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Wolf Bonne

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Everything posted by Wolf Bonne

  1. The secret private i25 SCORE server is what the Homecoming team is working off of, and the Homecoming team is made up of, who I assume, are some people who formerly worked on the secret private server. Leandro is talked about as though he's working with the team from the outside, but I feel the difference between whether he's inside or outside the team is semantic. Once the dust settles and things seem to be as clear as they can be, I genuinely hope that as many who can come forward and speak on who they are, where they come from, how they became a part of this thing. Some may not care, but at this point in time, I feel it's fair to be skeptical of things and ask questions within reason. The Homecoming team looks as though they're attempting to be the big unofficial official comeback server, and my big questions are: how do they intend to moderate well over 5k players and looks to be growing? Who are those people, and is their safety along with the community's part of the ongoing conversations? They are likely getting unpaid, untrained staff, understandable, but knowing these things in a single reference source would be great, along with a general timeline on how Homecoming formed, as much as we can know about the people behind the project (devs, mods, GMs, etc), and what the long term and short term plans are. We'd be good not lashing out or being defensive at anyone for questioning or being skeptical unless they're very clearly trying to provoke, cuz the answer is no one really knows for sure, and the info we do know is scattered across forums, discords, and reddits. I'm sure many of the mods are in the dark on a lot of things as well, that would be another thing to know from the team. Unless I'm totally wrong and there is a source out there and I've missed it.
  2. It does, but the effect is low because I assume it's splitting the damage between your pets, even if one is summoned. If you're using training enhancements, the boost likely won't change on the numbers above their heads, but the combat log should be able to show results. I've not tested, but I also assume pets don't get the benefit of new enhancements until resummoned as well.
  3. The game ties what pronouns it will call up to the body type of your character for things like badge titles, mission text, and NPC text. While this is in most cases fine, I'd appreciate the ability to move it into a drop down menu within the costume editor and tie it to a selected costume, which would be the ideal middle ground implementation for such a feature, defaulting to the usually associated pronouns for each body type so no one has to even give it a thought if they don't care. I want to stress that I am not asking for custom or "nonstandard" pronouns. That would be amazing, but I am fine with what's written into the game for extra customization.
  4. I'd pick up Body Blow because it's important to have your very quick attacks to stack up the assassin's buff for your guaranteed Assassin's Strike critical. You can drop the disorient aura and if you really want it you can pick it up much later, I find it's pretty shoddy with its effect, I imagine it might be good for an IO set bonus, though. You'll want to get into the Fighting pool for Toughness and Weave. Be sure to work on getting your ATO set from the merit vendor as well, that'll be your biggest boon. Otherwise it isn't too complicated, my biggest tip is to not worry about opening with AS when in groups and just open with your strongest or second strongest attack unless you find you can reliably get AS off.
  5. I have been trying to find a guide on how to modify the game's sound files, but I can't for the life of me find it. I recall the files being standard .ogg files, but it seems like there are some extra steps needed to view those. Can anyone point me to a guide or give a quick explanation on how to do this?
  6. People more or less willfully ignored what was actually being requested and decided that it'd be real cool to essentially talk over the OP to make it known things that aren't actually relevant to the discussion. This sort of thing frustrates me not only because it happened to me on the original forums twice in a row back in the day, but it completely alienates people from ever speaking up. I never posted again there. It was an innocuous suggestion that fully realized others may not like it and added that it would be fine as an option, even later adding that it's fine if it's too much of a hassle right now. It's okay, your experience isn't being threatened by this.
  7. It's unfortunate that everyone seemed to ignore the optional part in the post, lol. Sure, if you'd like a switch to turn it on again and have a SG that earns it the original way that doesn't impact others, go for it.
  8. I find Dominators tend to be smoother overall for leveling due to their direct damage, but Gravity is already on the decent end for damage with Propel, so a Grav/Rad would be fairly smooth from the get go and might pull ahead if you wanted to solo AV and GM level content, at least I recall Grav/Rad being strong enough for that. Still, I think as a whole Dominators are a more enjoyable solo archetype as your ability to attack makes for a more active playstyle, and Domination as an ability is just so nice for dealing with bosses and elite bosses on a more consistent level, especially early on. Can't really go wrong with either.
  9. pre any IO sets, Haunt should be 1 to 2 accuracy, 2 damage, 2 recharge. You can drop an accuracy for another recharge, damage, or end reducer. Big Bad Barky Boy is simply 1 to 2 accuracy and 2 to 3 damage. Basically ignore their other effects and have them be helping with DPS, your bread and butter as Dark is to use Heart of Darkness and Fearsome Stare to lock everything down. If you do wanna have them help with controlling, then feel free to use other enhancements, but it isn't recommended since you have no real control over who they focus on most of the time.
  10. I was extremely fresh to all of it, first time having a computer at 13, I was illiterate due to schools not knowing how to handle my specific case of ADD among other things, so I could mostly read everything, but I didn't know how to spell much of anything, cuz of this I decided to go with a support role, went with an Empath/Dark Defender in the opening weeks of the game and named him after my randomly generated gnome rogue from Everquest that I spent only a day on cuz the game was way too vague for me. I asked for a group, got picked up by one, and immediately got praised for my healing and was asked to be added to friends by everyone. I usually stayed quiet sitting in the far back as everyone else did their thing and quickly made it up to Skyway City. I dropped this character early on in favor of a Spines/Regeneration Scrapper. I picked those two sets because I had no clue what spines were and the idea of regeneration didn't make sense to me, I wasn't aware that this was a common ability in comic books, or how it was Wolverines main form of defense. Anyone who knows what pre-ED, pre-Regen overhaul was like knows that regen was essentially binary in its survivability, I have many memories of being the last one standing in Terra Volta picking off the final waves of Freakshow. I mention both of these cuz they came pretty close together and the friends I made on my healer character transferred seamlessly to my Scrapper and lasted for about until WoW came out and those friends finding the lack of updates to the game to be very slow, which they were until about City of Villains, then Going Rogue. This was a very formative game for me, and it's the thing that kept me motivated to learn how to better read and write cuz it was able to keep my attention. Now I'm 29. Wild.
  11. It would be overall less difficult on your system to have the default cel shaded options on than having ambient occlusion. Unfortunately I am not the one to ask on any specific details on what part of your system is being stressed by a given option, but the question mark next to every option usually gives an idea of impact if you click on it.
  12. By far the outline option (if we're talking purely within the experimental options), especially if you make it thicker. I don't think either of the other sliders that change the texture and particle suppression levels have any real impact on your system, and cel shaded should also be cost indifferent. By default it disables a lot of the other post processing effects such as bloom, depth of field, and ambient occlusion, the last of which has one of the bigger impacts on performance besides water reflection level and world view distance.
  13. I've been trying to puzzle out what exactly are the pro's of Super Reflexes are over Energy Aura, and I can't really make out why you'd go SR over EA. Putting aside theme, visuals, and playing whatever, it seems like Super Reflexes is left behind a bit in the pure defense sets that I'm familiar with. I'm curious if I'm missing anything, particularly I am curious if SR happens to be a cheaper build in the long run to soft cap defenses in terms of IO sets, and last I recall, S/L defense soft capping tends to yield better net results throughout the game, but I don't remember how much "better" it actually is in practice. Basically it seems like EA is as competent as SR, but EA get a heal and recovery boost. Is there any downside to going with EA? I'm leaving out Ninjitsu here purely because it has clear utility as part of its appeal, and I've not looked at Ice Armor cuz it's completely new to me, but feel free to add any comments.
  14. In the graphics options enable Experimental Graphic Options or some such and that will unlock it for you, it'll be near the bottom of the list.
  15. The intention on some sets is that their animations are balanced with their damage output, so slower gives you heavier attacks. Unfortunately it is a bit all over the place and some sets suffer more than others, though this is usually on context. For instance, Brutes will have a rougher time with slower sets like Staff and Broad Sword. Stalkers also favor faster attack speeds for the stealth crit bonus. Scrappers tend to be indifferent. So yeah, it does matter, though it is a bit all over the place whether it's a feel/perception thing, or something that is actually affecting you in a negative way.
  16. I've been doing Psi/EA. I originally was going to do Super Reflexes, but they buffed Energy Aura to the point where it's tough to justify not going with it over SR, which is a bit of a shame. As far as I can tell, the only benefit to going SR would be less toggles and enhanced inherent movement speed, it's also easier to soft cap SR, but that isn't really a big issue anymore. Unless I'm missing something, I'm curious to know if I am overlooking anything beyond theme. It's not a big deal, but SR feels a bit left behind when Ninjitsu and Energy Aura both get decent utility. I might still go SR and just have two characters who are the same cuz I love Practice Brawler that much.
  17. Genuinely surprised how many like having neutral zones over side exclusive zones. The first thing I'd do is add a whole villain side zone, possibly two that have a long narrative that pulls you through an evolving storyline, similar to First Ward and Night Ward. I am hoping there will be tools made within a few months that'll allow us to start making our own content that could eventually be published so anything created could be available neutrally to any servers or personally ran instances of the game. I'd probably make a set of islands risen by the Circle of Thorns around the boarders of the Rogue Isles. Seems like something they'd do for fun.
  18. Open up your Powers menu on your ability tray, then at the top of the window click Combat Attributes, right click on any attribute to monitor it. You can right click anything within the monitor window to reorganize it.
  19. Some I've forgotten, but most I remember. The thing for me is that I've changed and grown so much as a person between 2012 and now, I don't really identify that strongly with most of my characters anymore. I see a little bit of me in each one, though. I'm finding myself making completely new characters, but I will likely give a couple of them old costumes and suits to maybe carry out the legacy. I use to exclusively make science or tech themed heroes and villains, now I gravitate much more towards magic and the supernatural. Being much more assured in who I am has made making these characters a lot easier. I'm curious if anyone else is having similar experiences to me on this.
  20. Do you mean the fur mantle? That was never made available to players. It was in CoV beta, removed, and never re-added. Same for the old bandage face-wrap costume part that is only used on NPCs. That, however, has a spiritual successor with the new Mummified set (which was planned to be Halloween content before the game got cancelled). My bad, dunno why I feel like I have a vague memory having them. I'm guessing they were straight up removed from the game entirely if they aren't there in I25, which is a small shame. Appreciate the clarification, I had heard a couple people feel like there were a couple pieces missing on Reddit, so I assumed it was true.
  21. There are a few missing parts, those dang furry shoulder pieces aren't there, and I'm fairly certain they did get around to re-adding those after becoming more lenient on visual clipping issues. Adding new stuff will likely be client side only for a good while, until communities establish more long term solutions with cleaned up code, I'm sure we'll start seeing stuff be added. People have been switching out textures in this game pretty much since day one, I use to mess around modifying costumes/textures, but eventually they made it more complicated to do, if I recall. Someone once came out with a little tool that made it easy to replace all the billboards with your own images.
  22. Do you have a screen shot or gameplay footage of these weird hybrids in action for us to brainstorm which works and doesn't work? When I say work and don't work, I'm talking gameplay and balance and feel. Nah on both accounts, I wouldn't be the one to consult for balance and whatnot, not my thing. It's there for anyone who'd like to really put their ideas to work, for those who are more interested in seeing what works comfortably. If you wanna see what this type of thing looks like in action, here's a vid of someone messing around attempting to make an Iron Man:
  23. It was like that on live, too. I ended up switching to Virtue from my home on Liberty just so I could be with more than my same very small handful of friends after a year or so. I dunno why that is, maybe it is the lack of content, maybe it's how drab the Rogue Isles can be, I heard many complaints about being a mere lackey nobody as a sticking point, but that to me was one of the reasons why I enjoyed red side. While the content was thinner, it was generally a lot more interesting and varied. You had many more TFs on the hero side, but so many felt samey. The one criticism I side with is the lack of zones and never getting new ones exclusive to it, which would've gone a long way to bring people over, especially post Going Rogue. Also Grandville sucks. I mean, sure, it's cool, but it was such a hostile and laggy place to be in, and it's extra red and dark there. Fits amazingly well for the narrative and themes, doesn't work as being the one and only place you could progress in once level 40. The only thing red side had for many people were the archetypes exclusive to it until GR, and possibly the once exclusive costume options.
  24. I've been messing around on a personal server as it has pretty accessible tools to pick and choose whatever combinations of abilities you want without any limitations. I've always been interested in what a free form, open ended system would look like, and now we actually have the tools to actually play and test most of our pie in the sky ideas. Only limitation is what's in the game, but it happens to include all the wild NPC exclusive abilities as well. I always wanted to be a MasterMind with a melee secondary over a supportive set, and now I have it, and it's great.
  25. I got really burnt out on the game a little after Going Rogue and had absolutely no clue they added this feature or that there was a different type of sewer run, I somewhat tried to keep an eye on stuff they added while I was away until shutdown. That's both wild and exciting, I would love to know if this system is working as well.
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