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Everything posted by presto2112

  1. tried out your build for the 2nd one (emp/fire/mace) it's a blast.
  2. on the char in questioned, I obtained Crimson via newspaper missions/detective contact referral. never did Indigo. As was advised, I kept plugging away with Crimson and eventually was given World Wide Red and got to enjoy the Malta story that involved the shapeshifter Moment as well as the Kronos Titan. I was ready for the ambush and had some fine heros from LFG channel come pay a visit during the GM ambush mission. We all got a nice badge.
  3. thanks for the confirmation Frostbiter
  4. I am interested in Crimson's story arc, Project World Wide Red https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Crimson I have my level 50 and did not have him for a contact, so I ran radio missions until I was introduced to Crimson. Crimson gave me the mission "6.1 Stop the Malta Group raid on the Crey science facility" series of missions which I completed, and now he is offering "6.2 Extract the Circle of Thorns informant" Will he eventually offer the story arc? I understand this is available via Orobourus, but I'm hoping just to have the story arc as a normal arc where friends can join in for the later mission with the big bot. I've always been a bit confused as to how the contact system functions. Thanks for any helpful responses. Presto
  5. do you have an updated build after getting feedback?
  6. so with Null the Gull giving instant alignment switching, how much of that data is real?
  7. Nikki Static.mxd it kinda works. except for the inherits, they don't import. tried it on a few chars just now example attached build.txt
  8. i rolled a MM with this build. it's pretty awesome.
  9. ty for reply
  10. Is there any advantage to leaving pets in defensive mode while soloing? I can't remember if it was this game or some other game where putting things in aggressive mode made more.. attack-able... or something
  11. Rikti broke my stealth
  12. how are completed missions tracked? is there a file? i want to remove some from the list
  13. I'm sure this has been asked a lot but I can't find a thread on it. Can I take a Praetorian player into an AE mission anyway? my daughter has a lvl 2 "Going Rogue" loyalist, could we play together in an AE mission? no worries either way, thanks in advance for any advice :)
  14. Also what incarnate is recommended
  15. This is awesome I’m terrible at builds, I’m a driver not a mechanic😀 can someone post a “money is no object” build to see how monstrous this can be
  16. thanks for the ideas, i will try this. that losing focus thing has been a problem since 2004, i don't see it getting fix lol
  17. Loving being back in CoH, thanks for the great effort. Question about salvage and other unwanted stuff to sell. What is the easiest way to dump common/unwanted salvage? When I'm selling to vendor I have to click them very slow or the selling window will lose focus. It's becoming tedious keeping my salvage window clear of unwanted things. I'm not really into crafting and like to keep the window open for the orange stuff that sells well on the AH. I figured out how to block unwanted recipes from the P2W vendor, so they are much easier to manage. Salvage is becoming a burden tho. thanks for any advice :) Presto
  18. ty very much for this, it is helpful
  19. Can anyone help me with a good build for rad/shields? Not a farm build, just a decent all rounder to run pve content. thank you
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