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Everything posted by Nixeras

  1. I'm not a fan of this change if only because of the 8 seconds after being mezzed before you can reactivate your 'offensive' toggles. I love the other parts of the changes, the toggles suspending for transformations on kheldians and granite and such is great. The mezz portion of this either needs to be completely reverted, or have the time either reduced to a few seconds (1 or 2) or removed altogether.
  2. People keep arguing as to whether these changes are going to affect their build, or whether it's going to be as damning as others think because of how many enemies it affects or other worries, but I'd like to ask a different question: Why is this happening? What is the end goal? This absolutely is no doubt a change to the very way builds work or will work. The effects could be negligible sure, but if that's the case then why change it anyways? Part of my biggest problem with this change is that it's happening with no transparency and it's a major change the community was hardly consulted about beforehand. It leads the way to other major changes down the line that would eventually take the game we know and love and turn it into something else. I really don't want to see that happen, I don't want this defense change to go through for various reasons but the ones I've stated are at the top of that list and the least discussed among previous posts. IMO there's very little reason to make a change like this that results in the subtraction of power from players, even a miniscule amount. No one likes being nerfed, especially while there's so many things that already need buffs as it is. Balance changes should be focused on making weaker sets stronger, not making everyone in the game have to rethink their builds on a certain subset of characters because suddenly they're squishier.
  3. In which case what's the point in anything being better or worse? Every T1 power should just hit 50 damage at base I guess.
  4. As the topic says, when I try to set up the munitions mastery weapon for the LRM rocket (Uses an assault rifle skin selectable in costume, instead of idk...a rocket launcher like the council have) it will "save" and then when I exit the costume editor one of my pistols will be invisible. If I go back in and edit the pistol to be what it was before, it will instead make the rocket weapon invisible. The rocket weapon also starts out as invisible due to the costume obviously having two weapon skins saved already. As an aside, the constant revert to default weapons during costume creation the first time I visit a tailor in a login is kind of annoying, though not gamebreaking.
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  5. I don't really like your proposed changes, but more to the point an IO that is specifically for one power in the entire game would be very out of place. Not to mention that's not what rage is supposed to do. Super Strength isn't a support set. The hulk never got so mad that he made his friends stronger. That's not how that works.
  6. I made a post similar to this that also asks for animations to be allowed use by players here https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3358.msg23701.html#msg23701 but without picture representation of things. Needless to say I'm 100% for this.
  7. Those still require being in the proper zone though, all I'm saying is there's no reason not to have it at our convenience especially if you're like "Oh man my xp boost just ran out" as you're gearing up for a MSR and don't want to lose your spot by going to atlas or such. There's no reason for it not to be accessible by a command in outside maps the way Wentworth's is.
  8. Please give us /p2w as a command to bring up the shop in outdoors zones similar to the AH. I don't know how many times I've been on Peregrine or such and had an xp boost run out, or realized I needed to buy something like the mission teleporter or even had just gotten enough money to buy the portable workbench or a prestige travel power. Allowing us to access the p2w vendor from most places would be a simple and appreciated quality of life change.
  9. Yes, I don't see any reason the currently existing robotic arm 3 can't be mirrored and called robotic arm 4. It wouldn't be difficult and would be nice to be able to have the left arm be the robotic one, especially since many power sets use the left arm as a "casting" animation.
  10. I think straight up removing it would have to come with some other downside. The thing we want to avoid is it becoming a "just set it on auto and forget about it" power, as that runs counter to the intent of both the original design and Castle's redesign of it. Even removing the damage penalty (due to the mentioned smashing resist issues) isn't out of the question if we can come up with some kind of alternative mechanic. It is again appropriate to quote the mighty Six, who knows many things. (But yeah, the bug fix is here to stay.) While I understand the bugfix was necessary and is here to stay, I don't understand any reason we'd need to replace a grossly inappropriate downside with anything else instead of just removing it. It was skippable pre-bug fix despite live devs fixing the skippable damage crash to be unskippable. It stayed that way till end of days and though I don't know what else the bug fix fixed I'm honestly of the opinion it should have stayed that way if it was possible. Now that it is fixed though, and since we know it won't be reverted I think the -def crash should simply be removed. As it is now it vastly gimps SS to the point that most players that use to play it will actively avoid it. There are several "dead" characters since their concepts are no longer viable. Super Strength/Shields is a very good example. Or Super Strength/Super Reflexes, etc. There's absolutely no reason to have such a limiting debuff attached to a core gameplay mechanic of such an iconic power set. The way it is right now restricts something I know is important to everyone that plays and runs this game, player choice.
  11. Yeah one part of what I'm hoping for down the line is the ability to have asymmetrical pieces. It shouldn't be too hard to "split" gloves, shoulders, boots, into two seperate things. I mean it would definitely take some work but I think it's worth looking into because that would open up a whole slew of new possibilities for the costume editor.
  12. It's a common saying in the D&D community but I feel it applies to many games. "Better no game than a bad game." Especially considering HC isn't the only server anymore. There are alternatives.
  13. I'd think a clown nose would be pretty easy if we had the file specifications for things like that. I'd also love to see alternate sound options for things like sonic, as mentioned by Trickshooter. Or maybe even the ability to choose which taunt sound effect you use (since some taunts have different sounds) etc. These would all be various options in the powers customizer window.
  14. Just to be clear, I favor rolling back the change, as it was more fun with rage having no def crash. But to be pointed, people should use arguments to support positions that are viable. 1. Case for change 2. Proposed solution 3. Supporting evidence 4. Syllogistic reasoning. Where most people run afoul of proper persuasion is 4. Syllogistic reasoning. So, I want the change rolled back and people need to argue from the perspective of syllogism to properly persuade others. '' I've actually done this. Essentially, I've stated: All melee damage powersets should be comparable The def crash not being avoidable like it was on live makes SS a severely underperforming set vs. others Rage needs the def crash removed/made avoidable But cognitive dissonance being what it is, some people are trying avoid or ignore this. I agree with this.
  15. Yeah I feel like if we get access to a bunch of parts things like new helmets could easily be placed on "headless" and would probably look pretty neat.
  16. Because the autosnipe doesn't just give you fast snipes in combat. It affects the numbers both in and out of combat and the snipe power will end up being a far different power than it was before.
  17. So why are snipes being changed when they're actually perfectly fine the way they are? I personally really dislike the idea of making it so snipes are fast. That goes against the very core of a snipe ability. Secondly why buff something that's strong in this situation but "fix" and therefor debuff something like Superstrength's rage defense debuff? At this point with a change like this I'd say Rage shouldn't even have a defense debuff during the crash anymore. It feels like some of these "balance" changes are slightly less balanced than others.
  18. I think it would be lovely if we could have access to some of the costume pieces that enemies or npcs around paragon/the rogue isles use. Some simple examples would be the Lost's TV helmets/stop sign chest pieces, Freakshow style armor including the electric shoulder pieces of super stunners and the blade hands that others get, PPD Hardsuit Arm Gun models that we could use as projection points for things like fire blast etc, the Coralax body parts, and even Gotterdamerung's parts! Honestly the list goes on and on, there are several things I think the community would love to get their hands on. I realize that for some of these (And possibly even most of these) it's not like they exist as a seperate costume part already and are simply used by npcs. I realize that it's more likely that they are a part of a unique model used by the enemy, but I'm hoping it's doable in the long run. The second part of my suggestion is actually easier I think. There are a number of animations that people have access to as part of temp powers but not really in powers that could also benefit from them, for instance: Ninja Run and Beast Run animations. If we could maybe make it so that Ninja Run/Beast Run animations could be used on travel powers such as super jump/super speed or even just sprint (Since we can stack sprint with those powers and the animations override them) I think most people would love it as an option. Another example of animation proliferation I'd love to see is the ability to "cast" energy from a staff type weapon. We have the Nemesis Staff and the Blackwand that we can use which have casting animations. I think it would be interesting to allow us to choose a "wizard" staff and cast our magic from it (those "spells" with a singular projection point, for instance Fireball, or Lightning Bolt) obviously this wouldn't be available for every power that's a "blast" type thing, but I think that in combination with the suggestion to be able to use the arm guns of some of the enemies in the game it would add a lot more customization to character concepts.
  19. I don't see how rage needs a defense debuff on top of a 10 second window of no damage and a massive hit to endurance. In fact you basically said it yourself. If the -def was because Invincibility was much stronger then since it's... not anymore... wouldn't that mean we could remove the debuff? Also Invulnerability is a perfectly fine set in my opinion, it doesn't need a buff or a nerf. I consider it the baseline defensive set.
  20. So...why would this need a 3D modeler anyways? Couldn't they literally just put it in the ears options? "None" and then just remove any ear piece that's there.
  21. Pretty sure the only hostility in the thread was when multiple people explained to him what the problem with his build was, and instead of saying "Oh you're right, I've made a mistake." Like a normal adult should, he's gone "NUH UH, IT'S THE GAMES FAULT." Which is kind of weird because he's even acknowledged that they're giving good advice.
  22. I'm 100% for the revert to live and here's why: When the devs of live were doing revisions to a lot of powersets they already fixed rage, since it used to be you could skip the entire crash of it with enough cooldown instead of just skipping the defense portion. They made it so you could no longer skip the damage decrease when rage crashed but they left the defense skip in. It's not like they couldn't have fixed it, no. They simply felt it didn't need to be changed. I don't either. I don't think it should have been nerfed at all since all that does is make some powersets less viable with Superstrength than before. It used to be that it had a weakness that you might have to build enough of a certain stat to overcome much like many sets do. Now it simply has a glaring hole in its defenses, literally. Sure you could choose a resistance based defense set and suffer much less, or even depend entirely on your teammates to patch up a glaring crippling weakness that shouldn't be present in your build but isn't the entire point of this game to be able to play with any sets you want, any combination, and still be roughly as powerful as other people? The game was and always will be about having choices and it's not a choice if there's clearly superior sets out there. At this point I don't really know why anyone would take Super Strength, it's simply not fun. It used to be fun to overcome the challenge of rage crash. It was a wall but it wasn't insurmountable. You wouldn't die if you lost track of things and mistimed your crash, you could continue to do your job as a super strength tanker even when you were putting out no damage. Now there's no reason though, it's core feature is Rage. Changing that feature to a simple build up would be stupid because that's not what players went to super strength for. I've seen many people state that instead of playing Super Strength they went with Street Justice because they found out about the nerf to Rage. Rage is such a critical part of super strength because the sets attacks on average hit less per activation time than other sets do and they're doing crushing damage literally one of if not the most resisted damage types in the game. Without Rage (as I've seen some people here suggest) you may as well have rolled literally any other power set. If you turn it into a build up, you may as well just remove super strength from the game and put the animations in as alternates for street justice. The weirdest thing is it's not even like Super Strength needed a nerf. Like I said in the first paragraph it was on level dps-wise with some of the other top melee sets on live. It wasn't overpowered, in fact it wasn't even #1. It was simply a strong set, which is sort of how it should be considering it's called "Super Strength". Compare the updated version to some of the proliferated sets and you'll see that it barely holds a candle now because if you're actually trying to keep rage stacked to achieve top DPS you're practically killing yourself. Also I'd like to point out that literally no other melee set decreases your defense for any reason. None. You don't lose defense or resistance. Even some of the sets that have their own unique mechanics like savage melee (Weird it's almost like Rage was meant to be a unique mechanic or something) don't have any sort of debuffs attached to their damage increases. Street Justice gets combo points that increase base damage and a build up ability that increases it even further and yet it has no negatives behind it. As far as I know there's no reason to make it so a tanker or brute can do their job (which is ideally tanking) worse.
  23. It seems that hero and villain morality missions no longer give their respective hero/villain merits, and instead grant 20 reward merits. From another post here I can see that Rogue and Vigilante probably do too. As far as I can tell this makes it pointless to stay a hero or villain past flavor, because mechanically you're actually losing out on the ability to team up with anyone and gaining nothing. I'm guessing hero and villain merits were removed from the game at some point, since when I checked the Botler in Fort Trident his shop was completely empty. It's possible that the reason the hero/villain to Reward merit conversion is in was so anyone with merits from before this change (Whenever that was) could still use any merits they had stockpiled. As far as I remember Hero merits could be traded for purple recipes.
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