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Everything posted by Midnyte

  1. Did you all see the notice that spring event is extended another week! 💃🏼
  2. Thanks, I'd love that. I have the contact Pither on a few characters but timed things stress me out so I keep putting it off. (Don't even get me started on Pyromaniac badge or No One Left Behind 😕 Even Explosive Finale used to terrify me but now I've learned the map well enough that I can get out in time!)
  3. Umber, I was glad you mentioned that Spring Fling is ending soon, probably tomorrow night. I haven't checked Discord lately for the announcements. Anyway, for anyone interested in collecting event badges, here are some pro tips! Midnyte's Quickie Spring Fling Guide Your tip menu can hold a max of 3 valentine tips, so make sure to deliver those so you make room for more drops. Every time you deliver/misdeliver one, you get more charges of the Arrow of Romance/Jealousy power, which can be used to either buff an ally, or debuff an enemy. After 7 deliveries you get the badge Match Maker. After 7 misdeliveries, you get Missed Connection. Available at L30+, the Widow Maker badge is granted from a fun, short, easily-soloable storyarc from your alignment-specific Pocket D contact, either Arbiter Hawk or Jessica* (forgot the rest of her name). Let me know if you need help with the ritual steps for Red Widow! 🙂 Partygoer and Heart of Light/Darkness badges are rewards from completing the Snaptooth missions (twice) from DJ Zero. Before you do those, you must complete the Scratch/Ganymede missions which require a hero & a villain and grant both players the Beautiful/Handsome badge. (Note: Toothbreaker badge is also available during this event for defeating Snaptooth 5 times, and it is cumulative with winter event defeats. I personally save it for winter event instead of doing the mission 5 times now, when you only need twice for the 2 spring badges. Point being that if you defeat him twice during spring, only 3 more during winter will grant the badge). Hope this helps! Let me know if you spot any wrong info here!
  4. Of course you're not being picky.... I rely on feedback to fix things I've missed or gotten wrong. Thanks for pointing that out! With that final push to get T'Pryyl to 40, and then switching out at the last minute, I was a bit frazzled by that point and forgot to get your close-up! The completionist in me will not allow that 😉 so I'm going to find the best one I have and include it. Also, I missed looking for bios yesterday, so if anyone wrote one specifically for the Star Trek theme, please send me a screenshot in a message and I will update your photo! (Remember that this holds true for *every* week!). Absolutely! It's really fun to see fresh interest in this player-led event. Before you logged in yesterday, I was looking for a team to reach L40 and I mentioned in LFG chat about our Star Trek theme so people were asking me about it, and I shared the link to our forum thread here. At the time I was in-game and didn't know how many had already signed up but just told them to check it out if interested. I was prepared to make room for someone new if need be but I still wanted to be there to take the pre-trial posed pictures. 🙂 Thanks for leading the second run, and I took a few pictures that I'll add to the post.
  5. Fri night update: @TrixieKixx, I'll go with Fire Chief Suzie - FA/TW tanker --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great concept this one is! I don't use fire powersets very often so I'm looking through my characters now. What I found, and this is crazy, but of all my 100ish characters across both accounts, I have only 3 with a fire set! 😳 A L33 fiery/bio stalker, a L50 fire/WP sentinel, and a L50 fiery/TW tanker. OR Roll a new one!! I'll get back to you on this. 😍 Save me a spot!
  6. Market Crash trial - Costumes from Star Trek - Any AT Saturday, March 2, 2024 Another full team we had today. Thank you all for keeping this so popular, and to @TrixieKixx for keeping us organized, and for coming up with fun & creative themes every week! @TrixieKixx with her very realistic science officer tanker, Dazed Dreamz @FrauleinMental with themer regular, sentinel, Jean-Luc Wick Sideros, sentinel with a fantastic Borg look, by @Burnt Umber (I'm jealous of your badge title! 🙂) Robyn Moonshine, long-dormant mastermind by @Jaxman100 Mesocyclone, blaster by @Milrop Celestiala, defender by @Princess Cecilia T'Pryyl, brute by @Midnyte was the plan... .... Played all week doing raids, TFs, and by last night she was at 35. Went to bed early, got up early today, frittered away my time until @Bananiac made a big mission team for me which was lovely and great fun! But alas, could only reach 38. I was disappointed because she has a story about getting her martial arts training as a young girl on Vulcan, so thematically I loved it. But I had a backup plan.... T-Maarik, corruptor, filled in for her young t'hy'la... as Vulcan Science Academy alumni, they always had each other's backs. @Bananiac presented as the Trill, Dax, with his defender, Meg Quatermain. Really nice job on the DS9-era Starfleet uniform. The whole crew Transport has arrived! And so it begins We did a second run with a different line-up, non-themed, here are a few pictures! ~The End~
  7. Had a great time tonight on Indom Brutal Thursday. Looking forward to joining up on future events.
  8. @TrixieKixx: I have a Vulcan named T'Pryyl - MA/SR Brute who would like to engage.
  9. Mortimer Kal SF - Warrior costumes Saturday, Feb 24, 2024 Kailani Bayou, defender by @TrixieKixx Botanical Pathogen, controller by @TygerDarkstorm DelightfullyOrdinary, defender by @EmmySky Alichino, mastermind by @BurntUmber Candy Martini, brute by @Midnyte Divine-Wind, corruptor by @Bananiac Joey Joe Joe, tanker by @Milrop Catanya Green, controller by @Princess Cecilia A minor glitch replaces Candy Martini with a duplicate Kailani! ~The End~ Also a reminder.. don't forget to visit Chilly & Dram for the spring fling buffs. You can only buy them during event!
  10. This is a beautifully-written guide. So many of these are the same as I do them. Just wanted to point out that you spelled caret like the food, "carrot". It's an interesting choice of words though, because typically a caret is a symbol to show where something needs to be inserted, for editing purposes, and it can be facing upward or downward. I've never seen it used as a drop-down arrow. But I think it works! But not a🥕 🤭 Thank you for this. I put several things in my notes. 🤩
  11. I'll bring Candy Martini - War Mace/Bio Brute
  12. Silver Mantis SF - Djinn costumes - Storm Blast/Summoning powersets Saturday, Feb 17, 2024 Kailani, defender by @TrixieKixx Kataigis, controller by @Burnt Umber Fae Tastic, defender by @TygerDarkstorm Immaculate Chaos, controller by @EmmySky Global Catastrophe, corruptor by @Midnyte Cyclonica, corruptor by @Bananiac Thunder Jax, blaster by @Jaxman100 ♫♪♪♫ Who let the genies out.... who, who, who, who! ♫♪♪♫ Global Catastrophe feels someone sneaking up behind her... This time we fought Colonel Duray on top of the the sea base ~The End~
  13. Hey Umber, I read about this change but didn't know why it was significant. Will there be any difference in how we're doing it now? (rogues/vigs)
  14. Sign me up with Global Catastrophe - Seismic/Storm Corruptor
  15. Came here to say the same thing! The last few years every Katie we run is greeeeeeeen. It's been fun, but glad to see it switch up.
  16. There is always room if not filled yet. This forum is the official sign-up sheet, so you can trust it. It's first-come-first-served. No stress, just facts. 🤗
  17. Citadel TF - Valentine costumes Saturday, February 10, 2024 Royal Poptart, stalker by @TrixieKixx Hamuk, defender by @Milrop Candy Martini, brute by @Midnyte Azulia, scrapper by @Princess Cecelia Phoenixia, mastermind by @TygerDarkstorm @FrauleinMental brought herself, in a red costume and a pink costume. @EmmySky, sentinel. Always the entertainer. 😊 Atomi Hiree, controller by @Burnt Umber @Jaxman100 brought Chaos Jax, scrapper, in case there was an open spot Cupid begins the festivities! maybe Gather 'round, boys... wanna piece of candy? 😄 Valentine buffs ♥ Playing with Arrows of Romance & Jealousy I discovered that the used arrows linger for a long time and will move around if you get near them. In fact, they start to swirl around the player in a pattern! ~The End~
  18. I don't think "favorite AT" should confine you to your actual favorite AT to play. In the context of the theme description, to me it sounds more like "bring who you want to play that day" as opposed to using a required AT for that day. HTH!
  19. I found someone who needs Citadel. 😍 Candy Martini - War Mace/Bio Armor Brute
  20. Ms. Liberty TF - Order of Knight Templar costumes - all tankers/brutes Saturday, February 3, 2024 Full team! Half tankers and half brutes. Tsoo completed our team with his Supa Troll brute, Tsoopatroll Dazed Dreamz, tanker by @TrixieKixx Valencia Volta, brute by @Midnyte Saxum Ardens, tanker by @Burnt Umber A surprise appearance by @TraumaTrain with brute, Red Armor Savage Surge, brute by @Jaxman100 We were happy to see long-lost themer, @EmmySky with tanker, TankYou The originator of this theme, @Bananiac with tanker, Knightess Templar Tsoopatroll, brute by @Tsoo Earlier that day.... jotting down our instructions @Bananiac, you weren't kidding about her sword... it's bigger than she is! 😆 @EmmySky: At the time I didn't know what you meant by "grabbing the nut" but now I get it! 😄 "Wretch sleep now" 😊 ~The End~
  21. Wow, very similar to what I came up with! Looks great. Here's mine. templar.costume
  22. Fri night edit: @TrixieKixx, switching to Valencia Volta - Energy/Electric Brute ---------------------------------------------------- Well, now we just need 4 brutes for balance. 😆 I'm happy to change to a brute, I have plenty who need this badge and incarnate progress. 💖 Will update here once I choose one!
  23. Yes, I was aware of the single-target Frostworks and tried to rotate it as best as I could among the team. I like the graphics of Arctic Fog as long as it's a pretty color. 😄
  24. I'm glad to know my ice shields did some good. I know they'll be better when I level up more and get them more enhanced. I have the graphics set to minimal so as not to interfere with anyone's costume. Oh, and I really like how it's not necessary to shield each ally individually anymore. Huge QoL feature!
  25. Thanks for the fun February themes! For my Knight Templar, sign me up with Nyte Goddess - Dark/Rad Tanker
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