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  1. It depends on what I’m doing. I can usually get a team together pretty quick as long as I’m not on Victory or Reunion. Even the if I’m running a task force of the week or level 54x8 I can usually get a team.
  2. I agree. Every single toon I have visits Null usually by level 4 or 5. I started this after a Citadel TF where a kinetics person kept throwing speed burst making nearly impossible to get through the caves. Speed boosts recovery and regeneration come in handy, so Null it is.
  3. unlike most of my friends who play the game, you actually read the lore. There is one person I play with who never reads anything other than the mission objectives. He’s the first to comment that the mission is stupid. I say just kill the baddies and move on. my problem with the game isn’t the incarnate system but the general power dynamics of higher level mobs. I have a fire/willpower super enhancement set decked out incarnate tank. I discovered one day that Eochai couldn’t kill it. One on one I couldn’t kill Eochai either. After some experimenting, I discovered most giant monsters couldn’t. Jurassik could but he was the only one. But if I go to PI and I could get killed one on one by many of the devouring earth monsters. Even some AVs can kill me. It doesn’t make sense, so I try and ignore it unless I can use it to my advantage. Around Halloween a couple years ago, a group of 5 of us, were taking on Jack in Talos. We weren’t getting very far, so I put my tank on auto taunt, loaded my second account and got my radiation debuffer. It worked. It may be illogical that it works that way, but it does so I just file it away until needed.
  4. My iPad was acting stupid, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
  5. If a toon gets to 50, I’m never done with it. It depends on who I’m playing with. I have good tanks, scrappers, brutes, blasters, sentinels, a good peacebringer and a good spider. I’m not a good healer type player, but I do have one good healer, as long as I don’t get too offensive minded. I’m currently working on a mastermind but it has the same problem as my defender, me getting offensive minded. If I’m going off on my own, I usually use my spine/radiation tank or a sentinel. But I can adapt to whatever the people I’m playing with need. If a toon of mine gets high enough, it never gets dropped. I have a bunch of toons below 20 that will never be dusted off. Then everyone is 50 or about there.
  6. If a toon gets to 50, I’m never done with it. It depends on who I’m playing with. I have good tanks, scrappers, brutes, blasters, sentinels, a good peacebringer and a good spider. I’m not a good healer type player, but I do have one good healer, as long as I don’t get too offensive minded. I’m currently working on a mastermind but it has the same problem as my defender, me getting offensive minded. If I’m going off on my own, I usually use my spine/radiation tank or a sentinel. But I can adapt to whatever the people I’m playing with need. If a toon of mine gets high enough, it never gets dropped. I have a bunch of toons below 20 that will never be dusted off. Then everyone is 50 or about there.
  7. If a toon gets to 50, I’m never done with it. It depends on who I’m playing with. I have good tanks, scrappers, brutes, blasters, sentinels, a good peacebringer and a good spider. I’m not a good healer type player, but I do have one good healer, as long as I don’t get too offensive minded. I’m currently working on a mastermind but it has the same problem as my defender, me getting offensive minded. If I’m going off on my own, I usually use my spine/radiation tank or a sentinel. But I can adapt to whatever the people I’m playing with need. If a toon of mine gets high enough, it never gets dropped. I have a bunch of toons below 20 that will never be dusted off. Then everyone is 50 or about there.
  8. My dark/dark tank has acrobatics. Something like 11 toggles in total
  9. I like it too, but endurance sucks. Not devastatingly so, but you have to keep watching it until you either go Physical Perfection, Harmonic Mind, or enhancement sets.
  10. Use Liquid Nitrogen, the AOE nighty-night gas, I forgot its name, then pick them off. It saved my life in the snake hatchery. And tranq dart was a big part of it.
  11. I made an arsenal/arsenal dominator. I’m not so sure it’s a great choice, but it’s starting off ok.
  12. Nothing about any of my toons is normal
  13. I had a toon in the live days, a fire/willpower tank, that couldn’t be killed by a Giant Monster. I couldn’t kill the GM either . This was due, to a large part, by enhancement sets. I was in a group fighting Jack in Irons in Talos one Halloween. I put the tank on auto-taunt, I logged on my second account, got my gravity/kenetics controller and we had and with the other toons, we had enough buffs/debuffs to get the job done. The funny thing is, the regular monsters in Peregrine could kill her. Anyway, although I don’t think one toon should be able to stand up to a GM and not be killed, it was fun and sometimes useful, skill. Nowadays, I have 4 accounts and every one has at least one toon that can do it. One of them is a bio brute. Once you’ve played a game long enough, you have to find your own new goals. I still play Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 because it’s better than any amusement park game since. But I have to set my own goals now. I built an entirety underground chairlift once. This led me to my current project, an entirely underground park. Why, because I can. It’s kind of like that in Homecoming. My current plan revolves around the fact that I have many tanks and brutes and at least one scrapper and sentinel who can solo +4x8 radios and tip missions at level 50. Can I get any other archetype to do it? I’ve got an arachnos spider and a warshade who are close. It’s what keeps me in the game for now. It may bother some people that I’m decked out in all sets and generic IOs, but rest assured, almost every toon I have leveled up by content to at least 35 and I have a good idea what they can and can’t do. So if you see a mini mode arachnos jumping spider or blazingly pink warshade it’s probably me. But if I’m doing something that strikes you as crazy, just remember, the only way to find out what is possible is to go beyond it into the impossible. Jimpy A snappy message should appear here
  14. You mean some people don’t use funny or punny names?
  15. Unless I’m in a random pickup group, I don’t use Orobourus itself, I use the -I’ll at in my base. But I do use it a lot for badge hunting. Almost all of my toons use it for High Pain Threshold.
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