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Posts posted by The_Warpact

  1. 1 minute ago, Saikochoro said:


    And you are right, a good excuse to make a stalker. I actually made 3 different stalkers purely to see which one would do the game fastest. 

    Inquiring minds want to know more.😀

  2. 42 minutes ago, Saikochoro said:

    Good way to farm merits is to do Twilight Son’s task force “Smoke and Mirrors” from the Oro crystal. This is repeatable without diminishing merit rewards, so it always gives you 12 merits.  Also no need for a team as it is best done solo. 

    Run it at -1/1 and it’s best done on a stalker. It is 4 missions. First two just kill the boss and possibly his immediate minions. First map and boss position never changes (boss is always on the steps of the tram). Second map changes a little, but it’s always easy to find the boss. Second kill the mobs around the people you have to rescue (all around the board walk). This map and target positions don’t change. Fourth, run to the end and kill the EB and the mobs around the two people to rescue. This map never changes so you get used to it after a run or two. 

    There is a crystal right next to Twilight Son who is the contact. He also ports you to each of the four missions.  Upon exiting the mission you are sent directly back to him. So no travel time between missions. 

    First few times it may take you 10ish minutes. After a few runs you will memorize the layout and it gets significantly faster. Again doing it on a stalker is the best. I can consistently complete runs in just under 6 minutes. So you can get 100-120 merits per hour for as long as you can stomach it.

    I haven’t found a more efficient way farm merits without needing any prerequisites besides being level 35 I think. Just keep in mind it gets very boring very fast. 

    This quite possibly is what I was looking for. 

    I dont get bored i run 2 fire farms almost every night play some Amon Amarth and turn into a flaming lawnmower of death.


    Besides I was looking for an excuse to lvl a stalker.


    Thank you!

    • Like 1
  3. So died 2x tonite nothing in chat logs except resets on all the toggles...watched end consumption vs recovery and the only thing I can see is a subtle drop which after a period of time is deadly...the perf shifter proc slows it but ultimately with all the toggles running and burn dropping there is no chance to recover and it is a slow descent. 
    Lvling and running ageless throws it off so its not constant and activating ageless before going afk helps if the mobs are defeated quick enough.

    BUT, there has been instances where dmg taken has reduced health to the point that the armor and regen can't cope and once again its a trickle well more of stream to death.


    Also, found out I wasn't at T4 on Ageless so that was an oversight.

    So going to tweak the build some more and well gang the mystery is solved.

    Mucho grande thanks for all the advice.

  4. 2 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    It doesn't sound like an endurance issue but anything being run that has an endurance use/crash when it ends (like Hasten) that might happen at a bad moment. 


    Or a toggle that covers mez perhaps not running for a server tic while it "renews" and some mez hitting randomly on just that server tic causing a detoggling?

    Yeah I've tried this last week running the farm with no crash, I have chat logs running with a the tabs for heals, damage, etc as the only things recording.

    Hopefully I die again soon and I catch whatever this elusive thing is on the logs. If not I can always record visually and maybe see something. 

  5. 21 hours ago, siolfir said:

    Melee sets: Kinetic Melee

    Ranged sets: Assault Rifle

    Support sets: Force Field

    Armor sets: Stone Armor 


    FF and SA DEFINITELY, FF is ok but so many skippable powers and SA is just horrendous, the -rech and mvmnt just makes the set unplayable unless you have your own pocket kin...yeah you can get it to some half ass mvmnt if you specifically IO it but frankly that blows.



  6. 4 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    Once a week I run five different characters through the first chapter of the Who Will Die signature story arc. It takes a total of about 45 mins to an hour (about 10 mins per character) depending on how distracted I am, and it nets me 100 merits, which is enough to meet my needs. If you need more than that, you'll need more characters, since it's a once-a-week-per-character type reward. I have also heard that the Freakshow War arc is a good one, netting 55 merits in about an hour's time, but I've not personally farmed that one.

    Do you just run it through Ouroboros?

  7. How do you farm merits in the quickest easiest way possible? I saw a thread awhile back that used a stalker for one of the TF'S (can't find it now).

    I understand you can run the weekly but obviously cannot farm that. So how do you do it?

  8. 24 minutes ago, tidge said:

    I don't consider myself qualified to speak to all sets, but the performance of Mastermind primaries seem... uneven.

    I'm going to agree on this. Comparing Bots/Demons/Thugs to Mercs/Ninja is laughable. Necro is ok depending on secondary, Beasts I have no experience with.

    Also, going to agree with AR its a cool set but its lacking....something. 

    • Like 3
  9. 19 hours ago, krj12 said:

    Just curious the point behind afk farming...   In my experience on the rainbow arc, most of the mobs end up stuck around the edges of the map.


    I plant myself in the middle when I farm, my buddy puts himself by the clickie, and occasionally some mobs don't move.

    If its a couple I mop them up quickly before I do the reset.

    I'm sure some ppl skip them and reset.

  10. I think possibly instead of coming up with what you could possibly think could be the decline, you should have asked why it is in decline.


    I'll give my VG as a small example there are 6 of us total.

    2 of us work together at the same international company who just went through a major machinery overhaul they both work in maintenance so are extremely busy.

    1 of us works in construction they are at the end of season hence busier to get the season over with.

    1 of us is a professional musician and this shutdown has decimated him, he now is working anything he can.

    The final 2, we are both in management one in safety and me in life safety in healthcare. We have not had a break since this all started in fact this has added way more to our jobs.


    Now besides our musical friend we have had no downtime, in fact we have been balls to the wall busy.


    Life, specifically our jobs have ramped up because of what has happened. This time last year I was on all the time as where the others. Now we can get on once during the week and maybe during the weekend depending on how tired we are or what we have to get accomplished during our time off.


    So I disagree its PL or something specifically in the game, I think its this cluster f*ck of a year and all the horrors it has released.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, brigg said:

    125 is strictly fire attacks. No hidden damage or stacking. Nothing that should detoggle you. The Smashing/Lethal farm does however. It's minor, but can happen. Silly question, and please forgive me - kinda like, did you try turning it off and on - are you sure you didn't run out of endurance. It's something I've done myself a few times when I wasn't paying attention.

    No its 125, I'm going to run chat logs see if I can track it down or record it.

    Thanks appreciate it.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Darkir said:

    I'd bet this is due to endurance de-toggle before any kind of mez detoggling you.

    Nope, on my AFK the only thing firing is burn and toggles running, I've got the build more than set on endurance. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Six Six said:

    Mez has been known to detoggle certain powers. Usually tertiary pool powers are unaffected, but orimaries, secondaries and epics are. And not just fire. I've seennit with dark, nature, bubbles and rad. I haven't noticed it with ice.

    Yeah but Mez on a fire farm? @brigg any idea? I run #125 exclusively. 

  14. Every so often when I AFK farm I come back to find my broot dead. So sorta strange but sometimes he gets overwhelmed. 

    So recently I came upon it and some of his toggles were off and a friend was farming today and noticed his was detoggled with the exception of 1 toggle.

    So what gives? Some kind of disorient?

  15. 2 hours ago, Li_Sensei said:



    And regarding Long Range Teleport, my ideal version of that power would let you place a waypoint on the map and teleport to the waypoint.  But there's no way that'd ever happen...

    This to me would actually be true teleportation, especially if you could do it in missions. 

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    Just saw a video today of an elephant "trainer" trying to get his elephant to sit down but it wasn't happening fast enough.
    The idiot was whipping the poor animal so hard he (the trainer) slipped and fell to the ground.. right as the elephant sat on him.
    Best of all, the guy's last name was "Panicker".

    Panic over!

    Justice is served.

  17. 35 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    Do the majority of people do these things, or is it a minority of people?  There are over 7 billion humans on the planet.  I don't see evidence of 51% of them abusing their power over others.


    If 51% of parents abused or murdered their children, we wouldn't be in the midst of a population boom.  If 51% of priests abused children or church members, religion wouldn't exist.  If 51% of people abused or killed their pets, we'd be running out of pets, entire pet industries would be out of business.


    Yes, people do stupid things.  People can be amazingly immature at times.  People can be insensitive and thoughtless.  But that stupidity, insensitivity, thoughtless and/or immaturity aren't corruption.  They can lead to corruption, but in and of itself, being less than perfect isn't being corrupt.  You can't define all people by the actions of the minority, and you can't say that all people would be corrupted by absolute power when the majority behave in ways contradictory to that.


    I don't need to see the countless examples you can show for people being bad.  I'm old enough to have seen or experienced most of them for myself.  But for every one of those examples, there are tens, hundreds, thousands, millions of examples of people being good.  There are far more tits than tats here.  The majority of people are good.  They're not perfect, but they try to be the best people they can be, and that gives me faith in them.


    And I'm not wearing anything but reading glasses.  I'm looking at the people in my life right now, the people I've left behind over the years, the people they know and knew, the people I've read about in the news and history books, and I'm seeing far more than 49% good.  Again, not perfection, but basic goodness and an on-going effort to be even better.  I don't see the majority as being corruptible, even if they are flawed.


    Absolute corruption is only absolute if one allows it to be.  We all have that choice, and people exercise that choice every second of every day, with the vast majority choosing not to be corrupted.

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, I've seen regimes, countries, and corporations in my travels that have been blindly led, willingly accepted, and even went along with some pretty bad stuff. We have absolute rulers who abuse their power daily and people willingly go along with it, so where exactly is the line drawn that these people are good?

    We could go round and round, and like I said thats your opinion and perception. 

    But, I do thank you for a good conversation its a rarity these days without one side or the other wishing harm or even death upon people of differing views.

    Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 


  18. 4 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    It doesn't.  We see evidence of that every day, all around us.  Parents aren't universally corrupt, but they have absolute power over their children.  Pet owners aren't universally corrupt, but they have absolute power over their pets.  Some decades back, there was a panic over a false radar reading in the USSR.  One man had the power to end life as we knew it on the planet, all he had to do was push the button to launch the ICBMs.  He didn't.


    Police officers, members of the military, spouses, there are people in whom we place our implicit trust, in whom we trust with our very lives, and for the most part, they don't abuse that trust.


    Selfish people or weak-willed people might be corruptible, but they aren't representative of humanity as a whole.  Sorry, but no.  People aren't perfect, but a hell of a lot of them are better than we give them credit for.  If absolute power truly corrupted absolutely, our species would've died out ten minutes after the first society formed.


    And that's why I can play heroes.  I still believe in the inherent goodness of human beings, and I'm determined to be one of those good people, even if it's only in a video game.

    This is where opinion and perception comes into play and where I disagree.


    I see pet owners who abuse pets ie dog fights, cock fights, etc or just killing them or hurting them for no good reason. Go over to Afghanistan and see what they do to dogs and see if you can hold it together. 


    I see parents/people abuse, molest, and kill their children for any reason under the sun.

    How many of the average people have never stolen, cheated, or any infraction that you can think of?  Bet you would be surprised. 


    Priests the holy of the holy are fallible in the darkest ways, how many of them molested or continue to do so? 

    What about in the larger scheme of things, how many people refuse to wear a mask to not make or get others sick? Which potentially could lead to someone dying.

    How about climate change everyone on this planet is a contributing factor in that. 

    For ever tit there is a tat, realistically you might believe that there is more good than evil but I'm guessing its more Grey with lighter shades and darker shades and even then its probably pretty even.

    If you gave an average person super powers what actually do you think they would do? Think they would be a Superman? I'm going to guess their life, decisions, and what is happening around them is going to define them.

    You think for an instant that Average Supermans kid gets molested or killed by a drunk driver that they are going to turn them over to the police?

    If you do then God bless you for the rose colored glasses you wear.

  19. It sucks...lol. Seriously though it is to me very situational, great for /stone melee types who cannot use other travel powers. Team TP, recall friend, tp foe are great but actual TP isn't very good.

    If you check the Beta notes on the revamp of the TP pool it looks phenomenally better.

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