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Posts posted by The_Warpact

  1. 2 hours ago, Frosticus said:

    I used to feel the same and have even made the same statement. That was prior to really getting in to how poison excels. 

    Traps version is unbelievably slow. Poison version has a very fast cast time. In addition to that, poison version takes pbaoe damage sets. This is pretty advantageous as it gives a reliable way to get the fury of the gladiator -res proc out, which most corrs/defs/trollers have limited access to. 


    Which on that note, the power procs unbelievably well. I've posted about it in the past. It is one of the best proc powers in the game.

    So on a quick team poison trap delivers a quick little aoe hold, a large amount of aoe damage and a reliable source of -res proc. Plus you already in close to maximize venomous gas, which I personally prefer over the MM version, but ymmv. 


    I would however suggest playing the build as a defender rather than a corr. Both the defender ATO's fit nicely with things poison lacks. Not a huge amount, but a bit. Plus the defender values are noticeably higher for the -res powers. 

    I was going with corr for the greater damage  the build is a DP/Psn with the toon themed around the Joker.


    I would like to thank everyone for the wealth of information.

  2. I should have clarified, I know other sets are greater in some way with shields, heals, etc.

    I meant as a debuff set, I realize the lack of a   regen debuff sucks for av/gm take downs.

    The toon would be on a team paired with melee centric toons, I figured with a fast moving team this set would be pretty good for the debuffs.

    Put it with an aggressive attack primary, leadership, fighting, medicine, speed pools, and Scorpion shield and it could be a fast moving toon with s/l/r def cap.

  3. Warpact my namesake is Ultron.

    Ukkonen/Pyrune are inspired by mythological thunder gods.

    Moose Knuckle I based on Ed Gein, Joker, AND Ted Bundy.

    Larker is based on the Comedian. 

    Black Grail is a alternate multiverse Steve Roger's from a magic based world.

    Frozen Vegetables is a magic bag of....frozen vegetables. 

    I either make my toons very serious or seriously humorous at least to me. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Inheritor said:

    Ideally, I'd like to see this income inequality reduced, perhaps by dramatically increasing the rewards earned from radios and weekly strike targets. Realistically, the top two classes will always earn too much and there's no simple or even desirable way of reigning them in.

    You can by upping the difficulty and weekly strike targets get double merits. 


    It is ridiculously easy to get anything in this game with a little work. 


    I'd prefer to put in the time and earn what I want and if that requires time to farm, run weekly's or play the game so be it.


    Income inequality sounds more like people are getting stuff through a variety of ways and it's not fair to me argument. 




    • Like 3
  5. Books...books made it happen. I love mysteries and this defined my life. I've read alot of books, and found myself drawn to history, myths, and anything fringe.

    Then I saw a Dungeon Masters Guide and all of the sudden I experienced "want" and I had to have it. Then it led to people who played, then Star Wars (gives you an idea on my age), Atari, and as time passed so did my horizons. 

    Anime, comic books, movies, video games, and of course books.

    I like to know things, the mystery of it all, my wife says I have an encyclopedia wealth of useless information, Hermaeus Mora, Thoth, I can relate to them.

    AND all geek stuff is good in some way shape or form imo.


  6. So I tried to shoot for as much regen and recovery as possible, and tried to get close to soft cap on def. Seeing what I need to do to get a good build. Never used /regen and figured I'd give it a go ahead. Also, inf is not a problem. So give it a look and let me know what I can do to improve it. Thanks.



  7. 30 minutes ago, Tyrannical said:


    Usually people defend their ideas with reason and rationale, rather than being so fragile they descend into psuedo-bardic drivel in some vain attempt to sound clever in front of internet strangers.


    Its sort of the pot calling the kettle black at this point, you were insecure enough to go on some childish tangent as soon as somebody dared challenge your "new idea", so you cast yourself as the real troll here from the start... especially considering you 'dont come to the forums too much' yet seem to be active enough to prolonge your pointless ramblings.


    But if you want genuine advice on the topic, it's the same as everyone else here; a big old /jranger


    Have a good 

    Ah, but see you've been called out as to your true nature and your internet ego has obviously suffered a blow.

    Not to be undone or lose face since apparently you frequent this forum quite often, you continue your prattling in a vain attempt to assert your dominance and reign supreme as the keyboard warrior that you strive to be.

    But, as often in the case we are not supposed to feed the trolls, but, I find it strangely satisfying to call you out.

    You strive too much to be your namesake what a sad creature you must be in rl.

    Get some help its apparent that you truly need it.


    • Haha 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

    A shame it was wasted on something so trivial.


    it's like hunting rabbits with a 50cal, just pure overcompensation. 


    Otherwise I'd actually find it haha funny and not cringe funny. :classic_tongue:


    Well everyone can only strive to your level of arrogance and godliness.

    As usual though you fall to the class of fail, instead of offering advice you fall to the usual rambling of a petulant child flailing around with your internet phallus proving how big and large you are with snarkiness.

    But, to the rest of us just another troll who felt their overinflated ego gives them justification to respond.

    Well played your drivel is predictable and sad.

    Have a better life or perhaps start over or better yet just scroll on.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Tyrannical said:

    "New AT idea" - Same idea posted less than a week ago, and a week before that, and so on and so on.

    I dont come on the forums too much.

    So my deepest heartfelt apologies that you had to let me know this and suffer in such a grievous fashion.

    'Pon my honor my intentions were in now way shape or form malice filled and furthermore I hope no great suffrage was inflicted upon you to have to live through such torturous events week after week.

    Thanks for responding though and letting me know this, my life has been wounded knowing that such a terrible thing has occurred in the world and I will put this up there with famine, war, and strife.

    Try to have a better week.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  10. So we have Sentinel, which is ranged plus a res or def.

    So why couldn't we have a melee with a support set? Example SS/Cold, Savage/Kin, or Titan/Emp, think it would be too OP? The damage and debuff sets together looks pretty formidable, get Leadership, Fighting, and Patron/Epic shield for res/def.


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