Cold Snap: 60 feet range, 60 feet radius, 135 degree arc: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.shiver&at=dominator (Add Ice Mistrals Torment's cold damage proc and Impeded Swiftness' smashing damage proc, and now you have a damaging cone of cold.) Ice Bonds via: Block of Ice (starting hold): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.block_of_ice&at=dominator Chilblain (starting immob): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.chilblain&at=dominator Flash Freeze (TAoE damaging sleep): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.flash_freeze&at=dominator Glacier (another hold): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.glacier&at=dominator Mass Invisibility via Arctic Air (Stealth effect): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.arctic_air&at=dominator Cloud of Confusion via Arctic Air: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.arctic_air&at=dominator Summons via Jack Frost: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_control.ice_control.jack_frost&at=dominator Electricity Assault: Lightningbolt via: Lightningbolt: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_assault.electricity_manipulation.lightning_field&at=dominator Zapp: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_assault.electricity_manipulation.lightning_clap&at=dominator Summons via Voltaic Sentinel: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_assault.electricity_manipulation.shocking_grasp&at=dominator Fire Mastery: Fireball via Fireball: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.fire_mastery_dominator.fire_ball&at=dominator Sorcery: Magic Missile via Arcane Bolt: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.sorcery.arcane_bolt&at=dominator Magic Flight via Mystic Flight: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.sorcery.mystic_flight&at=dominator Teleport via Translocation (Mystic Flight): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.sorcery.translocation&at=dominator Magic Shields via: Spirit Ward (ally shield): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.sorcery.spirit_ward&at=dominator Rune of Protection (self shield): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.sorcery.rune_of_protection&at=dominator Teleportation: Teleport via Teleport: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.teleportation.teleport&at=dominator Dimension Door/Blink via Combat Teleport: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.teleportation.teleport_foe&at=dominator Teleport Ally via Teleport Target: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.teleportation.recall_friend&at=dominator High level enemy teleport via Teleport Target: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.teleportation.recall_friend&at=dominator Mass Teleport via Fold Space: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.teleportation.long_range_teleport&at=dominator Mass Teleport via Teleport Team: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.teleportation.team_teleport&at=dominator So please enlighten me as to what I said was in those power sets that are not in those power sets.
  15. I very much agree with this. While most of my characters will hit up as many contacts as possible, there are specific story arcs I avoid because they make no sense for that character to do. And just seeing the start mission for a story arc on that contact's mission list, not even selecting it for anything, just it being listed there at all, means now I have that story active on a character that will not be doing the story. And like @srmalloy said, since we can't get rid of it except by doing it, that is an available story arc slot gone until we decide to just do the arc despite not wanting our character to be involved in it.
  16. Have you tried @Saiyajinzoningen's suggestion? Maybe an Ice Control/Electricity Assault/Fire Mastery Dominator? As already pointed out, it has your desired lightning bolt (plus a longer ranged lightningbolt that does more damage in the form of Zapp) and fireball. It also has your desired summons (Jack Frost and Voltaic Sentinel), it has your controls, and while it lacks a damaging cone of cold attack, it does have a cone of cold effect in the form of Cold Snap (add Ice Mistral's Torment and Impeded Siwftness procs for the damaging version of this cone of cold), an ice bonds effect (Chilblain, Block of Ice, Flash Freeze, and Glacier), and adds in the wizard's mass invisibility ability (Arctic Air). Then with the Sorcery pool you pick up magical flight, magic missile, and a magic shield (one for you and another for allies). Throw in the Teleport pool, and all your requests for what constitutes a wizard are met.
  17. Hover grants very slow fly and +1.75% defense at 0.195 END/sec. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.flight.combat_flight&at=blaster (The very slow fly was the price we paid for having such great flight controls with the power. Then we were made able to use both Fly and Hover to enjoy the benefits of both at the same time which really boosted the utility of Hover. I personally think that was a mistake, but here we are. And players enjoy it, so all I can do is throw my hands up and use the powers combined as well. At least you still have to have both powers to enjoy those benefits.) Combat Jumping grants improved jumping ability, Mag 8.3 immobilization protection, and +1.75% defense at 0.065 END/sec. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.leaping.combat_jumping&at=blaster (It's a bit overpowered for its cost, in my opinion. Especially since I keep hearing other players being told to take Combat Jumping because it is basically free defense. [Hello, Holy Quad.] Even when I listen to Broadcast or Help and I see chat about a player contemplating taking Hover, and is immediately pounced upon to instead take Combat Jumping because it is so exceedingly cheap to use. That's just me though.) Weave grants +48.44% immobilization resistance and +3.5% defense at 0.325 END/sec. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.fighting.weave&at=blaster That extra 0.125 END/sec for another +1.75% defense? Is nothing at all. (Especially considering how easy it is to make a character that can run 9 (10?) toggles at once, including both Fighting pool toggles, all three Leadership pool toggles, Combat Jumping, Hover, and all the armors available to Scrappers, Stalkers, Tankers, and Brutes; while still being able to maintain a constant barrage of attacks, without even dipping into any incarnate abilities at all. [I can say this because I've built multiple such characters. God mode anyone?]) And that doesn't address Tough which would also need to be nerfed since it would be losing its prerequisite too.
  18. Quick examples using corruptor values: World of Confusion activates once every 4 seconds and has a cost of 1.3 endurance. 1.3/4=0.325 Steamy Mist activates once every 0.5 seconds and has a cost of 0.26 endurance. 0.26/0.5=0.52 Maneuvers activates once every 2 seconds and has a cost of 0.78 endurance. 0.78/2=0.39 Telekinesis activates once every 0.5 seconds and has a cost of 1.95 endurance. 1.95/0.5=3.9 Every toggle in the game is just a power that the engine automatically reactivates at set intervals (the activation period). So is every auto power. And the what we refer to as "endurance per second" is a simple algebraic translation of the two values, X (real endurance cost) divided by Y (activation period). There is no development rule which states, "for every X activation period, Y endurance must be paid", so there's no direct correlation between activation period and endurance cost. Both are determined by the person or people designing the power, what the power is intended to do, how the power needs to function... and, sometimes, arbitrarily imposed limitations or relaxations of rules. Most toggles are intended to be used, though, so their endurance cost is firmly within the realm of manageability. In the few cases of toggles which aren't intended to be always active, restrictions are applied. Sometimes that means "The game's going to shut this off after a set amount of time, period, end of discussion, bye-bye now", and other times it means, "Word, dawg, this joint's gonna cost ya a WHOLE FUCKIN' LOT o' juice and ya ain't gonna be able to keep the motor runnin'. Tell ya momma I said 'WASSUP!'". That was great! Another instance where I wish we had a combined laugh + thumbs up emoji! 😆
  19. If Tough is switched with Kick/Boxing, then it needs to be reduced to make up for no longer having a prereq. How much? Don't know. Weave grants double the defense of Hover and Combat Jumping, and it grants +48.44% immobilization resistance. As a power currently requiring two other picks to unlock. Tough/Weave are not necessary for any build. At all. Every AT has its means of surviving the game. Without the Fighting pool. The fact that there are players that chase the Holy Quad does not make it necessary.
  20. It's the difference between Weave and Hover/Combat Jumping.
  21. Are you willing to lose half their bonus in order to be made more accessible?
  22. Not that I agree with you, because I don't, but what would you suggest for the Fighting pool that doesn't step on the Leadership pool, the Medicine pool, or any other pool? Especially since the theme of the Fighting pool, since that is what you are focused on, and I agree should be the focus, is the character's ability to fight. (Edit: Also, since the Fighting pool was apparently intended for ATs like Controllers that lack any melee attacks and defense/resist powers that I can remember. I don't play Controllers, so my memory on the AT is hazy at best.)
  23. Probably is. Every time one of my Brutes gets shut down by a Sapper, the toggles I lose are always different even on the same character.
  24. I never even noticed the END bar doing that.... 😲
  25. You can't really compare travel pools to non-travel pools. And all three pools you cited, are travel pools.
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