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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. I seem to remember the Incarnate System was left over from development of CO. This is why Incarnate Powers feel tacked on. CoH was designed in such a way that it ultimately required a lot of math (balance) whenever something new was introduced to the game. 

    CO was designed to specifically get away from that. Making CO easier to program.

    Thus the CoH Incarnate system is balanced out the door and does not require the same “attention” as the lvl 1-50 part of the game.

  2. On 1/3/2023 at 9:03 AM, Romeyn said:

    I ask an honest question and its inflammatory? Sorry I couldnt get into detail on the question, I posted it on my phone at work. I was trying to see how bases can be more relevant, with long range teleporter there is no need to join/use a SG to access other zones , with personal vault there is no need to use the vault reserve on the maps or in the bases. Base storage is the only thing not accessible outside of your SGs base and with the price of salvage being as it is (or the built enhancements), thats no draw for most (I have storage racks and I barely use them, as its less of a hassle to just buy what I need)



    I must disagree. Just because you don’t need a base doesn’t make it “not relevant.” Not everyone has the time or inclination to invest in a base. Having other options outside the base builder is just that, another option. 

    This train of thought could easily be flipped around. The Personal Vault is not relevant because you can do the same thing in bases. etc etc etc

  3. Bottom window is set to Rewards 98% of the time with Hero and Villain Zone event warnings. I have a second tab that reviews  DMG taken and given. 

    I have three windows on top I toggle to depending on what I am doing in game. The first window is set up for all chat: local, broadcast, tells, friends etc. Second window is set up for team play: local, broadcast, tells, team. The third window is set for League play: local, broadcast, tells, league and request.


  4. 2 hours ago, Rudra said:

    This thread is funny to me given a recent thread saying to bring back the Snakes because they are nowhere. (They aren't nowhere, just harder to find.) As far as missions go? Mongoose is the only low-level contact that focuses on the Snakes. Burke has 1 mission where he sends you after the Snakes. Kalinda has 1 or 2. The Arachnos agent past the Arbiter where you first spawn has 0. As does all his follow-up contacts.

    I immediately thought the same thing.

  5. 5 hours ago, Romeyn said:

    Seems we are fighting QoL improvements as bases become less relevant, how can we change this? 

    Bases are totally relevant and to some an entirely other game. 

    Bases prove that it isn’t about the INF it’s about the Stuff. I keep all my Stuff in my SG Base. I also do a lot of other stuff in my SG Base. Teleport, build, run mishes and meet friends just to name a few.

    Bases can be compared to the costumes in game. Almost an infinite number of possibilities. 

    If you believe they are approaching irrelevance you may be using them improperly.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. While you bring up the Talos Police Station  I would like to ask why Talos has two Police Stations just around the corner from one another. One is the Day Job Police Station next to Hospital. Then they have a second with a smaller sign next to Pocket D that you can’t enter. Either make both Day Job accessible or change one to another type of building.

  7. The series ratings have been plummeting for almost a decade. Russel T Davies is back as the showrunner. Davies is trying to bump the ratings after the last seasons 15 year low by bringing back David Tennant. 

    He’s only back for three “specials.”


    The new Doctor has already been announced, Ncuti Gatwa is his name. I personally think announcing the new Doctor then bringing back Tennant is kinda dick move on Davies part. It totally overshadowed Gatwa’s Doctor announcement. Further it sets Gatwa up for a greater fall than he would have had if he was just following Jodi Whittaker’s abysmal ratings. Doctor Who ratings are so low Gatwa could only improve on them. Now he has a 50/50 chance at success.


  8. Gold side has received two new contacts with mish’s since shut down. One for Vigilantes and one for Rogues. Both are fun stories too. 

    On Live there were more lofty objectives for Gold side. The lack of interest by the player base caused the Devs to shorten some story lines and do away with others entirely. I wouldn’t object to seeing this missing content fully fleshed out if the storylines still exist in some form. 

    However, If time and other limitations are a concern, and we all know they are. I would much rather see the Incarnate System finished and new Powers Introduced over new Gold side content.

  9. On 12/14/2022 at 2:23 PM, biostem said:

    The issue isn't the suggestion, per se - it's that animations are some of the most complex, time-consuming aspects of the game.  My first reflex is to say "just use existing animations from other powers", but then you run into timing issues and other such side effects of trying to repurpose other animations.  As a general concept - yes, more options would be great!

    They repurpose animations on another server and it doesn’t work on multiple levels. 

    • Thumbs Up 3
  10. 38 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    The game prevents you from dragging the icon for any individual power into a tray if the icon for that power is already in that tray. You cannot, by your own action, put multiple copies of, say, Instant Snowstorm into tray 2, while receiving multiple awards of the power causes multiple copies of the power icon to appear in the tray. It is not functioning according to the restrictions established on placing power icons in your trays -- restrictions that were in place before the creation of the event-specific temporary powers that fail to conform to this restriction -- therefore it is a bug. The only other alternative is that the prohibition on your putting more than one copy of any power's icon in a single tray is the bug, and the way the event temp power icons will appear multiple times in a single tray proves that the devs intended for you to be able to have entire trays full of nothing but Brawl icons, and the restriction should be removed.

    None of this diminishes the fact that you are assuming it isn’t working as intended. I believe it is working as intended. 

  11. 12 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    You're making the assumption that spamming your power tray with redundant icons is what the devs intended, and not a bug that was simply too low on their to-do list for them to get around to fixing, because it's an annoyance, rather than a game-breaking bug.

    And you are making the assumption that it is a bug. 


    I see we could go on arguing with each other over this for weeks. If you want someone to see this that may do something about it, post it in the other forums.

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