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Everything posted by r0y

  1. It is a large (32") screen (2560x1440 or 2K). I find I prefer the "magnification" of a 2K monitor over a 4K monitor (which has to scale interfaces, generally speaking). Anyway, screenshot here: Tray 1: Primary spam powers (I play via keyboard mostly, only using the mouse for movement, looking, etc as needed) Tray 2: Secondary spam powers (generally, buttons 1-5ish and ALT+1-ALT+5ish are my most activated) Tray 3: Toggles (though travel stuff takes up the last 2 in each tray... those are keybound) Tray 4: First empty/macro tray Tray 5: Second empty/macro tray (last 4 macro's are for changing the active window/setchat) Tray 6: Rarely-used click powers and Auto powers (I use /bind w "+forward$$powexecauto Hasten" etc for multiple auto-binding) Tray 7: Badge Popmenu (from these forums, maintained by @ROBOKiTTY) and my different UI layouts - #1: smaller (monitor 2, left), #2:this layout, #3:mapping/badging (just macros using /wdwfileload <path\name>) Tray 8: Teleport & Utility bar (reveal, rez, etc) Tray 9: Utility bar (though I usually have Envenomed Dagger and/or Vengeance in slot 1/2) Custom macro's, etc. Also, as you can see, I detached my enhancement tray (upper left corner) and moved my target and health/info stuff around so it's all in one easy-to-see area. I left the mission/contact window in the top-center, and the chat is widened. I also replaced the default chat font.
  2. I'm going out on a limb, but I think the "g" might stand for "global" (not sure how popular gmail was in 2004).
  3. Yes, I love the retro 80's style "progress bar" I do on Everlasting when recruiting. Such as: Lately, I was toying with the idea of using stars instead of the boxes (e.g. ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ for 2/8 filled) but it didn't have the impact (the "art" of chat spamming, as it were). Although the 4-point stars might be better (e.g. ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ for 3/8 filled). Some other nice unicode that seems to render well:
  4. I love doing Hami Raids, and part of that is to satiate what little gambling addiction I may have. I'll select the Hamidon Origin reward for one of the two runs, and very rarely (as it should be) I get something worth keeping or selling. Usually, I get "meh" but occasionally, I'll get that one Hami that I really cannot imagine where I'd use it in a build: the Peroxisome (Dam/Mez). So, I was racking my remaining two brain cells trying to think... if I HAD to use it, where would I use it? Maybe a single-target hold, that is only 1-slotted (one that has high native accuracy) like Dominate? Eh... not really. Some Aura? Definitely not. So I thought I'd put this out there, seeing how *someone* was able to "score" one off the AH for 2,000inf (hahaha, sucker)... whatever for? Any idea where one would use a Dam/Mez? I mean, outside of a SO/HO only build, I guess... My best answer: It's a temporary slot for a new player who just hit 50 and can't afford whatever they *really* want in the power.
  5. Was there another small patch for 6/27 or 6/28? Thank you all for your dedication, of course.
  6. Precisely what I was hoping to find! I like both the color_0 and color_6... I'll play around with them and see how it looks overall. Again, thank you all!
  7. I am filling out my various power trays (1-3) with a simple /macro . nop but would like something other than the default gray (temp power) icon/graphic. I know the game can use badges, as well, with the /macroimage function, so what I would like to do is have either an as-subdued-as-possible or better-yet-empty graphic/icon for this. So, hide the ugly grays: Anyone know or suggest an internal image?
  8. If you're serious about an attack that gives defense, Martial Arts is what you want. Replace EM with MA and this build is significantly improved. While I love my WP/EA tank (boxer theme) it is my least sturdy, least-often played of the nine tanks I have.
  9. I've been refining my macros for running various things (trials, TFs, iTrials, etc) and really wanted to minimize my effort, as I love to be lazy. So as it is, like many who run things, I have a custom window / popmenu with all the "spam macros" at the ready, across all toons. I even setup (usually) my interface so they all fall into tray 4 and 5 (which are empty floaters, I use all 9 trays, btw). So when I click the specific event I'm recruiting for, it loads in the macros, and I then have to: Manually change the chat channel (say, LFG) Press the appropriate macro Manually change the chat to another channe (a cross-server TF channel) Press same macro Manually change to yet another channel (another custom cross-server channel) Press same macro As things fill and I need to reduce, I repeat the above with the next macro (LF7M becomes LF6M, etc. to keep it simple here). So wouldn't it be nice to either: Build into the macro, bindloadfile specific for "the next channel" then wrap to the first when hitting the last. (Ugh, tedius) Build into the macro a system command for changing the active chat channel (Oooo, better) What I found so far is: /chat_set and /tab_select: Chat_Set is what I *want* but it does not do it for server-wide, nor cross-server channels. I would LOVE for HC/SCORE to look into replacing the goofy 1-letter code for zone-channels with an actual string that can be anything that exists, ofc. Tab_Select is what I *have* to use (so far). I have separate tabs for each of the three channels I advertise on, and I make a macro for each: /macro LFG "tabselect LFG$$chatset a" This will set my active tab to the "LFG" (named it that) tab which only includes "Looking For Group" and the "/chatset a" sets the chat channel to that tab's default (thus, /lfg). Repeat with cross-server ones, too, and I'm good to go. But I am still clicking a tab/chat macro, then clicking a recruitment macro; go to the next tab/chat macro, etc. etc. I tried playing with /tabnext and /tabprevious, but results were no bueno. Anyone have similar uses or macros for this?
  10. Leaving homecoming? 😕?
  11. I would LOVE to get these shoulder pieces for players! I love the tight fit and smooth/rounded edges... it's such a great looking set of shoulder pads!
  12. Uh, that's very apples-to-oranges, isn't it? I mean, does EA's absorb give +damage +tohit and +end reduction? Does Nature's Overgrowth provide any Absorb? Maybe you meant to compare to Wild Bastion? (which I usually skip). Not sure, but Electrical Affinity's Insulating Circuit is a completely different thing than Nature's Overgrowth.
  13. (slight necro) I often pick the Vanguard Jetpack "backpack" piece (sometimes just the vanguard, no jetpack piece), and what I usually do (if I don't have hover/fly) is use the Small Longbow Jetpack with it. On huge body types, it's often obscured inside the Vanguard Jetpack piece, so I get the flame of that. I wish they'd sell a Vanguard jetpack temp power at the P2W that would fit in as an insert (just slightly smaller so as not to overlay on the colored/tinted costume backpack piece). BTW: recently (as of 21 Jun 2020 or earlier) the Longbow Jetpacks (normal and small) are all BLACK. (reveal below):
  14. I don't mind it being black. I hope this means they are thinking about allowing coloring/tinting of temp powers. The Small Longbow Jetpack is also black (and even more awesome, as it hides under my backpack/vanguard jetpack thing) Screenie:
  15. Yes. PT's proc is lousy in an actual power, in my experience. Contrary to what @Frostweaver experienced, most people get the "oh... that it?" response to it in their powers. Maybe at one point it proc'd off multiple hits (like the sleep proc used to), but as far as I know both +heal procs were changed to go off only once in an AoE. Therefore, the folks that do math experimented and it turned out that PT proc in stamina was the best use of it (esp. for high base-hp toons).
  16. You mean something like this: I keep my non-retired, only-level-50 toons in a spreadsheet (sometimes I create their column when they're in the 40's if I know I'll keep them). I remove the "retired" ones (empty their IO's and move them to the back char-select page). Currently at 43 level 50's, but it continually grows. Column A is my ave & sum column... It's not 100% accurate, as I use a simple macro to mail my inf to myself every time it gets above 10m on each toon. I also keep wakies and transcendent merits in the email. Needless to say, my inbox is fairly lengthy. I also use conditional formatting to quickly highlight what toons have the most of certain things (inf, merits, etc) as well as if it's been more than 3 days for dayjob location and more than 7 days for alignment. Toon management is less of a chore this way. I did say "less"
  17. 1) Context: "I have seen some truly colossal ignorance and depraved stuff, but I was always taught that it is a personal weakness to let words get to you." 2) Understanding definitions of words. 3) Lol, you only have a meme for a reply.
  18. This is becoming insufferable. I'll be moving on. I still hold to my ONLY statement (the one in which so many have replied as if it was something more): I hope the requests for censorship does not devolve into a purity spiral. Period. That's all I said. Obviously, wondering about the potential outcome of intolerance (whether it's "noble" or other) is an extremely sensitive thing. Attack me if it makes you feel better, I am certain it won't, not in the long run anyway. Have a good day.
  19. I totally agree, I am shocked how easily some people get upset. A better, more adult approach, would have been to just reiterate that no speech beyond what's required to form and run a TF/Trial/Raid should be used on the specific channel they set up. I get that. I try not to use user-created channels for communications beyond forming/running things. In general, it seems that many people in this world are at a point in their life where almost everything is triggering for them. However, even having a discussion about this seems verboten. Lack of tolerance never ends well, and I just was hoping to delay the inevitable.
  20. Well, I did run it though a color blind simulator and it looks great in all the options/simulations it had. I am not color blind, so I'll take your word for it.
  21. I can guarantee you that I will NOT be shocked at ANYTHING said in words across my screen on a video game. I have seen some truly colossal ignorance and depraved stuff, but I was always taught that it is a personal weakness to let words get to you. Guess they don't really teach that anymore. In one ear, out the other, I say. Just words. You should know who you are. If you don't, then it's not the censorship of speech that is going to help you. Just my 2¢
  22. Sounds reasonable; however, as long any censorship or tolerance limitations don't devolve into a "purity spiral" where we end up eating our own.
  23. I do like Darkness Affinity. So many survival utilities (defense, recovery, regen). However, take a look at Nature. Wild Growth in a Weave/Maneuvers/ScorpionShield build will give strong (softcap S/L/E) defense and strong resists from Wild Growth. Power Boost it for even more fun, if you don't go scorpion shield. Strong regen/recovery in a single drop (Lifegiving Spores) and an excellent heal/HoT in Regrowth. Top that all off with Overgrowth: +dam, +tohit, -endcost (getting this perma is the goal). I like layered defenses: Defense, Resist, Regen/Heal. Nature gives great resists, regen/heal, and absorb for alpha strikes. Not too shabby. Not sure if it will topple Darkness Affinity, but it's one of the most survivable sets I've played as both Defender (Nature/Dark is amazing) and Controller (Plant/Nature is OP).
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