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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Maybe 20x cost of the temp power itself for perma for things like pistols and other not high end/OP P2W powers? That would be a nice big inf' sink. (Or if they aren't already, make those temp powers stackable for charges?)
  2. I'm all for having more P2W temp powers. Like the pistol, bow and arrow, and uzi. To a point, I'm even in favor of them being perma-temps. Except, aren't they supposed to be inf' sinks? In a game overflowing with it, what other high demand items would be available to fill that role? (Also, I am very much against things the amplifiers being perma with a single purchase. Buffs from P2W should need to be bought on a regular basis. Firstly, because it helps maintain an inf' sink. And secondly because I don't think we should have permanent temporary buffs.)
  3. Thanks. The list/overview page on CoD didn't list any KB or Repel on any of the attacks.
  4. So how do you feel about Energy Blast on Sentinels then? (Edit: Despite their reduced range and their armor secondaries, Sentinels are still ranged ATs. Gonna find a fair amount of KB built into multiple primaries. Also, I don't see any KB attacks in the Fire Blast set for Sentinels. So could you clarify please?)
  5. I may be wrong, but I think that would require additional animations for each of the weapons to be made for the Combat Teleport power.
  6. I don't know if this counts as streamlining, but you can sell the enhancement for the cost of the attuned, and buy the attuned from the AH.
  7. Okay, I watched it. And my response is... what... the hell... was that?! (Edit: Don't get me wrong. It was a fun watch, but what the hell was it?!)
  8. There is only push back on change those pushing back against disagree with. And we even give the reasons why we do. (You may not like those reasons, but that does not invalidate them.) I am still opposed to replacing Beanbag with Aim. And for the exact reason you cited. Because having Beanbag instead of Aim means we have power sets that aren't all clones of each other. As well as the fact there are players that take and use it, even if they are themselves a minority of the players using the power set, so we have no right to take that away from them. (As for your previous comment about things being all about what we want? What about changing things to make it all about what you want and forget those that are already enjoying the game and would be put out by the proposed changes? You talk like you have a moral high ground, except you are doing the exact same thing. Pitching an idea that you want, and anyone that disagrees with that is obviously not fun, part of a cartel, a dinosaur, or... what other things have you called us so far? I've lost track.) Seriously? Best voice of the people? Because only you and those that agree with you are the voices of the people and those that disagree are not? Because those of us on the forums aren't a minority voice of the player base regardless of which side of any debate we stand on? And looking back over this post, we have ventured well off topic. Instead of trying to justify a change and debate it, you have deviated into attacking others.
  9. Then you still have a pool pick available. If you want, you can still fit Fly in. Not saying you should. Not saying you have to. Not saying anything other than you do have that option.
  10. First off, people are not misbehaving because they post disagreement to a post. (Something about everyone be nice to each other and good people on both sides? I seem to recall someone making those comments. I wonder who though.) Second, the builds that get posted are the current meta, build for maximum effect even if it is not needed for anything in the game, rather than explore for fun and see what you can create. Because not building according to the established min-max builds that get posted is obviously not fun, right? (Or does it quash fun in the name of efficiency? It definitely quashes creativity.) You are as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine and everyone else is to theirs. Speak your mind. Give your opinion. I do ask that you stop bashing people because they think a suggestion is wrong, bad, or just something they don't like though. (Also, please stop calling yourself the expert on everything. You may be a very good Tanker player. Hells, for all I know you may even the best in all the world. Unless you give specific reference-able data though? It it just your opinion. Just like the rest of us when we don't provide the requisite data to back up our points.)
  11. On a Scrapper, the AT you cited, Maneuvers grants a base +2.275% defense. Weave grants a base +3.75% defense. Difference of? 1.475%. You say you take both, but only slot and use Weave. While still being soft-capped. So why not drop one of them and take Flight like @Greycat says? Edit: And if you skip the Fighting pool altogether and use the lower defense Maneuvers? You can fit in Hover as well and pick up a base +1.875% defense, more than making up what you lost from not using Weave.
  12. Uhm... what does that have to do with this thread's discussion?
  13. On an MM character? The mayhems are stupid easy at low level. I don't even plan a route to limit the ambushes on my way to the bank like I do with some other ATs. (Edit: Specifically my Dominators. I'm not very good at running support ATs.) I don't need to drop the difficulty to -1. I play at default difficulty. And if I'm feeling a little bold on my level 7 MM? I may even increase the difficulty. I absolutely never drop the difficulty when on a MM. However, I also don't skip my T1 secondaries on MMs since those are typically my AoE heal to keep myself and my pet in the fight. So yeah, I guess we are playing different games, because I find MMs to be easy mode for playing the game. All it takes is paying any attention at all to your pet(s) and giving your pet(s) support. Stalkers are definitely more annoying since the ambushes ignore your Hide ability. So when I see a notice of an ambush spawning, I make sure I'm not next to any other spawns and just butcher the ambushes when they get to me. Yes, some missions can get rather tricky, but that is mostly from multiple spawns being almost on top of each other in my experience, because I'm suddenly fighting an EB and still have 0 enhancements of any kind slotted, or because I have to find something that isn't showing on the map with lots and lots of little crannies the objective can be hidden in. On my starting characters, I play at the default difficulty. (Game shows +0/x0, but it is really +0/x1). I typically leave my difficulty at that level unless I'm on a character I want greater rewards on per fight, at which point I increase the difficulty. My high level characters are run at +2/x4, +3/x2, or +4/x8 depending on the character AT and build unless the character is one I'm not interested in dealing with the slog with. My Praetorian characters used to have difficulty because the ambushes in Praetoria like to stack and quickly, but I haven't seen that happen any more even on the Resistance betrayal mission from Chloe or the Destroyers attack on TPN. Without those layered ambushes? Those missions are as easy as every other. Any new player that may struggle with the game can find help on how to deal with the various situations the game throws at us in the Help channel, the Broadcast channel, the forums, the Discord, their teammates, and even just reading the tips that appear on the loading screen. As soon as they find out what the game does, they suddenly find themselves no longer struggling. And even if they don't avail themselves of the available tips and help? The game automatically loads Twinshot and Dr. Graves at level 6 so new players can run through yet another tutorial in case they skipped the starter tutorials and learn how things like current enhancements makes the game easier.
  14. There is no justification for the Fighting pool to be made inherent. Just like there is no justification for the Leadership pool, Speed pool, or Leaping pool to be inherent. As much as I didn't like the Fitness pool being made inherent, at least there was justification for it.
  15. Except it is. I'm almost always playing solo. The game is easy. It was meant to encourage team play, yes, but it also had to be designed so that solo players can play too. And that was before all the power creep. The game is very easy. Mastermind: Leave pets in Defensive Follow, and they absorb part of the damage meant for you. While still smacking everything to kingdom come. Stalker: Assassin Strike and Placate are your friends. Blaster: is mez immune with their basic attacks, so blast your opponents into oblivion. I don't play Controllers because they bore me and I don't play Tankers because I prefer to get my attacks faster. (And I still won't play Kheldians.) However, every AT I've run has had absolutely no problems clearing anything. Now if you're trying to solo +4/x8 at low levels before you've fully slotted your character at level 50? Yeah, that's not going to happen. The game is not balanced around Hard Mode content. So that argument is completely irrelevant to the discussion. Edit: In fact, Hard Mode content was added specifically because players were complaining the game was too easy.
  16. How did I never think of doing that with my felines?!?!?!?! 😆 If I recall correctly, that was for adding a 7th slot to a power. I may be wrong though.
  17. Uhm... just red side? Pretty sure the costume creator can't be set up that way. Getting those as a costume option (no side limitations)? Sounds good to me.
  18. Good to know. Thanks. However, now I am even more confused by @Saiyajinzoningen's post.
  19. I'm not understanding. Sorry. Teammates are already marked on the map. As are NPCs you or the team has picked up. (The thing about waypoint markers, they don't move. So using the Siren's Call PvP bounty system as a reference, a marker is placed where the target is at time of posting, and then that marker is eventually deleted and a new marker placed after a set amount of time has passed. So even the current player waypoint marker is a static thing, just deleted and replaced every x period of time. You can already do that by right clicking where the teammate's map marker is to set a waypoint.) (Edit: On layered maps, the teammate can /loc themselves and post those coordinates in team chat. Clicking the coordinates sets a waypoint marker.)
  20. What if i demand a request phrased as a demand in the form of an emoji? ... I have no idea how to respond to that....
  21. You see, that's not a requirement. I would love for explanations for a great many emojis and "No"s posted on the forums. I've even gone back and asked for those explanations. However, noone is required to explain themselves. Everyone is free to just say yes, no, or nothing at all. Everyone is free to just post an emoji. It's just something that has to be accepted. (Trust me on this. I've been yelled at so many times on this forum for requesting an explanation. Apparently I'm very bad at phrasing requests and everyone reads them as demands though.)
  22. Emojis without explanation are the norm here. People like to express their feelings toward a post, but are disinclined to get more involved than that. It happens.
  23. Fitness was never removed. It was made inherent so that every character got it for free. (Back on Live, I had characters that retained the actual pool as a pick rather than use the inherent version. I think @Greycat kept such a character until shut down. I however, wound up respeccing those characters, so lost that option.) Some power sets and even individual powers are still outperforming others or under-performing against others. Game balance is not a static thing. It is a constant struggle to find. And adding Task/Strike Forces, power sets, or ATs does not disrupt game balance. At least not anywhere near like taking away existing power prerequisites and giving even more enhancement slots to players.
  24. That is actually easier than you think, depending on the AT and build. The tricky part of doing that for me? Being able to spread out spawns enough that I'm not being swarmed by more than I can handle at a time. (I'm not an uber player.) So running away from fights falls into my core strategy so I can recover and resume the fight after. (So I find it much more preferable to duo it or solo lower difficulty ITFs.) That's the point. The game isn't difficult. At all. And the OP would make it even easier. Because players would be able to fully optimize their builds, which they can't do right now because they have to be choosy about slot placement and power picks. I remember when the Fitness pool was made inherent. I was against that too. I had no say in the matter because I wasn't on the forums, but I do remember the arguments. And as predicted, with the need to pick the Fitness pool removed, players simply found a new "mandatory" pool to replace it. (Hello, Holy Quad.) The discussion so far has been civil. No angry posts have cropped up yet. People are simply stating their responses. Let's start with the added enhancement slots. Whether 2 slots, 4 slots, or other. With those added slots, players can get more set bonuses on their powers. That is more global buffs on their characters. More buffs a character gets, the more powerful the character is, the easier the game becomes. Now let's look at removing power pick requirements from pool powers. Now instead of having to take a prerequisite power, players can find other powers that better maximize their combat ability. That makes them more powerful. Which makes the game easier. (And likely will then lead to renewed requests to increase the number of pools we can choose from to 5 so those extra power picks can be utilized in an even more efficient manner.)
  25. Hello, Raikao. This has been debated to death on other threads. Multiple times. I am currently disinclined to go into it again, so I instead recommend doing a little reading on this forum. (Edit: Also, as a heads up, there are players that don't put any extra slots into Health or Stamina. Very few of my builds get extra slots in those powers, and if they do, it is usually 1 extra slot. And if I want a slot anywhere else? Those are the first places I pull extra slots from.)
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