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  1. I love the aesthetic of Kinetic Melee, but the long windup times do make it tough to fully contribute in large groups. I've found that I can make it work on Tankers, where I basically only target Bosses and AVs when in a full group anyways, so I can get my hits in before all the AoE takes out the minions.
  2. I was actually using this as an example the other day, when explaining 'origins' to a friend who doesn't play City of Heroes.
  3. Blame the French! Which, to be fair, I usually do for everything anyways, but in this case it is actually justified. Like almost all of our military terms, 'melee' is a French word.
  4. I have a lore/backstory question about the Rikti War: What happened to the rest of the world during the Rikti invasion? Which cities, besides Paragon, were the hardest hit? Did different nations fight back against the Rikti in different ways? Were there other portals to the Rikti Homeworld in other cities, or is the one in Paragon City the only one?
  5. I swear... swear... that back when I first started playing on Live there was an arc for lowbie Natural heroes that had you tracking down some WWII era artwork that was stolen by the 5th Column. It was in Atlas Park, it was your first introduction to the 5th Column, and it ended with a boss fight in a warehouse covered with 5th Column flags where the villain swore revenge against you when you defeated him. This arc apparently does not exist. I have no idea what I am remembering.
  6. I made an Arsenal/Arsenal dominator that I had queued up. I've only had a chance to level her to about level 6, but I'm enjoying her so far. Once she gets to 20 I'm going to run all the Striga stuff with her.
  7. In the costume creator, for Assault Rifles, when you 'customize powers' there is a significant disconnect between when your toon makes the motion of firing the weapon and when the muzzle flash and the hit effect actually happens. This only applies to certain powers. Burst: seems fine Slug: the flash and hit happen about 0.75 seconds too early. Buckshot: seems fine M30 grenade: grenade launches about 1 second before the animation. Also, the grenade ALWAYS launches towards the bottom right of the screen regardless of which way your character is facing Beanbag: seems okay Sniper Rifle: the flash and hit effect are about 1 second late. Flamethrower: seems okay Ignite: seems okay Full Auto: it looks like the muzzle flash and hit effect are about a quarter-second late This seems to happen with all types of rifles, both holstered and not-holstered. I only tested this on a Female body type, not sure about other body types.
  8. I just spent a couple hundred million on IO-ing out two alts, so I've been demoted from "Easy Street" to "Comfortable."
  9. Colonel Rick Flagg from the Suicide Squad movies is a Mastermind.
  10. Add a 'Farm' tag in AE, so I can exclude it when I want to find actual story arcs.
  11. I would love it if you picked a gunpowder weapon with a 'silenced' option (the Mercenary Mk2 AR rifle, or silenced dual pistols), it would change the gunfire sounds to the Hollywood Silencer 'thwip's.
  12. Parody is protected speech (and, since this isn't for-profit, it's probably Fair Use) but I don't want the Devs to have to deal with that drama to prove it.
  13. Corruptor is the only one that could use a tweak, but to be honest I'm not sure what I'd want to replace it with. Primay: Ranged Damage. Secondary: Support. It's basically an opposite-day Defender, so... Aggressor? Instigator? Those are more value-neutral than Corruptor, at least.
  14. It definitely seems like some of my toons are 'luckier' than others. My Tanker Leading Lady and my Sentinel Unity Black Tango, in particular, end up just dripping with purple recipes and very rare Incarnate Salvage and Enhancement Catalysts and whatever. Other level 50s seem to get these rare drops rarely or at all. Maybe some sort of weird hiccup in the loot algorithm? Or maybe it's just observational bias.
  15. I don't know about grind, per se - I remember basically going straight from Brickstown / St. Martial to the Rikti War Zone and never looking back because the War Zone arcs were so good - but I definitely remember the game being a lot harder at low levels. I think we forget just how much inherent Fitness gives us, and being able to get your 'good' travel power at level 4 means that you can now just run or fly away from anything that you can't fight. The Hollows wasn't so bad, but Perez Park and even northern King's Row were both deathtraps. You felt fear when you got a door mission to go up there at level 8.
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