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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. 22 hours ago, loyalreader said:

    I feel like AR was always 'worth playing' although certainly not the strongest blast set. The latest changes have made it a much more enjoyable experience for me. 


    Moves much quicker and (feels like) it does more damage. 

    I have always wanted to have an AR character but it just never works out.  I never cared much about the damage dealing issue, one can make just about anything work in the game, after all I have three DP Blasters and enjoy them all.  I just had a problem with certain powers and the immersion breaking aspect of them.  And when you customize the weapon the immersion break becomes even more pronounced.  To me I could pretend that when I was using Sniper Rifle that was when I was actually stopping, aiming and firing as opposed to standard AR use (suppressive fire, spray and pray).  I could say that the M30 Grenade and to a lesser extent the Buckshot were fired from a shotgun type barrel underslung which also explained to lower damage grenade (perhaps only 25mm vice 40mm).


    But Incinerate and effing Flamethrower just broke everything for me and they only work on that ludicrous, inane M63 Frankengun because of the super soaker can on it.  Change it to a thermobaric grenade; whump--boom--burn patch then I can work with ignite but flamethrower . . . le sigh.  Two powers shouldn't spoil the whole set and for most people probably doesn't, but for me, in this case, it wasn't the "anemic damage" it was the two burny powers.


    This is of course why I stayed out of the AR change fight for the most part because my reasons are not ground in data or results they were my opinion skewed by my quirks.


    Then again if I was the person who made those decisions, a lot of people would be angry with them because yeah, I have a lot of quirks. 🙂

  2. The very First Munitions Mistress (Gunfire Gal was taken) I rolled back on Live was AR/Dev.  I so wanted to like it.  But I hate the M63 Frankengun and back then no customization and I hated Flamethrower and Ignite (immersion breaking and that is considering superheroes with firearms) and I couldn't understand why a rifle had no aim.  But that cone (or lack thereof) on Full Auto was wretched.  Its not what made me delete the character (damage type, animation time and the aforementioned ignite and flamethrower were why).


    So now I goofed around on test and I might . . . might roll one.


    Oh wait, it still has ignite and Flamethrower.


    Moving on.

  3. Sometimes the removal of a function doesn't make sense.  A bit back the Devs took out the Accurate ToHit DeBuff component of Throw Sand in Martial Combat (Blasters) but left the stun.  Stupid really since sand in the eyes would reduce your ability to see, not stun you.  Anyway I had the Cloud Senses Chance for negative energy slotted there.  When I went to test and respec'd the character I could no longer slot it in, so I decided not to respec because the PROC is still firing even though its not supposed to be there.  It was also in the patch notes but that doesn't change the fact that it sucked.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    Stalagmite does -20% accuracy and gives absorb?   And a standalone mag 3 stun with nothing in the set to stack with…that allows you to stun one minion.   For 6 seconds.   *swoon

    Six seconds is long enough to snap off two maybe three shots and that damage is nothing to sneeze at; you aren't just being Snarky you are a Pessimistic Pete which is worse than a Narcissistic Nosferatu.  I'm just saying from my play of seismic shooter Krystala, Stalagmites is a solid power that I fire frequently and to great effect.  She was my fastest to fifty using normal, actual play means and fun.  Super fun.  Rumble Blast.  UP THRUUUUUUST! Stabby Stones!


    The only problem is Meteor becuase that goes like this:


    Click Meteor

    Someone else alphas the mob fast - All dead

    Moving to next mob

    Meteor strike hits the corpses.

  5. 14 minutes ago, catsi563 said:

    Grounds where you want to be anyways its one of the few blaster sets where being on the ground actually benefits you.

    Exactly.  I like the theme and I like the devs sticking to their guns of needed to be connected to the ground (aka earth) for that power to flourish.  Thematic design matters, like it does with Dual Pistols and this upcomming Storm Blast doodle.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Uun said:

    I save Stalagmites for when it's enhanced (orange ring). The enhanced version hits hard. City of Data has the numbers. 


    Rock Shards and Upthrust take a ton of procs. I have each slotted with acc/dmg, acc/dmg/end, and 4 procs (my Seismic is a defender).

    They do proc sexily!  More secksi.

    • Like 1
  7. Wanna watch the world burn?  Create a Knockdown/Up to Knockback IO . . . and more procs that ADD knockback chance.  Oh the pain would be glorious.


    Oh and you really want to spice things up?  Put a knockback chance in like the Set IO that gets used in so many auto fire powers and is muled in mass doses elsewhere; Luck of the Gambler.  Change the Global Recharge to still have the Rech bonus but also a chance for a knockback proc.  You have to accept the bad with the good.  God it would be fantastic!


    Oh and I actually like KB on toons where it is the mechanic (Energy Blaster for example).  Do not fear mechanism, make it work for you.

  8. I rock stalagmites (see what I did with word play).


    When I have pressure built it hammers them to hell and stuns, normally it only takes three lesser attacks to get the pressure up and bam!  It recharges fast enoug for me that I can fire it multiple times in a group fight.  It is absolutely NOT skippable and rates the slotting.


    Mmmmmm. . . stabby rocks of disorientation.


    Krystala rocks!

    • Like 1
  9. Please note, I am not saying they are bad people for demanding it, its their TF they can run it how they see fit and I can opt not to join; FREEDOM (Freedom not available in all locations; void where prohibited).  Granted I have it on one or two but I Incarnate based on what I want.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  10. 1 hour ago, ZemX said:

    I wanted to say Hardmode content too but honestly you don't see a whole ton of hardmode teams advertising.

    Well on Excelsior whenever Hard Mode ITF is even whispered in LFG it has MUST HAVE T4 BARRIER in bold with stars and exclamation points and middle fingers!

    • Haha 5
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  11. Totally agree with this concept.  Spice up existing characters. @OmegaOne's reference to thematic holes is another.  Hell they don't have to even be APPs they could be regular ole power pools.  There was old talk back in the day about gadgets (Tech) and I (and others) have posited grenades in various fashions.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. Patrick Nagel I want all of my characters to look like they were drawn by him.  So Eighties.  Or Dakota North, the covers not the interior.  God I still remember the paper doll cutout issue.  80's = Aweseome

    Revisiting Dakota North - The Comics Journal

    • Like 1
  13. Space: 1999 Was my jam when I was a kid, Season 2 not as good as Season 1 (plus S1 had awesome theme) though Maya was a little bit money.  I actually have a com-lock and stun gun I ordered form their official site.  The show actually caused you to use your brain a little.  Granted I also loved the original BSG so, brain counter.  Thunderbirds is still fun to watch and UFO isn't so bad.


    I even threw a Breakaway party when I was stationed in San Diego in September of 1999, invited a lot of friends, most of them never heard of the show and mocked the pilot episode but we got drunk as get all so mission accomplished Alpha Moonbase.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 23 hours ago, Hedgefund2 said:

    For Dr. Q you tend to be dealing with blues as you're 45 to their 43ish, it gets worse after that when you're 50 hunting, at worst greys and at best, more blues.  Those hunts a time sink with zero risk/zero rewards.  Well, maybe not 0 risk, I've seen people die to ambushes.  The Storm Palace is the only zone that's a threat to a 50 and there's no hunt there, Faathim just has a series of open world clicks.

    Watch out for snakes!

  15. And all SG Girls of Nukem High Squad did it in about 1 hour 40 minutes, but we all had the value added tools.  TT, MT, ATT and a fairly balanced team to deliver pain unto the Rularuu.  But the fact that not one but two of the four Shard TFs can be done solo (albeit slowly) without even having to be challenged by an AV or EB is kind of . . . silly.


    I think that in addition to reducing the overall length (mission-wise) of all of these they could use it as a chance to explain or expand the lore of the shard.  Doctor Q is supposed to be the start, getting used to the zone, I get that but really, do we need another Numina hunt series.  That is part of the annoyance I have with the Shard TFs is all of the padding hunts.  Instead give us a taste of the lesser aspects of Rularuu like Alorre the Watcher or Kuularth the Scavenger, or show us the Factory Cubes.  First TF, get to know Rularuu, a couple of minor aspects fought, Rularuu feels threatened in his prison.  Sara Moore, clean up and shorten some with your Ruladak battle at the end still there (its actually a cohesive story).  Augustine, add a few more of the aspects, shorten.  Same treatment with Faathim as Sara Moore.


    Now this is key, at least in my mind, it needs to remain as a thing that occurs/occurred before the Who Will Die SSA because of how that one rolls (no spolier).  That way the door is still open with regards to any possible movement relating to The Battalion as the Shard and Rularuu are factors (according to AMA Lore at least).  But even if you dont go there, its a nice capstone really.

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