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What kind of hardware is necessary to run high graphics?
FM5 replied to Chaos Ex Machina's topic in General Discussion
The 5800x3d with its extra cache is generally great for MMOs. Though I've never seen any mention on the internet of anyone using one in CoH. So may as well ask here.... Anyone using a 5800x3d (or 5600x3d) in CoH? It should be faster than a 5600x in CoH, but it's hard to pay the extra for one without seeing some fps numbers. -
What kind of hardware is necessary to run high graphics?
FM5 replied to Chaos Ex Machina's topic in General Discussion
It often doesn't matter much, but with lots of characters and action on the screen, it can matter quite a bit. One of the toughest graphics areas is ITF with all the roman soldiers and open space. Then play on an 8-person team with 3+ masterminds, and there's a good chance you'll notice your CPU is important. Standing on I think Shark Isle waiting for more mastermind team members: Ryzen 3600 (or 5600x, I forget) + 1060 + 5 masterminds = around 180fps Ryzen 3600 (or 5600x, I forget) + 1060 + 6 masterminds = around 90 fps. One extra person joined the team and showed up with their pets out, and my fps just standing there dropped in half. Running away and standing hundreds of feet away, fps jumped back up. ------------------------------------------------- Standing on the first tall mountaintop in Cimerora by myself as a mastermind with 5 pets standing next to me. 1080p, Graphics settings quite mild with only 2x AA, low quality/medium distance shaders, water low, Very High textures, etc. Though I don't think this matters much when just standing there not doing anything. Ryzen 3600 + 1070. facing city area: 125 fps. facing water: 260 fps Ryzen 5600x + 1070. facing city area: 170 fps facing water: 350 fps ----------------------------- During ITF, across the bridge, down the mountain steps, (entering last area of the map), start fighting at the bottom of the steps when the "the power of the gods" cut scene starts and the bad guy is kneeling. Can often see my team and some AOE powers in the background of the cut scene. During start of cut scene: Ryzen 3600 + 1070 = 60 fps Ryzen 5600x + 1070 = 80 fps Give or take 10 fps or so on all the above numbers. The fps can vary at times, but these are consistent ballparks. 8-person teams with one mastermind. ------------------------------ Founders Falls. Over by the tall mountain/hilltop cliff area across the water: Stand on cliff edge, face towards back wall area. 3600 = 280 fps (260 to 300 fps at different times) 5600x = 400 fps (360 fps to 440 fps at different times) Turn around on cliff, looking across water and see the bridge: 3600 = 205 fps 5600x = 290 fps These numbers can vary a bit depending on various factors, but the 5600x obviously puts out higher fps than the 3600. Does this matter most of the time? For most of the game, I don't think so, fps will still usually be 60+. For things such as the harder areas of ITF, or on a team of 8 masterminds, or both, it matters more, and it can be in the 40s a lot with even lower dips. I do an 8-mastermind team mission every week, and that is the main reason I've taken so much interest in this. CPU usually matters much more in MMOs than in non-MMO modern games. But gpu matters too. I wish I had something better than a 1070 to test with. Someone on my weekly 8-mastermind team has a 2600x + 6700xt and says he gets constant 60+ fps at 4k. He said he was around 30 fps at 4k with same CPU and I forget what GPU he had, I think at least a 1070 but maybe not. I can edit this later after asking him next time he's online. -
Thank you. Good to know a Goto and Stay combo, focused on my location without using the mouse cursor reticle, can be done in some manner. Though I don't currently know what I'm doing wrong since the Follow part works but the pets just keep on following me. The chat window says Unable to read in keybind file: petsComeHere2.txt. I use bindings on a couple other characters to auto-fire powers when pressing movement keys, and some of them are 4 .txt files deep for the commands. But so far I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with this. I copied and pasted the commands, and then downloaded your files in case I somehow copy and pasted wrong, I can see and understand how this should work, but I'm missing something and will now rage quit for a bit. haha edit: Yep, of course it was something dumb. Though maybe not entirely. I don't have a homecoming\settings directory. I had my other binds in its own custom folder. I think at first the binds being loaded were switched to homecoming's default directory for binds, which apparently is "data." I got the proper folder, my custom folder for binds, loaded then. And then of course part of the problem was I had copied your binds, but I wanted to use the "r" key not the "o" key that you wrote. Or maybe only one bind was set for "r" not "o." Made sure both binds were set for "r" key like I want, and now it works. I feel dumb making such mistakes, but maybe it will help someone else reading this.
How do you do it with the macro and mouse click sequence?
I know Null the Gull exists and have for a long time. Until recently, I didn't know about the Group Fly changes or that it can be turned off. An MM in my PUG started using it while I was on my character that has ground powers. After 30 or so minutes of the MM turning it on and off, I asked it to be kept off so I could use more of my powers. Multiple other shy people in the group who had been suffering with it then spoke up and said they'd like it turned off too. No one in the group, including the MM, said it can be turned off at Null the Gull. Maybe they didn't know it can be turned off. I didn't know it can be turned off because until that PUG no one ever used Group Fly except when killing time for fun between missions. I didn't know it could be turned off until happening to see the thread here while forum browsing. I don't know how much dev effort it takes to reverse things so Group Fly is auto-off instead of auto-on. It's great that after 16 years Group Fly is finally a good power, but it's certainly disappointing that using it can still tick off players who may never even speak up on the issue and then they quietly rage quit from the group and no one is happy.
People run all-MM teams at other times here and there of course, but there's a Mastermind Monday on Excelsior every Monday starting around 9:30pm eastern. Usually (not always) doing one of the TFs on the weekly extra credits TF list. It's probably only not been run about 3 times in the last 2 years, with one of those times being yesterday due to supervillains shutting down the Homecoming servers right when it was about to start.
I cloned my computer's hard drive that has COH on it and installed the new cloned hard drive a couple days ago. Yesterday was the first time playing COH with the new drive. Within a few minutes of logging in, the server problems started happening. For longer than I care to admit, it had me thinking the new hard drive was the problem. I figured it had to be a random tech problem of some kind because only an evil villain would schedule a server update right when Mastermind Monday was supposed to start.
It's not the same thing you're talking about, but I'm going to post the Your Company's Computer Guy skit anyway. "...Move!"
Yeah, the Purple Patch looks pretty crazy for level-shifted pets. A player fighting a +4 only does 50% of his normal damage. ok. But the tier 1 pets fight it as a +6 and do a ridiculously low 15% of their normal damage. I think that's rather absurd. As is the to-hit. Though I think having only 574 hit points is the bigger problem. It sometimes makes me wonder why I bother trying to have MM's with an AOE heal when the pets die from one shot and there's no chance to heal them anyway.
I disagree with that. When I let the other 7 pawns, I mean teammates, on my team die, they usually come back rather quickly. Jokes aside, I'll give an example of not fun. Doing ITF yesterday in Croatoa with a full team, I had maxed Smashing and probably other resists when I glanced at my resists monitor, and so my beast pets probably did too. That was just enough to keep the tier 1 pets from being one-shotted when destroying the crystals in the caves. And there are numerous crystals, so it happens numerous times. Without the big resists the team happened to have that day, my tier 1s and maybe tier 2s would get one-shotted. There are other enemies in the game that explode when they die, and other AOE effects, and the tier 1s, sometimes tier 2s, get constantly wiped out so I stop summoning them. I mentioned the Dark dom's Umbra Beast in a prior post having better overall resists and protections than an upgraded Dire Wolf. The same dom's lower level Haunt pets also have 1074 hit points. My tier 1s have 574. My tier 2s have 768. People often say Fire Imps are squishy. They have 1074 hit points. People often take the radial lore pets to get the invincible one because they say the main pet dies immediately in tough content. Those have 2500 hp. Sure, I can resummon my pets faster, but 574 hit points seems awfully low.
You're right. Which is why even without casting the Upgrades on the MM's Dire WOlf, the Dire Wolf should be OP compared to the Umbra Beast. Is it? And the Umbra Beast has better overall resists and knockdown etc protection than the Upgraded Dire Wolf does.
Want to help MMs? Stop letting the T1s (and T2s?) get one-shotted. Even with all the auras and buffs including team buffs, in some content there's no point in summoning the lower tier pets unless you are a ranged character and keep them by your side. Is a ranged character choosing to keep them by their side so they don't die immediately a "tactical decision" like some people have been talking about? I guess. Some comments said an MM is doing x% damage without having to work much at it due to pets attacking on their own. That's true. But it's not true in hard content where the pets die immediately. Those pets are doing zero damage. And when dead they're not even a help with bodyguard mode. Someone said they have no problem in hard content. Then they said their character is bots. Of course they don't have a problem since they are ranged. Whether eliminating the level shifts would help instead of just more hit points, I don't know at this time. I do think this in beta shortening of summoning is a good step to help with mobility especially in groups. In mobile groups, an MM is often married to their secondary. It's like playing half a character. I haven't put much thought into auto Upgrade powers, but, question: don't pets like the Umbra Beast come summoned in basically an upgraded form? I haven't compared the stats, but playing a dom with Umbra Beast didn't seem too different (in their damage output) compared to playing an MM with upgraded Dire Wolf.
This thread got me thinking about this more again. It's hard to give up +5% ranged defense for one slot especially on a ranged character, and extra recharge is always welcome on a long power like mass AOE hold, but now this thread has me thinking about respecing. haha. I'll use my elec/dark as an example.When I tested the +dam Ascendency process on the test server, it was nice, but it only adds to base damage and acts like a weak build-up process. That doesn't add much damage to my control attack powers such as ST hold which is one of my two main spam attack powers. Though putting it in there means the Asendency is in effect a lot, and double stacks a decent amount of time. Oh, but wait, that Ascendency process has +recharge that hurts the +dam processes in my ST Hold. So it would hurt that power to help other powers. With the 20% or so recharge from that Ascendency in my ST hold, I lose 24 points of damage in my ST Hold, and that's if the Ascnedency buildup is in effect. It's even worse when it's not in effect. The ST Hold or similar would be a good spot for it for someone who doesn't use that attack with lots of processes. During testing, I was considering how slow my secondary attack powers are, and that Ascendency buildup wouldn't help them much due to that. But, with lots of recharge, the attacks are fairly spammable. The ascendency buildup without doublestack adds +50 damage to my snipe attack. Pretty nice. My AOE cone attack gets +15 damage, which isn't much if it were a single target attack, but it's an AOE cone, (though only a narrow 20-degrees), and I also like to spam it because it looks and sounds pretty cool. So maybe I won't respec after all since whatever spammable power I put the process in hurts that power's damage due to the recharge Someone said they put it in Static Field, and I only have that 5-slotted and tend to use it a lot because why not, so I'll look more into that. If memory serves, the Ascendency buildup does last a pretty long time. 13 seconds? Though something like Static Field is too slow to doublestack it. All of that is about the Ascendency build-up process. The Ascendency set bonuses themselves are good and are the main reason I fit the set in somewhere.
I tend to put it in the mass AOE hold since that usually needs lots of slots to be worthwhile due to accuracy, recharge, and duration. I consider the +damage process irrelevant for such slotting and only care about the recharge and set bonuses. Lots of people skip the mass AOE hold, so they'll have to think of something else.
This is great. Thank you for taking the time to write it up. With multiple buffs having to be pressed every 60-120 seconds, it was getting annoying. I like the movement one more than the power one because the buffs stay up better between fights and I'm not possibly starting a fight without buffs. Having one button alternate for two buffs isn't a big deal, but it can delay the buffs. I move quite a bit, so I put one buff on Forward, one on Turn Left, and a third on Turn Right. Works great.
I guess it's just Mid's showing those numbers. Looking at it right now, it says it's the latest version, and Aqua Bolt corruptor is 23.36. I was testing it on the test server too, and yep, I don't think I deducted 30% when actually using the powers. I need an eye-roll icon for myself now.🙄 Part of me was thinking the numbers difference between test and Mids was Mids showing lower base damage but test showing damage with a scourge average damage percentage or something factored in. And I swear I saw on the test server when moving the level slider for damage in Manage Enhancements that at least once it did show 23.26 for Alpha Bolt, and showed the other numbers I posted for other powers. That would explain why Mids has those numbers. But now I tried it again on test and Alpha Bolt shows 70 damage, so half of that is 35, which is about where it should be compared to defender's 30. Oh well, all settled now. Thanks.
Water Blast is corruptor primary. Defender's secondary. Corruptor's have .75 damage scale. Defender's .65. Aqua Bolt. Corruptor 25. Defender 30. Water Burst. 25. 32. Dehydrate. 50. 63. Steam Spray 54. 70 Geyser. 97. 126. Whirlpool is in corruptor's favor. 90 to defender's 78. Shouldn't they all be in the corruptor's favor?