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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. Yeah, the Homecoming Discord advertising Mids' Reborn 2.54 and the Homecoming forums advertising the Homecoming Hero Designer 2.23 is a little awkward.
  2. My thugs are really just super friendly and like to group hug everyone around Miss Liberty.
  3. Yeah, Shadow Cysts and Void Hunters were mostly removed around... I want to say... Issue 14 or 15 because people were refusing to team with Kheldians over it.
  4. Yeah. I can't find it anywhere, but something in my head tells me that bosses have about a 20% greater chance to drop a purple recipe than lieutenants.
  5. 1,200 reward merits isn't hard. It takes me about three weeks to take a character from level 1 to 50. That's with turning XP off every five levels. In that time, I accrue about 1,300 reward merits from story arcs and TFs. Two ATO sets, boom, done. Then I buy everything else I need with INF. That's how I did my first character. Now that I have two level 50 characters, I run TFs daily (averaging about 120 reward merits a day), and farm on my Brute. Before I start leveling my third character, I have a build in mind and buy attuned IOs on the auction house and use reward merits from the various TFs to buy ATOs, winter sets, and purples, then store them in the SG base.
  6. The raised zone cap in The Hive have turned the Hamidon raids into a messy slideshow on even the most powerful of gaming computers. It also removes nearly all strategy from Hamidon raids as people can (and do) now just zerg the Hamidon once the Hamidon and yellow mito taunt teams are in place. I respect that some people like that. So, here's my suggestion. Lower the zone cap in The Abyss back down to 50, so that people can actually see what they're doing and give back some strategy to Hamidon raids. If you want a fast slideshow Hamidon raid, go to The Hive. If you want a semi-old school Hamidon raid where you can actually see what you're doing and what you're attacking, go to The Abyss. Give people choices.
  7. Right click the enhancement, then while hovering your mouse over the enhancement press the + key on your keyboard five times. The settings not sticking is a known bug.
  8. There's no setting, just luck. I went my entire first two months without getting a purple drop outside of the Market Crash Trial. Over the past week, I've gotten about a dozen. When it rains, it pours.
  9. Redside is my jam. Redside has the better stories, the better SFs/TFs, the better zones, and at one time the better ATs. The one and only issue I have with redside is the accolades. I loathe PvP with the passion of a thousand suns. I absolutely refuse to enter a PvP zone for any reason. Yet, two of the stat boosting redside accolades require badges from PvP zones. Before Going Rogue, I would just go without those two accolades. Now, I can go Vigilante and grab the blueside equivalents at least. Still, that's a rather striking mark against redside IMO.
  10. I have and really like the Logitech G Pro wired mouse.
  11. Launch Tequila, and go to Titan Icon instead of Homecoming.
  12. Eh. Considering that you can now have Super Speed and a Stealth IO by level 14, making it from the Vanguard base to Point du Hoc isn't a big deal. I agree though about the lowbies. I think the removal of the level 35 prerequisite (somewhere around Issue 16 I want to say), to get into the RWZ was a mistake, but c'est la vie. But I don't think having the raid start in Point du Hoc in comparison to the rooftop next to Pylon 17 makes any difference there.
  13. Millions eat at McDonald's every day. That doesn't make it good.
  14. I experienced this as a curse that killed my interest in endgame raiding. You're always on the clock in WoW. Raid leaders, and probably everyone else, always knew how much damage or healing you were putting out and how much threat you had generated. The opposite of fun. It also means everybody knows immediately who stepped on the wrong square and the other sorts of catherding that sends players into realtime voice chat just to play the game. - pretty much sums up my experience. I might be tempted to go back and dust off that version of Heraclea. But only if this kind of data gets hidden. Yeah. I was convinced to try out another medieval fantasy MMOG after CoH died even though I strongly dislike the medieval fantasy genre, and it too encouraged mods that offered DPS and heal checks and such. Then I PUGed a dungeon at level 20ish. One of my teammates was around level 60. After we finished, he lorded over his DPS in comparison to mine. Congratulations, you're 40 levels higher with much better gear. After that, I decided I would never play a MMOG that allows mods with DPS and heal checks and such as it just leads to jerkish behavior.
  15. Protector, AFAIK, always started out at PDH. It provides a nice gathering point, relatively safe from pylon fire. That and during Halloween events, provides the league with something to do (ToT) while waiting. Champion server Rikti mothership raids started at the rooftop next to Pylon 17 a year and a half or so before I began leading them. I believe that the thinking was that it was the closest Pylon to the Vanguard base, was a relatively safe meeting area from the Pylons, and was a good starting point to take the Pylons down clockwise.
  16. The only thing that you really need taunt for is Hamidon raids. Other than that, there's no real point. My main Brute is a level 50 Radiation/Radiation Brute. Irradiated Ground, Beta Decay, and regular attacks will catch the attention of most things. For a few things like the STF, I use a Melee Radial Embodiment Hybrid Incarnate. Good enough.
  17. Double XP isn't really a problem. I've leveled two characters from level 1 to 50 so far, with XP turned off every five levels. At level 4, 9, 14, 19, etc., I disabled XP so I wouldn't outlevel any of the content I wanted to do like Faultline, Striga Isle, etc. It still only took me three weeks to get both characters to level 50, each. Nope. Once you get to level 50 and obtain the Hero Slayer badge, a contact opens up that lets you do all of the Mayhem missions. Same goes for Safeguard missions. Once you get to level 50 and obtain the Villain Disruptor badge, a contact opens up that lets you do all of the Safeguard missions.
  18. Yeah. I lead Rikti mothership raids on the Champion server for years. Then when the Exalted server opened in 2011, I moved there for several months and lead Rikti mothership raids there. There was also someone else on Exalted that lead Rikti mothership raids, and as we came from different servers, we had different meeting points and different Pylon orders. I would have everyone meet on the rooftop next to Pylon 17, and start there, working clockwise. The other Rikti mothership raid leader had everyone meet at Point du Hoc and start there. It confused everyone at first, but people got the hang of it. Now, at least on Excelsior, just about every raid starts at Point du Hoc which seems somewhat foreign to me as a Champion bred Rikti mothership raid organizer. :D
  19. Post your global. I'll take care of it. ;) :D
  20. He didn't. The original post was updated to reflect the new build.
  21. can you send me a copy of any of those builds in message or submit them on the github? https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/issues I don't see any way to attach files to a PM, and I don't have a Github account, so I'll just attach one of them to this post. Note that it was made in Pine's 2.21, and opens just fine in Pine's 2.22. Apparition_-_Mastermind_Thugs.mxd
  22. Act like you're going to slot the enhancement by right-clicking it, then while hovering your mouse over the enhancement hit the + key on your keyboard five times.
  23. It depends on which archetype you play. Defender? Yeah, you're going to have a bad time soloing. If you want to solo, go Mastermind or Brute and never look back. Not that other archetypes can't solo (I soloed *two* Force Field Defenders from level 1 to 50 before sunset, which I strongly advise against), just you'll have the easiest time of it on a Mastermind or Brute. Welcome to the City!
  24. That's the decision I reached after attending a few.
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