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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Because my game play area is a shared space in our house where my spouse watches TV and we have periodic pause and talk time, I have always played with the sound muted on my PC, not in game . . . unless I am alone or hunting a missing glowie.  Conversely I get to enjoy not hearing howling pets . . . or Howling Twilight . . . but the Howling wasn't a bad movie.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Techwright said:

    Not trying to change your mind or combat you on it.  Just putting it out there why there will always be at least two different factions of viewpoints on what Trek should be about.  I say "at least" because other challenges have arisen over the years.

    I hear you mate.  The nice thing about the utopia of Roddenberry is that you can respect what others have to say.

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  3. I just need to get this off my chest because . . . just ugh.


    The existence of Section 31 is the antithesis of what Star Trek was supposed to be about and it sickens me that it is embraced like it is and that it is going the get a movie.


    Thank you.

  4. Hit and miss for me.  Jet Packs and Jump Packs, and any summons (War Wolf, Loa Bone) I keep and actually drag out onto an ancillary tray.  A few temps work well from a thematic standpoint that I feel character invested when they use them on a lark; grenades on my traps people or my gunfighters.  At low levels when doing Flashbacks they are helpers, especially stuns (Confiscated Beanbag is awesome really).  Some you can get over again when you use them up via Ouroboros, Striga really is great for two good temps (Wedding Band and Whistle).  Temps form Safeguard/Mayhem are on my like list.


    But others, I actually delete them.  Almost never even think about them and the clutter bothers me.

  5. Just like my man at First Command says; you gotta diversify your investments.


    Some gold bars from a defeated enemy in the Iran/Iraq AOR, a little property that might have been signed over under duress, perhaps some "missing" pieces of art from a random war to spice things up, you know, no big deal right?


    Seriously, I sell almost everything on the market at the 5 INF mark unless I know I can get bigger cash for it by converting or or its something I use a lot of.  Then I craft and wait to slot, or convert to Attuned, saves me buckets with regards to things like Miracle, Numina, LotG.  That way I spend my money on the things that I don't get often that I do need (I am glaring angrily at you Shield Wall)

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  6. A Tale from Outbreak


    The Doctors soft smile and warm tone disappeared.  “Don’t you please me.  When the Fury Virus struck back in 02, and that whole section of the city was quarantined, I was in there doing everything I could both as a medical doctor and with the powers that I was given to save them, to cure them.  And I couldn’t, none of us could.  And once they completely turned and got to that out-of-control state we couldn’t do anything, but we still tried, and many of us died in there trying until the military was called in, normal people like you and their solution was to open fire to stop them from breaking out and when that failed, they freaking napalmed the place.  And all we could do was soothe their pain until they died.” 

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  7. 23 minutes ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    Hmmm I would be game for an all Empathy ITF.  But would 5-star be a 4-star run with foes buffed on top of the usual 4-star buffs?  Not sure what you mean by "5h1t" show though.  I would love to find out how fast Rommy gets crushed.

    Yeah that was a typo, 4 star was what I meant and s h i t show, like crazy possible disaster possible insane-o fun or both or none and just pain and strife. 

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  8. The Girls of Nukem High run SG specific "Class Trips" which are generally us doing SG only TF or SF.  We do have a special event where we all jump on Illusion Controllers we have created (that all look alike for a sort of Village of the Dammed Look), then go to Way north PI and kill lots of GMs then drag back as many as we can to give people hanging out in PI a chance to form leagues to fight them (we warn and don't pull them to Portal Corps, we aren't J-For after all 🙂 )


    But I have seen some power-set themed calls in LFG on Excelsior, I seem to remember a All Kin call.  I have seen several all Mastermind ITF calls and the like.  I would hazard to guess its a hard sell on short notice but with advertising I imagine you could even put together an all Empathy 5 star ITF . . . it would be a 5h1t show though.

  9. Procs.  Please don't say this is all about getting a handle on Proc "abuse" or whatever.  I don't have a single proc in Suppressive Fire because I have other play styles and the fact is, the suppression of suppressive fire is how I have used it on most of my DP toons minus the Sentinel because . . .  Sentinel.  But how can anyone say that the proc action is changing.  You can still slot all that in there because it still does a hold (now super ineffective and pointless) and does more damage.  and now, it freaking has a super fast recharge so all I see is more proc.


    Again, not always about damage.  I can count on like five fingers the number of times that my non-proc, non-Uber Set IO level 35 DP/Ninja Blaster has been face planted.

    • Like 1
  10. Ammo swapping, as others have said, is a novelty at best.  I use fire with the DoT on enemies that like that have interruptible summons (Raider Engineer, Rikti Communications Officer) and Toxic sometimes but essentially it stays on Chiller rounds because of the visible block of ice animation that helps let everyone on a team know the state of the foe.  The fact that they tweaked the Mags to a variable state on the ammo swap makes the changes to Suppressive fire more problematic.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Awesome job noting these results! However, it is a bit messy to parse through given each test had a different build, and was against different targets (let alone different ammos). 


    From the changes, it looks like each ammo has a slightly different stun or hold duration, and for Normal Ammo specifically it applies a Stun not a Hold, which could skew results when comparing say, Di Di Guns to Two Gun Trixie where one had lethal + stun and the other cold + hold.


    Do you think you would be able to try one ammo per character, and attack the same specific enemy between Live and Beta to get a 1:1 comparison?

    I used cold on all of them, just didn't note.  sorry.  I wanted the visual queues of the hold sticking.  Because of the varying levels attacking the same mobs with different toons wasn't going to work.  But for each level the live and test attacked the same mobs.  I intend to do another long pass either tonight or tomorrow but I wanted to test something with the various levels vice all 50.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Booper said:

    For clarity, can you tell us how you slotted Suppressive Fire for your testing?

    Okay here we go.  Walk of Test inbound!


    Suppressive Fire is a mitigation tool, it is supposed to give a shooter a little breathing room, a little safety especially true for Blasters and Defenders and Corruptors, not so much for Sentinels (lazy tank wanna-be Blasters 🙂 ) .  So the following were tested on both live and on Brainstorm (character transfer not new creation).  All characters were tested against White conn Enemies of several types appropriate to their level.


    Di Di Guns (Dual Pistols/Martial Combat) Blaster - Level 50 +3
    Suppressive Fire slotted with a single Lockdown (Accuracy/Hold) (Attuned) - This character built as a Blapper using Suppressive Fire for exactly that reason, limited suppression, wasn't looking to do damage and wasn't looking to be a full controller.


    - Enemies Fought - (PI Portal Corp Area) - Circle (Behemoth Overlord Lieutenants, Death Mage Bosses), Possessed Scientists (various Minion), Nemesis (Minions and Lieutenant), Carnie (Minion and Lieutenant).


    On Excelsior
    4.16 Lethal + 4.16 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive 9.54 seconds


    Almost never failed to hold. except on Strongmen.  Recharge low enough through SET IO bonus that I can perma-hold minions and almost perma hold LT.  This allows me to either work the bosses (Death Mages and Warhulks mostly).


    On Brainstorm

    68.23 Lethal + 68.23 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive 2.38 seconds


    That is an unbelievable reduction in hold duration, not minor, not balancing based on the significant reduction in recharge.  That is like 200% reduction and that is with a 26.5% boost from the Set IO which means that just using basic non-exact math that unslotted for hold boost the hold time would be 1.75 seconds.  Also, no longer even holds Behemoth Overlord Lieutenants or Nemesis Lieutenants.  Still holds Minions (hooray, I suppose).  Oh and even with Recharge reduction through Set IO, still not recharging before the hold expires (because you cant get recharge down to 1 second.  So at its base, it no longer functions as a suppression tool, its what, a toggle popper now?  Granted, this character at her level and her slotting and Set and Incarnates is not threatened by this but what about the one player and his character coming up who sees suppressive fire and looks to take it to survive until magical incarnate time.  Wow this sucks, I guess I should respec and take . . . Toxic Dart?  In this scenario it has been rendered combat ineffective.


    Two Gun Trixie - (Dual Pistol/Ninja Training) Blaster - Level 31
    Suppressive Fire slotted with two Basilisk Gaze (Attuned) (Accuracy/Hold and Recharge/Hold) - Designed also as a Blapper but looking to leverage synergy with Choking Powder


    - Enemies Fought (Brickstown) - Freakshow (Minions and Lieutenants and Bosses), Crey (Minions), Prisoners (Minions) and Council/Column (Minions and Lieutenants)


    On Excelsior
    2.47 Lethal + 2.47 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive 12.2 seconds


    Again (using cold rounds so I can see the hold) I lock almost every target I shoot (except streak breaker misses) . . . ALL of them.  Twelve seconds of the lieutenant being out of the fight while I work the Freak Tank.  Also, as a thing to note, because I have some Recharge bonuses going I was ale to get in a second Suppression shot in on said boss tank giving me a small "he's on ice" moment especially when mixed together with Choking Powder (as intended) because POWER SYNERGY!


    Off to Test.

    40.44 Lethal + 40.44 Lethal
    Hold From Suppressive 7.58 seconds


    What?  Where did that 200% reduction go that I saw on Di DI?  If that was there then we would be seeing something like 2 point something plus 43.6% from the two Hold enhancements making it like 3 point something (I am not super math person).  Lieutenants on ice . . . no . . . bosses catching a double stack . . . no.  None of that happened.  Now Choking Powder is not the synergistic layer its the enforcer, meaning now its needed to help Suppressive do the job its suppose to do vice augment and improve it.  Now again I have been playing Blasters a very long time so I know how to get out of that kind of scenario and survive with the bad guys on the floor instead of me but I once more reiterate that I no longer have a viable form of suppression in a power that is literally supposed to be just that.  In this scenario it has been rendered significantly combat degraded.


    Boom Boom Britta (Dual Pistol/Kinetics) - Corruptor -  Level 40 (Level 41 awaiting training due to not having run V-Side Patron Arc)
    Suppressive Fire Slotted with four (4) Basilisk Gaze (Attuned) (Accuracy/Hold, Accuracy/Recharge, Recharge/Hold and Endurance/Recharge/Hold) - Designed to be more Team-centric due to Kinetics I felt the bigger investment in lockdown (the skill not the Set 🙂 ) was important.


    - Note - Tested using zero Kinetics powers (i.e. Siphon Power) in order to get a clear feel of the deal
    - Enemies Fought (Peregrine Island by the Ferry) - Nemesis, Rikti, Carnie (Lieutenants and minions and a Boss or two becuase Nemesis plot)


    On Excelsior
    3.88 Lethal + 1.94 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive 14.2 seconds


    Like the others, the same results.  Suppression, security and dependable.


    On Brainstorm
    63.61 Lethal + 31.80 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive Fire 9.01


    Again what?  Now we are seeing only a what, 35% reduction, my math has to be off here right?  These aren't MIDS numbers or me trying to extrapolate these are what eh the game is saying from the power info.  Does the diminishment of hold duration occur before or after Set buffs are applied?  I don't know what the ED cap on Hold duration is, but the Hold duration from the sets breaks out to 61%.  Now here, I still have combat viability.  The duration of the hold is still long enough to snap off one or two shots on the target.  But, like all of the above, I can no longer consistently lock Lieutenants (or rather never), so the power is rendered combat diminished.  Slots will be removed and placed elsewhere.


    Trinity Six (Dual Pistols/Energy Aura) - Sentinel - Level 38

    Suppressive Fire slotted with Four Devastation (Attuned) Accuracy/Damage, Damage/Endurance, Damage/Recharge and Accuracy/Damage Recharge and a single Basilisk Gaze (Accuracy Hold) - This was supposed to be a tanky semi blappery shooter.  The buff to damage that Sentinels got on the last pass made them fun to play so there you go.


    - Enemies Fought (Founders Falls - SW close to Eden Gate) - Devouring Earth, Rikti - Minions and Lieutenants and one Boss


    On Excelsior
    83.18 Lethal + 83.18 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive Fire 4.27 seconds


    Sentinels were already low on the hold and high on the damage with this power which is why the Devastation was slotted.  Is this what they want the Blasters to be?  I get a good near 5 second hold, snap off another shot from something else.  And of course I can lock Lieutenants.  I have Armor I am not as needing the suppression of Suppressive fire ergo he damage.


    On Brainstorm
    83.18 Lethal + 83.18 Lethal
    Hold from Suppressive Fire 6.67 Seconds


    Wait!  What?  So no damage buff but an increase in hold duration.  In fact three times as long as the Blaster on Test with single hold Set IO add.  On a character with armor and mez protection.  Because I need that additional suppression for survivability on a semi-tank.  What?  Oh well at least it no longer locks Lieutenants either so I got that going for me.


    And so we get to the rat killing.  Why?
    If the goal was to make the suppression low for toggle breaking sake then why not apply it equally and still the question is why?
    If the goal was to make it more damaging . . . the damage is still less than Pistols which would be fine if the hold duration and mag hadn't been gutted as bad as they were.
    If the goal was to make shine when slotted, you failed because the slotting doesn't let it shine.  You cannot get the hold duration back to a usable level.


    Now if the goal was to take away a unique power feature and replace it with just another fancy animation damage power.  Mission accomplished.  I might keep it because it fires faster than piercing rounds.


    The issue here, and it seems like its also the case over in Assault Rifle land as well is that because its S/L and supposedly doesn't put out enough DPS for the "I want more damage" crowd that there needed to be changes to powers that do not deliver damage but do something else unique.  I don't have an AR toon, tried it and dumped it because of Flamethrower and Ignite, they were immersion breaking for me and a PITA.  Adding Aim makes total sense because its a long arm and shooters aim.  I mean If you dumped say ignite and put Beanbag there, which is amore likely scenario for a load in an underslung grenade launcher along with the M30 that would keep some uniqueness.  Of course I would also shit can flamethrower because it makes zero sense on an AR, even a ludicrous AR like the M63 Frankengun.  But hey, I don't have an AR so my opinion on that doesn't carry any weight.


    But I have a pile of DP toons (two weren't even tested because one doesn't have Suppressive and one is a shit Defender - my build not the mechanics) and like so many other things it is the fact that it isn't straight up damage that make them fun.  The oft-touted S/L underpower complaint is offset by secondary's and things like mitigation, suppression and the like.


    You really wanna add damage, fine, add a little.  Let the power remain centered on the lockdown.  Killing the ability to lock Lieutenants is a key failure.  At low to mid levels solo you need to have that time with a locked LT to either clear minions or whittle down a boss.  but even with mag not touched you aren't doing that with a 2 second lock or even a 4 second lock.  You adjusted recharge so that it could be a viable addition to the damage fire chain.  If you have such a hard on to add another damage power to the chain then instead of 20 seconds to 8 seconds and gutting the hold duration and mag, leave the mag alone notch the hold duration down a little and only notch the recharge down to a point where I cannot permanently keep a guy held unless I have paid the price with slotting and Sets.


    Personally I wouldn't even change it.  I have enough powers in my attack chain on any of my characters to where I have a clean cycle; Pistols, Dual Wield, Empty Clips, Bullet Rain and Executioners Shot, repeat with no waiting and that isn't even counting Hail of Bullets.  I don't need another damage power, especially one that deals less damage than the lowest damage power I currently have.  Because here's how I roll solo as a straight shooter, no Blaptastic attacking; Suppressive Fire on LT, Standard Chain (P-DW-EC-BR) on the minions, they are gone, refresh Suppressive on LT, start working the boss, Standard Chain Once, Suppressive on LT, Standard Chain Twice on boss, he dead, Finish the LT.  That's how I shoot em straight regardless of the toon.


    Please look a little harder at this, its not always about damage, even on a Blaster.

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  13. Okay got the two DP Blasters, one DP Corr and 1 DP Sent over.  30 minutes of back and forth fighting same mobs on Excelsior and Brainstorm and I am super not liking the overall changes to Suppressive Fire.  I need to put the numbers together and compose my thoughts into something truly practical because I am kind of angry now as to why this was even done and how it has fundamentally rendered the power combat ineffective for what it is supposed to be😠.  You will need to rename it to something more appropriate, like say "Plinking"💩.  Seriously I need to sleep on this.


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