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  1. You obviously don't play MMs very often. The presence of (sometimes fragile, often stupid) MM pets makes the user basically invincible? Well...I'll just go ahead and dial up to +4/x8 then! I'm glad to know that I've actually been playing MMs wrong since Issue 9 Live. Thank you SO MUCH for setting me straight! All snark aside, how many MMs HAVE you actually played and to what level? Ask MM players during most Incarnate content and they'll tell you that they only worry about their T3 pet because the rest die too fast to be bothered with. It's SO nice to know that 2/3 of my MM's abilities need to be disregarded during high-end content. Not every player has 2 billion+ sunk into their characters you know.
  2. This is one of the reasons why 'rescue' and 'escort' missions are the ones most skipped. I would LOVE to see some sort of change to this.
  3. Because Redside (the Villain side) came after Blueside, the developers had more experience under their belts so many of the missions are organized better, written better, or both. Becoming a Vigilante enables you to get the best of both worlds. In particular, the missions you get from Ghost Widow (earlier in your career and then later as a Patron) are interesting. Thanks to the Going Rogue system, you can now do Tip missions to alter your alignment. The best part is that you can do the missions and keep your alignment if you so choose. I say this because some of the Tip missions are really good.
  4. I seldom bring my MMs on raids and when I do the MSR I summon them after the shields are down. It's just not worth the effort trying to herd my minions when there are 47 other people shooting at the towers. My paltry firepower isn't missed I'm sure. That being said, I would LOVE for this not to be the case. IMHO movement powers should be different from buffs and thus NOT affect the team. I know that this isn't going to change and so I'll deal with it. I'm on quite a few MSRs (and thanks to CU for hosting!) and while I often see chatter, I've never seen anyone whining about Local cluttering up their screen. Most of the RP that I'm familiar with happens at the Team level or the SG level and so the chatter winds up there. Maybe I'm just lucky that I haven't encountered an 'RP hater' yet.
  5. Given that Shang Chi spent most of his time NOT fighting the same tired Marvel villians, I was kind of hoping that the opener would be more martial arts and less magic. There's always room for that later. I shouldn't be surprised though that a Marvel film was going to turn into an FX-fest.
  6. Could be, but I'm a confirmed Yankee. Truth be told, it comes from a combination of good manners and a bad day in Retail. My first day on the job working at Walgreens and I was trying to help a woman who looked like she couldn't find something. 'Excuse me Miss...may I help you find something?" She flashed her wedding ring at me and with palpable venom in her voice said 'That's Mrs.!' From that day forward, men are Sir and women are Ma'am because they're marriage-neutral. So it was for the next four years. Some habits die hard.
  7. This is not a horrible idea IMHO.
  8. My main reason for even worrying about all of this is because when I'm on a team, I want to carry my weight. Sure, I'm probably not the most DPS or the best control or whatever, but if I'm on a team and I'm not contributing SOMETHING then I feel like I'm getting a free ride. That's fine sometimes but mostly not, for me anyway. Also, I LIKE having choices and having lots of powers gives me that...but sometimes too much of a good thing is bad. I have found myself building most of my Blasters with one ST Melee attack (even though some have 2-3 without going to the Pools) for those occasions when one of the minions gets too nosey. I often set up this power on automatic so I don't have to worry about triggering it...when the bad guy comes into range it just goes off. I also try to standardize my power trays (Aim and Build Up always go in the same two spots, etc) to build muscle memory. Altitis doesn't help but it is what it is. On the plus side, I do a LOT of typing so the Razer keyboard featured above might be just the thing for me. I'll have to give it a look-see. Thanks for the input everyone.
  9. Maybe where YOU were raised. Where I come from we call it having manners. I have never been to prison and, sadly, I possess a disability that eliminates military service for me despite the fact that I tried to sign up twice.
  10. Very fair and honest points.
  11. Hey, Biff...I just happen to have a Best Buy Gift card from X-Mas! Thanks for the tip!
  12. As a contractor on at least one Arachnos building project, I can safely say that a LOT of concrete goes into those designs! Granted, I'm glad that I get done with MY work before the 'ramp and bridge' guys get in!
  13. I don't have any accolades on any of my characters and I've played the game since right after ED on Live. Any badges that I get are by accident since I don't try to get them. Had two SGs. Ran weekly events. PLEASE stop assuming that EVERYONE plays the game the same way you do.
  14. I agree on all points and I've already discovered through trial and error some ways to make my life easier. I'm just salty that I didn't think of some of these when the game was on Live. I'm hoping to do a youtube series on the game but I wanted to make sure that I could PLAY with reasonable skill. I like MMs because they can skimp on personal attacks (maybe one for getting a mob's attention) and the rest is controlling the minions.
  15. I have a multi-button mouse but this thing looks insane! I bet it would help. Thanks for the tip!
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