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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. The Champion server Discord voted to move to the Excelsior server, which is why so many moved to Excelsior. The Justice server people voted to move to the Excelsior server as well.
  2. Are you looking mainly for something smashtastic? If so, I'd say SS/Shield, Elec/Shield, SS/Fire, maybe SS/Rad, Elec/Fire. Any of those sets, and squeeze in Spring Attack if you can for extra smashgasm fun. If you're just talking AoE carnage, I would second the Rad/Fire suggestion. Haven't tried the combo, but I've played Rad Melee to 50 and the AoE potential with /Fire would be pretty sweet. Pick up the Reactive Interface if you do, and you can have a lot of -def and minus -res with added Fire DoT. Now I'm thinking about Rad/Fire... Anything with AoE carnage. However, wouldn't Electric Armor or Radiation Armor be a better secondary for Rikti, since they primarily do Energy and Lethal damage, not fire?
  3. One thing I've noticed that I haven't seen in other versions of Pine's: When you start a new build, none of the inherent powers display. However, if you hover over them with your mouse, they show up.
  4. Apparition

    Rikti Smash

    Back in ye olden days before sunset, I had a SS/Electric Armor Brute that I used to repeatedly run Borea missions at +2x8 with, just to destress with for a hour or so after work. Now I'm trying to decide on another Rikti killing machine Brute. I'm thinking Fire Melee/Electric Armor? Or maybe Fire Melee/Radiation Armor? Or something else entirely? This would be fully IOed, money doesn't matter. Suggestions?
  5. This is one reason why I put a Vanguard trainer in my SG base.
  6. I would go Illusion/Force Field or Illusion/Sonic Controller. Illusions are creatures that your ring generates, while the Force Field or Sonic defenses are generated by your ring as well.
  7. Congratulations! I did my best to spread the message far and wide, although I won't be able to join myself for another two or three months.
  8. Onsite live chat is covered by the various and numerous Discord servers. I've been using City of Forums as a file repository, with the various Pine's builds and the new Vidiot maps. Dev Tracker could be a bit problematic because it's not just Homecoming. You have Rebirth, /coxg, Reddit, and whatever else is out there. To keep track of all of that and in an orderly fashion would be difficult. Not impossible, but difficult. Especially as they all use different formats to release information. Reddit, Discord, forums, etc. Ouro and Scots have server based mods covered, if that's what you mean by "mods." Planners, well, again, City of Forums has a build workshop where people can post builds and get help. Right now, Pine's works, but .NET 3.x is a bit outdated and with .NET 5.0 out soon, it could probably stand a rewrite, especially with the source code lost. Should a new downloadable builder or planner come out, I'd be happy to host it on City of Forums, as again I've been using it as a players' file repository.
  9. The search box on the forum is completely broken as far as I can tell. It never finds anything for me.
  10. Yeah, Fandom is terrible. It's only slightly usable if you use a couple of track-blocking extensions, but even then...
  11. There's a Hamidon raid forming now if anyone's interested.
  12. It will work for every zone but Faultline.
  13. I'd rather sli...I mean find a way to get all my apps working on Win10 that patch to 8.1. ;) Why? Windows 8.1 is better than Windows 7. All you need is a Start menu replacement like Start8. I've been using Windows 8.1 Pro just fine for years.
  14. Windows 7 does, but Windows 8.1 doesn't lose support until 2023.
  15. It is far, far, from official, but since there is no central Pine's repository and because the original Mega upload was a pain in the butt to obtain using Mozilla Firefox, I've been uploading new versions of Pine's on City of Forums as I am made aware of them.
  16. So long as it stays in a forum/thread that you can easily identify and ignore, then why not? Speaking as a forums administrator for four different forums over the past twelve years, because if you allow political and/or religious discussion at all in any part of the forum, it will eventually, at some point, consume the rest of the forum. Especially with the atmosphere over the past few years. Trust me.
  17. You're welcome!
  18. Dark is the default for mobile usage to save battery, but if you scroll all the way down to the bottom, at the bottom left is the name of the theme, "Default Dark." Click it. Then you should see, "Default Style," and "Default Dark." Click "Default Style." It's much brighter. We have a light and dark theme, just the dark is by default.
  19. They are very much concentrated on Discord as the main mode of communication. Forums are the red-headed stepchild right now. :P That's one of the main reasons why I created City of Forums. That, and it's on a much more modern and solid base than SMF. I realize that some people would rather not go elsewhere, but it's clear that if you prefer forums over Discord, something had to be done.
  20. Seven. Prestige Power Slide, Super Speed, Disruption Field, Sonic Dispersion, Scorpion Shield, Tough, and Weave. Then there's the endurance crash from Hasten.
  21. Cardiac, because my Thugs/Sonic Resonance Mastermind eats endurance like candy. Plus the better resistance buffs are handy.
  22. There was a Hamidon raid last Friday night about 9:30 P.M. ET/6:30 P.M. PT, organized by The Phoenix Force SG. May want to try to get a hold of them.
  23. No problemo. Just FYI, you can start and do any TF if you're over-leveled for it. You just need to meet the minimum level for that particular TF. You can start a Positron TF at level 50 if you want.
  24. Before City of Heroes went free-to-play, I would have agreed with you. The problem now is that everyone and their mother can create an account, potentially fill it up with 1,000 characters, take a lot of valuable names, and then disappear. I've already come across four different triple-boxers. People running three accounts simultaneously. That's the potential for three thousand names. Given enough time, it's going to get to the point where the only available character names are B0b12x34.
  25. In "Options," under the "General" tab, scroll all the way towards the bottom. The second to the last option is something like "Disable XP."
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