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VileTerror last won the day on March 7 2020

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About VileTerror

  • Birthday 10/31/1977

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  1. Community Centre Before: and After:
  2. I'm for it! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/33013-make-weapon-type-selectable-for-masterminds/#comment-423503 But then, I'm also generally in favour of anything new, interesting, and grants players more options to explore City's best feature. So . . . do you envision this Archetype maintaining the Control Pets, @biostem? Or would the presence of Henchpets in the Secondary necessitate that all the Control Sets have their Pets replaced with some other type of Power? As suggested in the post I linked, I would think an Archetype like this would work well by removing the three Attack Powers from the Henchpet Sets, and replacing them with self-Survival Powers. ie: Mind Over Body, Indomitable Will, and Heightened Senses from Willpower for Mercenaries. Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, and Dark Regeneration from Dark Armour for Necromancy. Ninja Reflexes, Danger Sense, and Kuji-In Sha from Ninjitsu for Ninjas. Dampening Field, Energy Protection, and Energize from Energy Aura for Robots. Fire Shield, Plasma Shield, and Consume from Fiery Aura for Demons. et cetera.
  3. Updated to include @Chrono-Bot's and @Robin1996ify's posts.
  4. So, Badges and Ranks seem to have disappeared, but the other changes I mentioned above are still present.
  5. You'll always be the Orenbegan Ziggy Stardust Fan, @Coyotedancer. Title or not. Also also, related to this latest version of Invision ... I just started a new topic and saw this little box had changed. What's the "or All / None" thing about? Those both appear to be clickable, but I didn't get any hyperlink or context clues as to what they'd do.
  6. Not even 4 days in, and they've reached half a million in donations this year: https://desertbus.org They reached over $1,000,000 last year, but that wasn't until after the main fundraiser was done and they were counting merchandise sales. I wonder if they'll manage to break that milestone while still streaming this year.
  7. Presumably unrelated to the Badges themselves, this update to Invision seems to have also removed the "Title" feature, and changed the quick-profile pop-ups by removing some of the displayed data in the process. What are the odds of a rollback? How much of this update had important security features bundled in it?
  8. I'm still off on vacation and don't have access to my home PC, but as I recall, that information is stored in the mission files, which are stored on the servers. I don't believe any Clue or Souvenirs are stored locally (other than AE Souvenirs). It might be handy to post about this in the https://forums.homecomingservers.com/clubs/2-unofficial-homecoming-wiki/ Club. Someone there might be able to review the i24 files to fixer-up'er all the Wiki pages for missions that are missing Clue details.
  9. Excellent point, @BBBadger. The Local and Emote channels are kind of very close associates. Any changes to Local would need to be mirrored in Emote, or we'd be looking at some interesting awkwardness.
  10. Not to undermine the things that HAVE been made by the Homecoming Team, @Col. Kernel, but half of the things on your list, as I understand it, were on i24 Beta of the Legacy/Retail Servers. At the very least, we can say that the Homecoming Team have kept tradition alive and there's a lot to be thankful for regardless.
  11. @Vulpoid, you've expressed that sentiment before, and I find it utterly baffling. Why rob so many other players of the joy of making new friends, or teaching new players the ropes, or sharing in uniting experiences with strangers? If you want something private, then a private server may be more your speed. Homecoming isn't private.
  12. Here I am on the completely other end of this where I feel the Local distances are too short. Although, chat scroll in crowded places is definitely a disruptive influence. Additional features to reduce barriers and improve players' abilities to keep their chat experiences easily organized is very welcome. How much of a pain would it be to give players an option to set their Local reception ranges independently? Bonus points if we can have multiple ranges of Local (ie: Local 250, Local 100, Local 50, Local 25), and players can pick-and-choose which Chat Tabs receive which ranges.
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