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About BazookaTwo

  • Birthday April 3

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  1. I just know it feels fast and I like it. But it's not reliable
  2. The T9 does not aggro until it lands, much like Meteorite. And so you can fire off your other AOEs before it lands. In my opinion and experience the cumulative effect is quite good.
  3. 1. Forming league but killing the GM before everyone gets there. 2. Misuse of AOE Immobilize 3. Having to tweak a build for end management. 4. Name Camping 5. Need more powersets
  4. You could just do smaller teams with the difficulty turned up.
  5. English teacher here. Appreciate you! 😊
  6. Your combo sounds very situational, and that's not a bad thing, I tend to use tidal+AOE most of the time for openers, and once everything is flopping I target the boss for single target until the AOEs are back up. You build tidal stacks with certain attacks, and spend them when you get the orange ring. One of the single target blasts does a tidal quick recharge. I'd put the Decimation build up proc in that power. Anything with kb can use a FF +recharge, but especially AOEs. Whirlpool is especially great for its proc options. I leave Ablative Carapace on auto on pretty much every bio character I play. As far as rotations? I would apply AOEs with secondary effects first, then do the same with ST. I tend to push recharge on my heaviest AOEs but I pay for that in end cost.
  7. I invite you to look up my archery/Ninja/Weapons sent in the forums here. Archery is as good as Dual Pistols on a sent. Maybe better
  8. I have a Shield/Kin tank, and a Kin/bio stalker. The stalker is crazy fun tbh. The tank is packing the Force of Will pool too, so he is a tank with a load of ranged and cones. Who needs taunt when you can hit em with a cone?
  9. Roll it as a tank
  10. I have a black chess pieces group I'm working on. The base is a giant chess board in the middle of a maze.
  11. The number of adults far outweighs the number of youth in this community. I think having to walk on eggshells is very unproductive. Sarcasm is a dying (and yet, undead) art. @Snarky will be missed. I've never seen him say anything that was actually insulting or offensive to anyone. Get over your fee fees people.
  12. So I'm playing a DP/ninja blaster, and I notice that sometimes, when I use Executioner's Strike > Pistols, Pistols activates quickly. Sometimes it doesn't. Is that an RNG thing? Or is there a way to make the snappiness more reliable? It feels really hoss when it happens, and feels mildly annoying when it doesn't. Is this a thing in other powersets too and I just haven't noticed it? 🤔
  13. Starts with you, just delete your account and leave. We will miss you so very badly.
  14. Paragon Prolapser - Dominator (Gravity Control - Arsenal Assault).mbd You don't have to theme as wrongly as I did. 😉 Enjoy
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