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  1. In addition to the helpful info above, Fiery Aura is a Resistance set and is therefore limited by the lower resistance caps of Scrappers.
  2. This is how I remembered the game up on coming back. I never had a 50 on live because I didn't have time to play. I had a few around 32ish range but that was all.
  3. With XP boosters and the ability to sidekick, you can still get to lvl 50 (even twice) without knowing much about the game. I understand the complaint that people ruin endgame activity by showing up without even knowing the basics of the game...bit that's a cultural shift in some of the player base more than anything. People will always find a way to get to the endgame contact without playing much, and likewise, even some people who have played for long and often don't fully understand or appreciate the game dynamics. Just gotta play how you play and try to find good teammates/friends to call on.
  4. Some powers (like Rain of Fire) sorta take priority over others for "kill shot". So it pretty much doesn't mean anything. When using my fire blaster I seem to get credit for almost every kill even if I do almost no damage.
  5. Good call. There are animations from the teleport attacks but I wouldn't want those ported over because those should be unique to those power sets. Especially because it's the last or second to last power in those sets so it would be lame if anyone could just take combat teleport and have your cool Lightning Rod effect. Plus it would be weird if someone did a Shield Charge or Savage Leap but it didn't actually attack anything...
  6. New animations would turn Teleport pool into the new "it" pool".
  7. I was actually about to post on this topic. I'd be happy to have the animation for Jaunt as an option for Combat Teleport and Teleportation. Most of my favorite teleporters in comics tend to teleport more actively and movement looking more like Jaunt while teleporting, especially in battle. Because combat teleport is the "battle teleport" having the Jaunt animation makes more sense. Since that animation is already "created", I had hoped that it might be an easier port.... Thank you. *Edited a typo
  8. Worked perfectly with 32-bit. Thank you. Also, I have no end redux slotted in SS and I'm not getting momentum to trigger either.
  9. Dope. Thank you very much! Is Beta extremely laggy for everyone or is it just me and my subpar computer? I have no issue playing the normal live version, but Beta lags to the point where it's almost unplayable and rubberbanding.
  10. Ah, gotcha. Thanks. DId you get the numbers from Beta testing? Would you happen to have the number for stealth's defense in combat?
  11. Just wanted to say a huge thanks for this update. I'm glad the travel powers got a good looks. It all sounds great to me being one of those fools who takes a travel power (or two) on every single toon. I started playing in 04 and remember how much of a rite of passage level 14 used to be for getting access to travel powers. This should do a lot to re-establish them as a key upgrade for characters. Also, does anyone know what the defense bonus of stealth in combat now and after the update?
  12. This is a funny take but if you go by the level of his other senses from the Netflix version, he would definitely know where the light is. He could hear the faint electric whizzing from bulbs and tell how powerful they are. The slight change in temperature from the light would also be noticable to him. And from all his training he'd know what level of light corresponds to what other humans would need to see. So, considering the level of ability that they gave him and his training with Stick, I think it made sense.
  13. the real problem is that you can't run combat jumping with ninja run. If you could use combat jump, sprint, ninja run, and shinobi all together, you'd have a really good time.
  14. Great job Devs. Thanks for what you do.
  15. Exactly. That was my point as well.
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