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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. You're going to have to wait for one of the spiritual successors. IIRC, they all will follow the Champions Online model.
  2. Well, dang. There goes the neighborhood. It was such a nice shard too... Just joking. Welcome aboard, Philotic Knight.
  3. The only permanently missable badges outside of Praetoria are the ones from Mayhem missions (red side), and Safeguard missions (blue side). That's why I go Vigilante at level 5 by talking with Null the Gull in Pocket D, and then do both a Mayhem mission and a Safeguard mission at levels 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, and 50.
  4. IVPN.
  5. OVH's Canadian datacenter is near Montreal.
  6. I'm using ESET NOD32 Anti-Virus 12, and I downloaded and installed Tequila and City of Heroes just fine. ESET NOD32 has even run a couple of thorough anti-virus scans since then. Nothing.
  7. It's back up now.
  8. Probably depends on the VPN. Mine has been fine, except for when the map server goes down for everyone.
  9. I sincerely hope they do make it a nice place to stay. That would be great. My point is, as it stands right now, there's a bunch of players in different silos, with a lot of questions and information being repeated, and it's only to get worse as more servers come online. There should be areas available for people from different servers to pool together their resources, and Discord is not suitable for a lot of it.
  10. A lot of that already exists on Titan Network: https://www.cohtitan.com/forum/ Quite possibly true, I don't spend a lot of time over at Titan (never really did), but then why have separate forums in the first place? It seems to me that the Homecoming folks are doing things in such a manner as to create their own identity/space. As such, it seems that they might want to make it as complete as possible. Why should the players be sent off to 2 or 3 different forums to get the information they need to play Homecoming content? Discord is, as has been said, good for smaller groups of people. However, it's very difficult to keep track of important info or questions with larger groups. Questions and information get lost, and because they get lost they are left unanswered or ignored. Well organized forums have a sense of stability, and can help take the load off of Discord. Agreed about well organized forums having a sense of stability and take a load off of Discord. As to why have different forums? Because, like it or not, there are multiple groups running CoH game servers already, not just Homecoming. There will be even more CoH game servers in the future. In the end, they're all City of Heroes. Instead of looking at one particular server's forum, there can be central forums that people can use to share information across servers.
  11. Discord is a closed and modern version of IRC of old. It works well for small groups, but for thousands or tens of thousands of people it becomes incredibly unwieldy, IMO. As for server, archetype, offtopic, and multimedia forums, you can find all of that at the unofficial City of Forums.
  12. Issue 25 patch notes are here.
  13. The artist man formerly known as @Celestial Lord reporting for duty.
  14. They really need to use one of the SMF anti-spam plugins, like this one. I've been using it on a SMF forum for years and it's been very effective.
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