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Galaxy Brain

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Posts posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. image.png.b40d05107b63ba33b3efa7efd6e90e6a.png




    I respect you a lot @Sir Myshkin, but wouldn't a Blaster Sustain (not saying which one is which) make for an even BETTER team armor set given it has even more room to be buffed while having similar healing rates + better AoE damage?



    While yes, Regen does gain a lot more from outside buffs.... the other armor sets do not need those buffs to succeed and can get them just the same as the Regen character.



    Actually, a better comparison would be looking at Regen vs Willpower and Bio (and arguably Rad Armor too) as they are all the "healing" sets if one were to thematically roll a regenerator.

  2. @Troo, as I mentioned the seconds thing is more of a score with the assumption that the damage would actually come in per second in this infinite trial. Of course in a real test the times would be longer, but I'd reckon that against anything but psy damage invuln will pull ahead both passively and actively. 


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Troo said:

    Brutes might not be the best to compare. Regen on scrappers might be more interesting.

    Itd be pretty much the same thing but less HP in this instance.


    1 hour ago, Troo said:


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    There may be something off with the math as well. A brute getting smacked down in 12 seconds by 3 minions, 2 lt's, and 1 boss.. that just doesn't ring troo.

    Its not "true" as the incoming DPS is treated like literal DPS. Itd take much longer in reality as there are gaps between the hits, you'd be fighting back, etc, but as a "score" imo it gets the point across.

  4. 7 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Compare Regen to Invul for a sec.  Invul (without much argument) is out of the box tough as nails.  It has layered defenses.  Defense, Resists, and a Heal that massively buffs your health bar.  Also, it has great defense debuff resist.  Then you take I/Os.  With some study, a few buckets of cash, a Invul can be made unkillable.  With a weakness to Psi damage.


    Regen....  is not that.  It is a GOOD armor set.  There are no 'bad' armor sets in the game.  But it is not diving into an endless tunnel of +4/x8 strong.  I/Os will make it stronger, built smart.  But it lacks the layered mitigation base that provides a foundation for the max levels powerbuilders seek.  So it gets a ton of shit.


    My current main is a dark/dark Brute.  No inherent defense.  But Dark Armor has stealth (weird right?) and two Mez auras for stunning minions.  Layered defenses in a completely different way.  


    Regen is one trick pony.  It is very good at what it does.  But it faces tough competition from sets that have 3-6 horses pulling.


    This is a great way to put it, and while yes Regen has a niche when it comes to being equally good to "Damage" regardless of how it is applied, the reality is that such encounters are incredibly rare to the point of being almost a gimmick.


    Lets actually eyeball Brute Regen vs Invuln against what I'd call an "MM" encounter with 3 minions, 2 lt's, and 1 boss.


    Minions got 2 attacks with a 50% hit chance at base, which eyeballing a few enemy groups we will equate to ~24.38dps. x3 = 73.14dps

    LTs got 4 attacks with a 57.5% hit chance at base, which eyeballing a few enemy groups we will equate to ~62.43dps. x2 = 124.89dps

    Bosses got 6 attacks with a 65% hit chance at base, which eyeballing a few enemy groups we will equate to ~ 161.28dps


    This is of course all averaged, assuming we are gonna put both brutes in a gauntlet that just has them fight these guys forever and ever and average the results. Lets see how both would behave over time with basic slotting (max values to HP/Res/Def/Rech) 



    Over time, regen will have:


    14.86 res vs all (ignoring MoG since it's super hard to calculate with it's extreme stats on uptime/values)

    119.38 HPS (all things averaged with 3-slotting stats / uptimes / spamming self heals)

    2100 HP (Dull Pain over time, also integrated to the HPS)


    With no inherent defenses, the Regen character will take the full brunt of the combined 359.28 DPS, reduced to 305.89 after resistances. Subtract the HPS from that, and you're left with 186.51 DPS to the character. 


    2100 / 186.51 = ~12 seconds in this scenario.




    Over time, invuln will have:


    53.49% SL Res, 23.77% other res, 0 Psy res

    19.02% def to all but Psy (in this 6-enemy example)

    22.34 HPS

    2100 HP (It has Dull Pain too!)

    50% Def debuff res

    25% End Res

    20% Slow res


    The inherent defenses will behave a bit differently thanks to the acc modifiers per rank, so lets adjust the incoming DPS per rank real quick:


    Minions = 30.98% base hit chance = 45.3 dps

    LT = 35.63% base hit chance = 77.36 dps

    Boss = 40.27% base hit chance = 99.93 dps


    Total DPS = 222.59


    Now, with resistances we are either looking at 53.49% if they are SL damage or 23.77% for other damage types. Add in the HPS, and this reduces the final DPS down to either 81.19 SL or 147.34 other


    2100 / 81.19 = ~26 seconds in this scenario. (2.17x regen)

    2100 / 147.34 = ~14 seconds in this scenario. (1.17x regen)

    2100 / 114.26 (avg) = ~18 seconds in this scenario. (1.5x regen)



    As you add more Res/Def, Invuln gets sturdier even when you compare the meager 22.34 HPS to Regen's 119.38 HPS over infinite time. Of course, this is not "actual" but may as well be given that Instant Healing is on such a low uptime of only about 27%.




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  5. I would much rather lethal be a much more all or nothing damage type.


    The name is *LETHAL*, blades, bullets, everything meant to tear through flesh, it makes sense that itd be the most defended against just like in days of old (well also now with bullet proof material, etc). Id rather it be the case where if an enemy is not armored, then lethal should hit MUCH HARDER than not. 

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

    less challenge

    more challenge

    yall better make your minds up real soon 

    Both of these can be true!


    As mentioned, certain things are not "challenging" as much as they are "frustrating". When a PP pops MoG, you and it often just kind of sit there for 45 seconds till you mop the floor with them right after having to look at your watch for a bit. For most characters, it's not an "Oh crap!" moment where the tables turn and you gotta back off or switch tactics, it just puts you in time out until you can attack them again. 


    A great version of this enemy trope can be found in Borderlands games. They have a "Goliath" enemy type that has a helmet where their critical hit spot (well their head lol) is, and they have a ton of HP and hit hard. You can fight them slowly, which may take a bit since they're tanky, or you can try and defeat them quickly by hitting their critical spot... but there is a catch. IF you crit them and DO NOT DEFEAT THEM in the next few seconds, they will go BERSERK and regain all HP, pop essentially CoH rage + Hasten, and hunt you down with incredible speed and power, even attacking other enemies and leveling up to bigger and badder versions (with a full heal) each time they do so. On occasion, normally damaging them also has a chance for their helmets to pop off and go berserk too. 


    The difference between Paragon Protectors and Goliaths is that there is far more interaction and player agency with one over the other. The encounters with both allow a player to actively prevent the bad timeline from happening by shutting down the threat fast either through raw firepower or control, though that in itself is a decent challenge to do so given they are boss-tier enemies. This is good. What is not good is that while one turns into a markedly much more intense encounter where the tables turn from hunter to hunted, with even more risk/reward if you allow it to grow even *stronger*, the other just goes "nah nah you can't get me!" for like a minute and most characters can just ignore the thing relatively safely, leading to the reaction going from "Oh Crap!!!" to "Ugh, dang it now I gotta wait".



    For a different example, think of basically ANY platforming game where you have that one room with the moving platforms. Yeah, you all know *that* room. 


    The one where there is a big climb up to some area where there is then a slow moving platform in mid-air you have to jump on, and then stay on it as it takes you to a whole other part of the level you cannot get to otherwise. Getting up to the platform, jumping onto the platform, and generally staying on it is not that difficult, and if you do get pushed off, you are not killed or even take too much damage... but you gotta go back to the (ladder), climb allllll the way back up, and then WAIT for the damn thing to come back. 


    It's not hard, it's just a slog.  Compare that room to the one where there is like a series of platforms that disappear when you land on them, making you have to jump with very quick timing and think one leap ahead with each action, and messing up has you have to do it over again. On the surface, the punishment seems similar but this one is far more engaging as you actively have a role in what happens as a player where a bad result is moreso your own actions, while the other is the game punishing you by putting you into time out arbitrarily.

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  7. 15 hours ago, arthurh35353 said:

    I thought I had cleared up my thought on it. Basically, a small amount of Lethal (but maybe not Smash) damage is marked unresistable. Maybe 10% to 20% to push the damage versus mobs closer to the other types (Energy, Dark, Fire, Cold, etc) in effectiveness. It would still scale versus level and would be (maybe) lower against Elitebosses and higher.


    This is to improve Lethal damage sets so they compare in effectiveness against non-lethal power sets.

    This is basically the same as lowering S/L res by that amount across all enemy types

  8. 9 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    I think that's (subconsciously) part of why many people write off Regen.  It's not a "safe" set, and it's certainly not a "set it and forget it" set.  (Not without considerable investment in set bonuses.)  It's not a difficult set to master by any stretch, but you do have to master it to survive.  On live, and here on Homecoming, there's a definite meta bias towards safety and toggles.

    To be honest, the other half of it being hard to master is that it is not *rewarding* to do so. It'd be one thing if Regen were super reactive and hard to pin down but doing so makes you immortal, but other armor sets are tougher with 1/4th the IQ required.

    • Like 8
    • Haha 3
  9. 1 hour ago, LaughingAlex said:

    For  those  who don't play with me enough, I do actually enjoy the sentinel class and have what I feel is a solid water/SR build :P.   Even using water blast though, a top tier set, still could use some work.  My beam rifle/bio armor is also fun to play.  It does feel sentinels are imo funnest when you pick a very, very strong powerset combination though, it's mostly imo how powersets transition to sentinel that results in them feeling weak.  That and some base number discrepancy.

    I'll have to ditto this. It's one part the design of the ranged sets in general, and another part the changes to specifically Sentinel versions of sets and how they synergize that makes or breaks them. IMO, you can make a very potent and fun sent with the right combo... but likewise the wrong combo feels all the worse on a sentinel too.

  10. 1 hour ago, Infinitum said:

    I'll give you another example of a sideways event im famous for.  lol


    Happened last night - been running Market Crashes all week at +4/8 last night had a great team but the last mission i dont know if it was the stalker that agroed the robot solo that set it off, or if it was a glitch but he kept overspawning once we would get him halfway and then crashing the whole team - which was made worse when he and his cohorts crawled up the hill like a spectre of death and started nuking the hospital.


    I base ported and went to PD and bought everyone level shifts and even bought signature summons and temporary power buffs - but again half life on it - 20-30 skyraiders would spawn and crash us - I was on a EM Ninjitsu scrapper my wife a dark dark tanker - we tried pulling away from the hospital but two people had already left, so we chalked that one up to a loss - that was with all of the team but 1 being level shifted.


    I'm going back tonight and sanford and son'ing that big metal SOB though.

    You shouldda pinged me! My blaster could wipe the sky raiders for ya 😉

  11. 1 hour ago, ScarySai said:

    I'm pretty sure lethal sets, particularly the newer ones like Savage and the reworked version of claws were intentionally tuned up a bit to compensate for lethal damage.


    Smashing damage isn't actually that highly resisted.

    Lethal definitely is resisted a lot as it is both commonly resisted AND when it is resisted it is often significantly so. Few enemies are also specifically lethal weak.


    On the flipside, while Smashing is often resisted, it is also usually less resisted than lethal is value wise (while many enemies have SL res in equal amounts tied together, many have specifically high lethal res of like 50% while some may resist smashing by like 20/25%). Many enemies also have specific weaknesses to Smashing such as Robots (which ironically laugh at lethal). 


    TBH, I would rather there be many more enemies where them being "unarmored" makes them take more damage from lethal attacks. After all, why call it "Lethal" at all if it doesnt tear people up?

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, SwitchFade said:

    While i can understand making them universal, not sure about the buff, i think there's no real point, honestly.


    While I do see the QoL value of homogenizing them, I also see the flavor of them being exclusive, it gives some people something to hunt and a certain value to drops and factions.


    As a whole, I would probably no vote, but only slightly so. If the idea was "homogenize only" I would say, I'm indifferent bad ok either way.

    The way I see it tho, in HC as it is right now... what does it add having them exclusive? Every store (generic) one you go to will only sell Enh you can use. The AH / IO system is global as well, meaning only specialty stores and random drops will lock you out which can both be ignored...

  13. DR wouldn't affect the singular enhancement, but itd effect other enhancements after that one (assuming the 1 enh = ED cap). So you could say slot Short Circuit with either a 100% Damage or End Mod (or both if you're feeling frisky) then the rest slotted as either an end mod or damage power.


    1 hour ago, arthurh35353 said:

    That's kind of anti-'generic IO' at that point though.

    The name is probably a misnomer, but I guess these would be "Ultra Enhancements"!

  14. 17 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

    I'd actually be okay with non-character unique but power unique Purple Generic IOs that are 66.66% or 40% level that could be boosted. Make you really consider which would be better in slotting for IO set enhancements.

    it could go either way I suppose! My idea was that each one would be 100% unique, as in you can only slot 1 Damage purple across the build, 1 End Mod across the build, etc. 

  15. So the thread about TO's not dropping / dropped Enhancements often not being usable got me thinking. In ye Olde days I'm sure this was a means to get people to trade or at least have stuff to sell, but that ship has LONG sailed with IO's, especially generics, by and large replacing them at a certain point  to begin with. Add on how we start getting DO's and SO's very early on now and I find it kind of funny that so much of what drops can't even be used...


    So, what if we altered it so that all origins can be used by your character (what is stopping Iron Man from using a naturally learned technique as stated by natural SO's despite his tech, or Wonder Woman from using a gadget despite her being magic?), but then you got a small Bonus for matching your origin?


    Lets take a look:

    Schedule A: 16.7% (DO) / 33.3% (SO)
    Schedule B: 10% (DO) / 20% (SO)


    These are the current values of a fresh enhancement for 99% of what you'd see (iirc there is a schedule C for knockback but the same thing will apply for where I'm going with this). But lets look at the competition:

    Lvl 50 IO: 42.4% (A) / 25.5% (B)


    A generic IO can grow to be ~ 27.5% stronger than an equivalent SO it seems! At lvl 25, the base lvl where you'd get store-bought SO's, IO's also basically match them in power with 32% enhancement to an SO's 33.3%, only getting stronger from there. 



    What if there was a 30% bonus (15% for DO's) for matching your origin? SO's can be outleveled and can randomly not be a matched set, so making them at least competitive for longer at a *price* could be a nice change of pace:

    Schedule A: 16.7% (DO) / 33.3% (SO) > 19.2 / 43.3
    Schedule B: 10% (DO) / 20% (SO) > 11.5 / 26


    This is just  throwing a dart at the wall in terms of making the basic enhancement's ties to origin a bit better in today's environment, but what do you think about the topic?



    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, nihilii said:

    I'm with @SeraphimKensai and @golstat2003, this feels like pure power creep.

    Which I'm 100% cool with, but what I'm cool with is not necessarily good for the game. 😉


    Make this happen and basically every attack I have becomes one generic purple damage and 5 damage procs, every resistance/defense/healing power becomes a single slot res/def/heal, and I use the extra slots to cram yet another +10% recharge bonus or two from a set somewhere.

    Sorta, they'd still be unique so you could only have 1 attack that has a Purple Damage

  17. If anything though.... I do feel like drops being origin-locked is rather dated. Maybe that could be looked into?


    For example, maybe instead of only being able to slot your origin, instead what if they were simply more powerful if attuned to your origin? DO's would get 1/2 the bonus (whatever it may be) as it'd be 50% your origin, while SO's get the full bonus. A Magic Character could still slot a Tech SO but it would not be as potent as a Magic SO.

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  18. Real World Test 4: Arachnos






    At this point, we have 5 different results per set at +4/x8, lets see how they stack up...








    If we look at it with a 2:30 immortality cutoff:







    Ends up a little closer together



    • Thanks 3
  19. On 2/26/2021 at 10:44 PM, Rokkeb said:

    I must play savage melee wrong, cause it consistently scores high on your tests but it seems like such a lethargic, weak set to me. I've got a couple different savage up into the 40's but i just can't continue on them, cause it seems like nothing ever dies. 

    What is your gameplan running into mobs? A factor that is not considered here is the damage type as the punching bags have no inherent resistances, certain enemies resist lethal quite a bit!

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