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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. On 2/12/2023 at 12:18 AM, British Battler said:

    Do you mean like the Guardian AT that Rebirth has?

    Guardian is an unfinished AT that was in development when the game closed. I wouldn’t be surprised if it eventually makes it over to HC at some point if they can finish the animations.

  2. The Positron’s Pal mish, formally known as Statesman’s Pal mish, has a nice lava pit in the final mish. This is the mish I often use to get the DMG healed Badge. 

    Some of the fires in the lava pit overlap so you can move around a bit to see what the max amount of DMG your toon can take. If the fires overlap you can be given double DMG and sometimes even triple if you have three fires overlap.

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  3. Yes, the mish entrance hallway is short but has a left turn just before the end of the cul de sac. It’s easy to just turn left as the end of the hall looks like it’s overgrown and empty from a distance. Don’t let this fool you as the Detective is in that little cul de sac. Ignore the baddies down the left turn hall and run straight to the end. 

  4. The first thing is that you are assuming the in game economy has an excess of INF and Merits. I’m pretty sure the Devs are happy with the balance at the moment.


    If you read the forums on a regular bases you will see a good chunk of those posts are people concerned with not having enough INF. Or being concerned that others have too much. If you have both of these types of people complaining more than likely reality is someplace in the middle. 

    Spending 25 mill to spawns a GM that will give you 6-12 Reward Merits doesn’t sound like a proper conversion rate to me. 

    If you are looking for a Sugar Daddy there are people in game that will happily give 10-20 million INF to people if they just ask politely. 

    You may have a better chance creating a Forum post for anyone who needs some starter money. The person in need can post their request. The Sugar Daddy sends a private message and the meet in game for the exchange. More anonymous types can just leave their Global. 

    That last one of mine is actually a good idea. Someone should do that.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. I just thought if this but if you Right Click on any toon in game and then choose Info you can click on that persons Powers. In that folder it will give a short description of all that toons powers and what is slotted in those powers. Not exactly what you are looking for but close. 

  6. On 2/2/2023 at 2:28 PM, Crossie said:

    So I understand that this might be a reason to flame somebody but I really believe we have an incredibly mature player base.  Most of us are older than 70 years old so we can handle it!

    I keep coming back to this thread because I have no idea where the OP got this number. If I had to guess most players are between 40 and 60 years of age. Above 70 years is just so off base my mind boggles.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    The discussion here isn't whether or not to use a double xp boost, it is whether or not the character should be getting inf' from mob defeats and mission completion while also getting double xp.

    People are still bitching about that? 

    To that I would say there are multiple forms of money (too many) in game and multiple ways to make money in this game. The Inf with the DBL XP isn’t needed. And only partially because it wasn’t enough to properly slot a toon when you hit 50 anyway. 

  8. This entire argument to DBL XP or not to DBL XP was made moot a while back and for several reasons.

    The game is 18yo.

    The game, with the addition of Ourobous can be played in any order. So people who prefer to skip content and play out of order will be able to continue to do so. You will not have more people playing the game at the same rate. 


    The game with the addition of the difficulty slider can be played at any speed. So people will continue making Uber toons and setting the slider at its most difficult settings. Instead of having the ability to have a toon 1 to 50 in a day, the removal of DBL XP will make it 1 to 50 in two days. 


    Im convinced that people who complain about DBL XP and it’s use in game fail to see the larger picture. Even with the removal of DBL XP two things will nevertheless persist. One, people will continue to play the game out of order. And two, people will continue to level faster than them. DBL XP is not the imbalancing monster they make it out to be. They just fail to see their problem is not the DBL XP, but their problem is with multiple aspects of the game. These aspects will not be changed in this version of CoH. 


    • Thumbs Up 2
  9. On 1/17/2023 at 10:32 PM, Senane1 said:

    I'm having the same problem. No matter how many times I change my password, and no matter what I change it to, I can't login.

    I believe after 5 try’s it locks you out for like 30 minutes. You may be locking yourself out.

  10. 15 hours ago, Mallador said:

    /thumbtack -2187.6 -37.0 1044.2


    In Croatoa, along basically the entire stretch of the little river and the little lake (or big pond) at the bottom of said river (right side of map), the sides are doing a little something that I don't think they should be doing.


    It was like that back on live too. I always thought it was my GFX card settings or something.

  11. 20 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    Sorry about necroing this thread, but it deserves more attention.

    I play on an ultrawide and the letterboxing makes most cutscenes unwatchable, with the tops and bottoms cut off. Can't see the text or most of what's going on.

    Some cut scenes have poor camera locations.  It gives a nice “crotch” shot instead of full body shot. It’s not necessarily because of the letterboxing. The cut scenes need a going over in some cases and the cameras put back to their correct locations.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. No bug. Don't know why they are down but they are. 


    Side note: The Servers will show they are up when the Devs are stress testing them. You will not be able to log back on during this time even tho the servers show they are up again.

  13. 9 hours ago, lemming said:

    Dark Astoria "Cold Hand of Death" and First Ward's "Scavenger" are the most likely to not show the icon.  There are some spots in Striga where it will show the icon for mortician, but won't actually count.

    If you log out in the Pocket D Bank Vault far enough to the left, you wind up not getting credit, and when you log back in, you pop out the door on the other side of the wall.


    I'm pretty CDO about my dayjob collections, but they are fairly infrequent issues.

    Thank you for the list.

    • Like 1
  14. You know buy the location you are logging out in and the Badge Bar indicator under Badges then Day Jobs.


    I noticed the icon missing too but it isn’t all the time. Some locations still show the icon. Because you have multiple ways of knowing what temp power you are charging for the badge it wasn’t a concern to me.

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