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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. 36 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Automatically filling your power trays with redundant copies of a power icon is "working as intended"? I verified experimentally that the game will cheerfully drop more than ten copies of the 'Instant Storm' icon into your power trays, even though you can't have more than ten uses accumulated at a time.

    I'm not saying I agree with the way these Temp Powers were implemented. It's annoying as shit. It's even worse after you do a Respec. After a Respec all those Temp powers get reinserted into ALL your Power Trays. You have to spend the next Three minutes removing them.


    I'm just saying they are behaving the way they have since Live. The original Devs intended the Powers to Work this way when they are dropped. If it's working as it was intended then it isn't a Bug. 


    I agree with your complaint. Maybe you will be better served by adding this complaint in another Forum as Feedback or a Suggestion.

  2. On 12/13/2022 at 4:13 PM, srmalloy said:

    So because similar things are broken the same way, we should just live with it, instead of asking that it be looked at for consideration to be fixed.

    So you believe if something is working as intended and you perceive it as not improving your QoL in game it’s a bug?


    Again, not a bug. You may have success posting your idea of how this should work under the Suggestions and Feedback forum.



  3. Talos, Exarch Industries - Tech Store.

    Behind the back wall cashier is a storage room. There is an invisible wall preventing you from going behind the counter and entering the back room.

    /loc -2038.7 83.5 7591.0

    This is the location of a hole in the invisible wall. You can run around in the back room and get out safely. However, if you log out, when you log back in you will be placed in the shelving unit in the back room unable to move. You must to use a TP of some kind to exit.

  4. 14 hours ago, Luminara said:


    No-one's buried on my land.  I have two dozen cats, and a black bear I'm trying to befriend.  We don't waste food out here.

    I hope I’m confused. It sounds like you are feeding the cats to the Black Bear in hopes that doing so will make him your friend. Am I reading that correctly?

    • Haha 2
  5. Keep in mind the opinions here are heavily based on the server one uses. Excelsior is doing great in everyone zone. You can even find people running on Gold side in Excelsior.

    PVP is mostly dead on Excelsior but that doesn’t mean you will not see the occasional challenge called out on the weekends for PVP. I can run Bloody Bay and Sirens Call and never run into anyone. Recluse’s Victory usually has people just hanging out and challenging others on the weekend. 

    AE has a decent amount of people running regular mishes on Excelsior. 

    Every other zone is busy and it isn’t difficult to get a PuG going in almost every zone.

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/30/2022 at 1:55 PM, Zect said:


    The patch that made all other blast nukes crashless, i24, never made it to live. It was on Beta for less than a month before news of the shutdown was released and development stopped. These changes may not have been subject to proper testing and review, and in any case, sorely need a balance pass.

    i25 never made it to live but it was ready for release. It was scheduled for release the week after the shut down was announced. NCSoft nixed the release however after it the announcement.

    i25 subsequently was released on the secret server and then the game basically had 6 years of QoL and balance changes. 

    We are playing i25 changes now. This is why the game is currently in i27 page 4.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. What alignment are you playing. Pure Hero or Vigilante? Pure Villain or Rogue?


    UPDATE: Just ran the mish and the PPD are all set to Enemy Status in that mish. I am Pure Hero so I don't believe they should have been attacking.

  8. This happened to me a few weeks back. I did a click on the INS when my cat jumped into my lap. She hit my arm and the mouse  slipped across the screen at the same time I left clicked. 

    After, The top INS would pop back into place if I tried to move it. If I clicked it it would disappear then pop back. 

    The game eventually corrected itself. Not so sure this is a bug as much as incorrect communication between the game and my computer. 

  9. Menu-Options-Graphics and Audio-Screen/UI Resolution

    Then set to Windowed Mode


    You will then have to log out of the game but when you log back in the game will be in Windowed mode. You can then size and minimize all you want.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. This is one of my favorite mishes in the game. If it isn’t too late I highly suggest you change difficulty and try it again. You have to kill all the Warhulks to take out the giant Robot. 

    The cut scene at the end is such a comic book Hero ending too.

  11. If anything it would probably be easiest to add the reject Patrol XP to the P2W vendor. This as opposed to making it a Day Job location. If the programming doesn’t take a long time what can it hurt?

    I mean they added the reject INS to the P2W, why not reject Patrol XP?

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