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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. I don't know why I hate having xp shoved down my throat. I just do.
  2. I'm saying I have no control over how I react to the patrol xp. It is not something I can just say "Yeah, okay, fine. I'll live with it." I don't drop on the ground and have uncontrollable spasms. I don't have heart palpitations or anything of that nature. I have a visceral hatred of it. It's unreasonable for me to be this affected by having patrol xp, but I can't avoid it. I can't 'get over it' or 'just ignore it'. If I could, I wouldn't be wasting so much time getting rid of it. Or be here asking for a simpler means of dealing with it.
  3. Did you not read the OP or my other posts on this thread?! I was getting myself killed to get rid of it. It took 52 minutes of getting killed by a spawn of 3 purple minions and a purple boss to get rid of of the patrol xp. And that spawn was almost at the base portal, which expedited the process. And it still took that long to get rid of.
  4. You are correct in that I hate the extra blue bar. I also hate unearned xp being forced on me. You are also correct in that there is no game problem with patrol xp. Other than the already fast leveling process being even further accelerated. This was less pronounced on Live. It is far more pronounced on HC. As for "get over it"? I can't "get over it". Otherwise I wouldn't have made now 2 threads asking for different options to deal with it. Edit: Telling me to get over it is like telling someone who has epileptic seizures to not have one when they see strobing lights. Thank you for your callousness.
  5. I don't understand your point. Don't force myself to burn it? Just play a character for a half hour and then change characters? What does DFB have to do with anything in this thread? I'm not forcing myself to do anything. Depending on how long any given character I have has been logged off that I want to play at the time, I have to spend a variable amount of time getting rid of patrol xp. I'm not being forced to get rid of it. I can't stand it, so I get rid of it. And last night was the first time I actually decided to check to see how long it took me to get rid of patrol xp rather than just give up somewhere along the way and log off instead of playing with the patrol xp, only to find out it took me 52 minutes out of my limited play time to get rid of it. I'm not burning time punching things. I'm losing time running into enemy spawns to just stand there and hope they kill my character quickly so I can get back into the spawn to just stand there and hope they kill my character quickly so I can get back.... See where this is going? It's not any fun to not do anything as I spend my precious time trying to be speed killed repeatedly to get rid of patrol xp so I can enjoy playing. I get that for most people, patrol xp isn't something they care about or actively track. I get that it was introduced for a reason. I'm not asking for it to be removed from the game. I'm not asking for it to be default off and players have to turn it on for their characters. I'm asking for the option to be able to turn it off or be able to quickly get rid of it so I can actually play the game on characters I haven't used in a while. My request will not make any changes to the way players play the game. It won't stop them from picking any powers or enhancements. It doesn't affect inspirations or temps. It doesn't place a limit on character concept or player creativity. It doesn't gatekeep content or take anything away from anyone. It isn't demanding that others abide by my concerns or play the way I play. It isn't going to change anything about the game at all unless the player wants to use the option. Why is that such a bad thing to you?
  6. I didn't think the self-destruct power imposed debt for its use? How long is its recharge? The 52 minutes it took me to get rid of patrol xp last night was using +4 mobs (3 minions and a boss) that were just feet away from the PI base portal. So I wasn't losing more than a couple seconds getting back to them during that time each time. I opted for PI because the monsters can take a surprising amount of time to defeat a character. Even with no defenses active. I can go back there and give them a try again though. That was actually my original request. And it died in its cradle. Yes, having the option to just turn off patrol xp would be great.
  7. There's an idea. I just won't log off my pages of characters. Any idea how I can keep them all logged on at once?
  8. Then check out my prior post asking to be able to turn off patrol xp. I hate patrol xp. Always have. Free experience to make up for unplayed time? Give me a break. Are you serious? That is the first time anyone gave me that answer as a reason for patrol xp. The point of playing is to get xp and experience the game. XP for not playing? Yeah, that was a first in responses. Congrats. If there was a day job location that was not also a patrol day job location, I'd just log off all my characters there. However, everywhere you can possibly log off in the game gives you patrol xp. Because everywhere in the game is the patrol day job location. Because obviously a super is a super 24 hours a day regardless of what (s)he/it is doing and where. The advantage of Live? You only had to get rid of patrol xp on a character while leveling to 50. Once you were 50? No more patrol xp! All gone! Buh-bye! Good riddance! HC has vet levels though. So you always get patrol xp because you can always level up further to level 50. Over and over and over on the same character. There is no end to patrol xp for any character. I don't want xp shoved down my throat. I've left several games because of that. I haven't left CoX because I love CoX and because I can get rid of the patrol xp. If I have enough time to devote to getting rid of the patrol xp for that character I want to play at the time. I don't want "free xp for unplayed time". And the fact I spent 52 minutes tonight getting rid of it, using up my play time to not play so I could get rid of it, should have told you that yeah, I'm serious. The fact most players are fine with patrol xp is not a problem. Play the way you want. We already have to turn off xp to play the game at level. Otherwise with HC's xp gain rate, you rocket past everything. And patrol xp simply compounds the issue. Call it my obsession. Call it my insanity. Call it whatever you want. I hate patrol xp. And on characters I don't play for a few days? It takes a very long time to get rid of. I'm not asking for patrol xp to go away. It makes no sense to take something that already exists in the game away from the obvious majority that likes it or are at least indifferent to it. (Edit: Hells, it makes no sense to take away something that already exists in the game even if it doesn't get much use.) My previous request was for an option the player would have to enable to stop accruing patrol xp. It looks like that won't be happening. Probably ever. So I am now asking for the ability to take a character to some NPC, object, suicide booth, murderous carnivorous ocean, whatever; to offload the patrol xp without having to spend an hour getting rid of it. It would still fall on the player to go and get rid of the xp. It would not prevent anyone from accruing and using their patrol xp. You don't have to agree. You can think I'm trolling the forum, or out of my mind, or anything else you wish. As I said, I wholly expect to either be in the minority on this or be the lone individual that feels this way. That's fine. Just like my previous request, I expect this suggestion/request to also die in its cradle. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
  9. We're just always going to disagree on that.... Like you said, that is a matter of playstyle. My MMs are spamming their three inherent attacks constantly. With their heal (if thay have one) firing off when my pets or character get too hurt. Again, a matter of playstyle. Which is weird, because I don't seem to have that problem. Hey! We agree on something! I know I had a bottle of specialty eggnog to celebrate around here somewhere.... 😜 They actually degrade as you level, becoming less effective even as their damage increases. Which is why enhancements are pointed out in I think 3 different arcs to players. The difference here as I see it, are that pets are almost fire and forget. They are powers that keep doing damage to your enemies without you having to do anything. So that's 6 different sources of damage that the MM doesn't have to click. And the upgrades add more fire and forget capability to those. As opposed to the Blaster's Fireball that the character has to click to use every time. Okay, I gotta know... how do you turn off a specific pet's upgrades? Because I would REALLY love not equipping my Assault Bot with that flamethrower. "No, seriosuly! Stay at RANGE you stupid robot!!!!!" Yeah... probably the primary-secondary pairings in play here... but I was running a +2/x8 TF with a single friend and we had split up. I didn't even realize we were clearing different sections of the TF at that difficulty. My pets just ate everything. Only realized when it dawned me all the bosses had been purple. Not in an instance. Only when running across the zone to the mission. *grumble* *grumble* Okay... yeah... depending on team and task, that is true. Sorry to say, but that boils down to poor pet control. Though on large, fast moving teams, that can become rather inevitable. I could agree to this. For the summoning. Not the buffing. As I've said, I've never noticed my pets pausing while one of their number gets upgraded.
  10. I asked on a previous thread for the option to be able to turn off patrol xp. So, I'm here now hoping an alternate request will find more acceptance. I normally only have around an hour to play at a time. I logged on a level 44 Blaster I wanted to play that I had not played in a while, and used a +4 spawn of 4 CoT in the Portal Corporation parking lot since they were so readily accessible to get rid of my patrol xp. I jumped into the group at 11:18. I finally finished getting rid of patrol xp at 12:10. That was 52 minutes of my roughly hour spent doing nothing but trying to get destroyed to get rid of patrol xp. I already know I'm in the minority on this. Hells, I'm probably the only person that cares about this. However, I would really like a way to not deal with this every time I log on to a character I haven't played in a while. If the answer to an option that must be enabled by the player to disable patrol xp is out of the question, then can we maybe get someone or something that we can just dump our patrol xp into to get rid of it? Maybe a PPD officer blue side, Arachnos agent red side, and angry citizen or something gold side that the character walks up to and gets a "NOPE!" from as our patrol xp goes away. I don't care what it is. FIFTY-TWO MINUTES to get rid of patrol xp! Please.
  11. I think the No Redraw option still draws the stored weapon when you start the fight, but the weapon does not get drawn again if you use an ability that makes it disappear during the fight. Went to check with my own characters, but my lone melee weapon user doesn't have the no redraw option. (Is a staff fighting character. I get Original, Bright, and Dark options, but no No Redraw option.)
  12. When someone asks you which leg you would rather lose with a rusty hacksaw and no anesthesia? Use both legs to get away. Edit: Which is basically my answer to your question. I'll take neither option and call it good. Thanks.
  13. Loaded up my Merc MM. I couldn't act after summoning my T1s, but the wait was short. My combat log doesn't show time and haven't bothered looking it up. It wasn't anywhere near a 4 second wait though. My guess? You're bugged.
  14. Again, we disagree. I don't retreat when I suffer a partial pet wipe. I've lost my T2s and T3? I still have my T1s to protect me while I re-summon. I've lost 4-6 of my pets and don't have the space or health I need to more or less safely re-summon? Time to bug out and hide while I re-summon and rebuff pets. My health has gone red and my heal hasn't recharged or I took a secondary with no heal? (Triage Beacon isn't a heal.) Time to bug out even if I have all of my pets still. Basically, I take the time to evaluate my situation to see if I can press on or if I need to retreat. As for pets pausing while re-summoning and re-buffing? I've never noticed that. Lost a pet? Summon and buff a replacement. The other 5 keep protecting my health bar and inflicting damage. If the ones I did not have to re-summon stopped inflicting damage? I've never noticed them doing so. As someone who always took the MM inherent attacks? I don't understand the hatred of MM inherent attacks. And now, they are apparently better. The devs incorporated requests for Mm upgrades you and... I can't remember his/her name. Starts with an "e" I think. And after getting a buff to MMs, your claim is they are worse off?!
  15. I want to say this is not true, but I can't remember when swift went inherent as opposed to MMs becoming available. Regardless, as @Luminara pointed out, the pets are also handicapped by their lower movement caps.
  16. Non-MM pets. I really don't want my MM pets disappearing because I went to summon a lone replacement minion. Aside from that? Yeah, replenish and go.
  17. Huh? All ATs have the option of retreating and resetting their combat with an enemy that pushes them into a bad situation. I can't speak for others, but my characters, at least at the lower levels, routinely have to retreat from enemies they were not prepared for. (Edit: Non-tanks/brutes at higher levels too.) Red/purple bosses because the boss spawns higher level than the mission. Rooms with multiple spawns in close proximity to each other. And so on. Retreating to recover/reset is not a bad thing. Anyway, my contention with that statement is likely to derail the thread, so apologies for that. However, the need of and vadlidity of retreat as a tactic is something I felt compelled to speak on.
  18. Maybe just have MM pets track 2 levels? The combat level for most purposes and the MM's level as their travel level? Though I wouldn't want to be the one to tackle that bit of coding even if I knew how to code....
  19. The consideration here is where the weapons are drawn from in the animations. If the set draws from the back but the weapon is on the hip, it defeats the purpose of the sheathed options we've been given.
  20. @GM Widower i believe things like this is considered misconduct A comment was made about a Planet Manipulation set. A comment was then made about manipulating a planet. That is not misconduct.
  21. @GM Widower What are you flagging a GM for? The post was not vulgar, not belittling or insulting anyone, contained no profanity, and was not aimed at anyone in particular. It's a dirty joke, yes, but does not cross any lines I am aware of.
  22. Click and hold at one end of what you want to copy, then drag until what you want to copy is highlighted. CTRL+C to copy it or right click and choose copy. Then just paste into your post.
  23. Why are you so bothered by this? You yourself said you were willing to reconsider that power. The snipe attacks are all single target attacks. They aren't AoEs. So LRM Rocket doesn't get access to the snipe enhancement sets because it is an AoE. Same thing with the Holy Hand Grenade. It's an AoE even if it were made long range for some reason and made to have the interrupt. I didn't make the enhancement sets or decide on the rules about which ones should apply to what. I'm just pointing out what is and is not in the game and my best guess as to why. Further, it seems that the main reason you want the snipe enhancements for that power is for the range boost the snipe sets have. Well, targeted AoE damage enhancement sets also include range boosts in 4 of their sets, 2 of which have more boosts than all but 1 of the snipe sets. So you can still buff their range without trying to justify making a power use both snipe and targeted AoE sets. As for Cleaving Blow? It is a PBAoE enhancement set. So if the attack is a PBAoE, it can use Cleaving Blow. Regardless of whether it is a weapon attack or an energy attack. (Edit: Also, LRM Rocket isn't a grenade. Even in its animation, it is a rifle-fired rocket. A mini-rocket, but still a rocket. So it is not a grenade with an interrupt.)
  24. If we're looking at modifying the pets from the proposed set, then my suggestion would be: Tier 1 pets: Infantry: 3 light infantry armed with arming swords and shield. Tier 2 pets: Men-At-Arms: 2 heavy warriors in heavy armor armed with axe/mace and shield. (1 has the axe, and the other has the mace. Same attacks between them.) Supplemental powers: Rally (grant combat bonuses to the other MM pets) and Taunt(?). Tier 3 pet: Paladin: Heavy armor champion armed with broadsword and shield. Has support ability/abilities. (Maybe the aforementioned AoE heal?)
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